I am Rafe, age 44. I posted a couple times many years ago at Planet-Love with questions about Korea.
I have been chatting with a Vietnamese woman for over 2 years. She is a widow with a 3 year old daughter.
I am going to Ho Chi Minh to visit her April 3 - April 16. I am not sure if we will travel anywhere other than Ho Chi minh or not. She says we will dicuss that when we are together.
She was in the U.S. once last fall for a conferance, but I was not able to arrange for time off of work to meet her then.
I am excited about going there to meet her finally. I am ready for the feeling that comes when not many people speak english and not being able to read any of the signs. Maybe like in Korea, some of the people in the tourist type areas will know a little english.
If anyone has been to Vietnam and has any advice let me know. Thanks...