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Author Topic: Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons  (Read 3215 times)

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Offline EricandCaro

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Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:55:51 PM »


Instant Immersion Spanish Lessons with Colombian Introductions

Why take an Instant Immersion Colombian Spanish lesson with Colombian Introductions?
Today, more than ever, people are seeing the benefits of learning one of the most widely spoken languages in the world SPANISH. Learning Spanish is not only fun and satisfying, it will create valuable opportunities for you when meeting Colombian women. Dating across language barriers can be very challenging but with our help and your commitment, you will find the foreign dating experience more enjoyable.

We are offering you the opportunity to learn Spanish in the comfort of your own home or work office with an experienced native Colombian Spanish teacher. Our online Instant Immersion Colombian Spanish program will help you to achieve your Spanish learning goals in an incredibly efficient manner.

What is an online Immersion Course: Lesson/Conversation Program?
Our online immersion Spanish program is a private (one to one) Spanish virtual course that uses Skype audio to communicate live. Colombian Introductions offers a basic and advanced curriculum that will help improve your Spanish at a comfortable pace. The program will be comprised of lesson and conversation. The lessons will help you to learn grammar, verbs, vocabulary and common Colombian expressions. The conversation will help you to apply what you have learned and develop your ear. The Colombian accent is different from other Latin countries.  During the conversational Spanish lesson, we will pretend that you have boarded the plane to Colombia and only Spanish is spoken and understood.  We will begin with small dialogue. As you Spanish improves we will progress with more challenging dialogue until you are able to hold and entire conversation in Spanish! This will give you the practical experience you need to develop your pronunciation and confidence with the language. This is the instant immersion learning experience and we are offering it to you at an affordable price.

How does it work?
We use the Internet and Skype software to create a virtual classroom environment in which to communicate live. Sign up by sending request to Please provide your Skype ID, email address, phone number and availability. Payment is made via PayPal or money order. A Paypal payment email will be sent to you if you wish to pay via PayPal. The first lesson is FREE!

What is the course schedule?
Mornings (from 6 am until 9 am)
Evenings (from 6 pm until 10 pm) - Flexible Upon Customer request – Pending

What is the Cost?
The first 50 minute lessons are FREE!
 Now we offer you some options:

50 minute Private Lessons
$15 hour for Colombian Introductions members
$20 hour for non-members

2 hrs (session:1:40 min)
$25 hour for Colombian Introductions members
$35 hour or non member

10 Private Spanish Sessions at only
 $140 (ONLY$12 HR) for Colombian Introductions members
 $180 for non-members

Can I get help setting up my computer to receive Internet skype calls?
We would be happy to help. Please email us at and we will take you through the steps necessary to get started with your one on one Spanish lesson.

Can I try your services free?
Yes. We offer a free, 50 minute long lesson. Just sign up for our Free Trial version
Are there any additional costs besides the course fee? No. You only pay a single fee for your live online class.

I'm planning to travel soon so Will it be this 1 to 1 class benefit me?
Certainly, you can make the most of your immersion experience by learning some of the material before you travel and then continue online lessons, regularly or occasionally, to hone or maintain your skills.
What happens if I can't attend an online class due to technical problems (no Internet access, computer crash etc.)?
In case you can't attend a course due to technical problems, please let us know immediately and your online course will be rescheduled without any additional cost.

I just need a refresher before my trip can I just take a few lessons?
Of course, just talk to your instructor about what you would like to brush up on.

If I do not have a web camera can I still participate in an online language course?
Yes, although we recommend buying one. They are not expensive and it's nice to be able to see your instructor.

At Colombian Introductions, we are committed to protecting your privacy. We use the information we collect about you to process lesson requests and to provide a more personalized experience.

What Information Do We Collect? How Do We Use It?
When you sign up for lessons, we need to know your name, SkypID, e-mail address and phone number. This allows us to process and fulfill your request and to notify you of your lesson status.

Register and upload a professional looking picture for discount
Sign up and start learning Spanish Today!
First Session FREE!

Best wishes,
Eric & Caro

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Re: Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2008, 07:13:39 PM »
Eric & Caro,

You guys are certainly going to stir things up in the agency industry! I think this is a great idea for helping people learn the language. So far, I have been very impressed with your thinking and innovative ideas. Your use of the technology that is out there is fresh and will be a great benefit to your clients. I am interested in following your progress as I think you will have a very great agency. If you are interested in setting up English classes as well for your female members, you will definitely be on to something. If you do the English classes for walk-ins, you could also recruit from that pool. Keep up the good work!
Live as if you will die tomorrow, Plan as if you will live forever...

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Re: Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 11:54:57 PM »

That is a great idea Eric and Carol..

I am very impressed with your idea's and innovation..

You deserve the five stars you got on this thread..


Re: Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2008, 11:54:57 PM »

Offline Kiltboy1

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Re: Colombian Introductions- Onlnie Immersion Spanish Lessons
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 01:57:29 AM »
Good Stuff

I like people that think outside the box and charge "RESONABLE PRICES"
Hopefully many Espanol challenged guys will take advantage of this service.Can only help them make better choices and decisions in there search for a good mate.

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !


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