I called the National Visa Center for the past several days and kept getting the recorded message, "All operators are busy, please try your call again later," then was disconnected. Frustrated, I decided to push the #2 Spanish option. Well...my call went through on the first try and I only waited several minutes to speak to an operator. We had no problem communicating and she even started speaking Spanglish while I continued in Spanish. I would recommend that anyone having a problem getting through to the NVC on the English line, try the Spanish line, even if you only know a few words. Maybe throw in a "buenas diaz or tardes," a "si," and "gracias" for good measure. I'm sure that most of the NVC Spanish operators speak good English as well.
Thinking it may have been a fluke, I tried again later with the same result. I tried the English number again and still couldn't get through.
Dave H.