I had the same exact thing happen with me and my trainwreck calena ex wife, The same MO as your friend's loco stupida. They all try to play that game and i know for a fact my ex was coached by the Latino community on how to do this. From conversation with Immigration officials and also Attorneys, it should not really pose much of a problem for you friend. The ways the enforcement of the laws are today, the minute she stepped foot in The USA, she was here to stay, regardless of if she trays to build a bogus case or not. B50, that is what they are called in NC where i live, can be served on anyone for any reason without any evidence anything even happened. I expect the scammer Latina will not even show up for the court date as Latinas hate confrontation and also i expect she will not spend the $$ to hire an attorney. Mine never showed and the judge looked at the case and laughed and threw it out of court.