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Author Topic: Is it possible to get a visa to US by sending a letter of invitation in Colombia  (Read 1529 times)

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Offline lawrence

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My friend say it is possible to receive a visa to the United States if an American sends a letter of invitation along with a plane ticket. The Colombian must also prove that she has reasons to return to Colombia. If possible, probably very remote.

Offline william3rd

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You are right- it is possible but very remote.

Most Colombians have difficulties in showing sufficient contacts to the home country to warrant a favorable exercise of discretion by the consulate.

The burden is on the alien to show clear and convincing proof of eligibility for the benefit. If not clearly approvable, the application must be denied.

Boyfriends sending plane tickets and invitations do not rise to the level of an intention to return home after a temporary visit to the United States
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline Ray

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Having a letter of invitation and a round-trip plane ticket does help to explain the purpose of her trip and how she will pay for it.

However, a young, single lady going to visit a boyfriend or fiancé is usually a death knell for any chances at a visitor visa. It just looks like there is a good chance she will get married in the U.S. and adjust status instead of returning.

I would guess that not mentioning visiting a male friend in U.S. would give her a better chance at a visa. But then again, she will have to disclose the purpose of her trip and who will be financing her on her visa application form, and she will have to answer related questions at her visa interview.

It is also important to keep in mind that the visa only gets you on the plane to the U.S. The final authority on whether she is admitted will lie with the ICE agent at her POE. She should expect some tough questioning by the immigration people on arrival.

It will cost $100 to apply for a visa whether it’s approved or not. If you do purchase a plane ticket, make sure it’s refundable.

Offline Montrealer

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Before I got married, I tried to get my wife a student visa to come to Canada, and she was denied because she couldn't provide proof that she had a reason to come back to Colombia.  The would like the applicant to have property in their name which would help a lot, as well as maybe a large family that is dependent on that person.  That should improve your chances if possible.  And like others said, don't write on the invitation because she's your girlfriend.

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