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Offline casualencounterincali

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« on: August 17, 2007, 11:39:30 AM »
Hey guys my name is Walter Mora, I am the go to guy. I am a professional an meeting beautiful women in Cali, so for the guys that talks bad about me. You need to understand that if you want to meet beautiful women anywhere in the world you have to spend money. you can't be chip real players know that.

OK, Juan Carlos is a person that just started in the game, I have nine years doing introduccions.

I have a web site
I also provide transportation.
Tour guide

I have style. I will give you one of my secrets how to meet beautiful women. You need to have style, be polite an funny and always smiling
keep women entertaiment and they will love you for it.

If you want to meet beautiful women, you need a professional pick up arts, so please call me and I will change your life.

Juan Carlos has not style, no web site and his english is so so.
He will make you look bad in front of the women.

Thank you much.

Ok guy so call me
Office: 57 2 6642186
Cellphone: 57 311 6276619


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