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Author Topic: Back from Baq II  (Read 2646 times)

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Offline chizz

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Back from Baq II
« on: June 03, 2007, 07:37:26 AM »
Hello all,
I will now pick up where I left off yesterday. I ended it with saying that the secretary made an appointment with a girl I had actually talked to earlier this year for monday. I will call her girl no. 6. But let me just throw this in the mix. Early on saturday morning, about 10:00am, I asked the secretary to call girl no. 2 to ask her if she was positive she could not see me today(saturday). She called her and girl no. 2 said again, that it was no way possible. I said ok, and left it at that. Fast forward to 5:00pm. I called girl no.2 myself(I can speak enough spanish to carry on a conversation) just to say hi, and see how she was doing. She said she was doing fine, and that she had something to ask me. I said ok. Then she said that her friend and her boyfriend had invited girl no.2 and myself out dancing with them. Immediately, the first thought that popped into my head was "What the F**k????", didn't she say she had plans and there was no way she could see me today? I asked her about that, and she said that she canceled her plans. My thought at that time was, "well why couldn't she cancel her plans for me, if that was the case?" I didn't ask her on the phone, preferring to wait until I saw her in person. I said, "well, I have plans tonight myself, because you said you couldn't see me tonight, I'm meeting up with someone else. She said ok, and asked if her brother could come with us on sunday? I said "why?" She said because they study english together, and that he speaks english better than her, and he would like to practice. I said fine, and the conversation ended. At about 7:30, girl no. 5 arrived, and there was a little bit of nervousness on both our parts because we had spoken so much, on the phone and with hotmail messenger using a webcam. But we had a great time, we went to eat at a place called pizza loca. She got a kick out of the fact, that I kept talking in english to the waitresses and acting as if they understood me. I would give them my order, and asked them what they think about the weather, and sports, and they would smile with a "what the hell is saying" look on their face, and stare at my date. Girl no. 5 would always say "oh he's just playing around with you". Then they would laugh. We finished up, and went dancing at this reggae club near frogs legs and had a great time. Later we went back to the agency, and said our goodbyes. She also paid for her taxi when she came to the agency, but she lived to far away, and I insisted on paying her way both ways.  Pretty much the norm in terms of how much the taxi fare is for the girls to come to the agency, and to return home was 5000 pesos each way, but girl no. 5's was 13000 each way, so I insisted on paying for hers.
Sunday came, and I got some studying done, and browse through the agency profiles again, and picked out a girl I had selected before(again, at least im consistent) but she wasn't interested( In the afternoon, I took a trip out to buena vista, and walked around and did some shopping. I came back at around 3:00, and the secretary told me that girl no. 2 called and said that she had a casting call tonight, but would explain it to me when she came to see me tonight. I said ok, and called up girl no. 5, and we talked about her family and pretty much everything. At around 5:00pm girl no. 2 arrived, and she looked good!!! My god! only in colombia!! She said that her casting call was for 6:00pm, but that she still wanted to go out. Ok, now im thinking, this woman isn't to reliable, i asked her what time did you find this out, she said her agent called her around 1:00 and told her. She said that her casting was in front of buena vista. I said, well instead of you going there and then coming back here, and then us going back to buena vista, why don't I just come with you and wait. She said that "well........we're meeting in front of buena vista, and then going to a hotel, so I don't know how long it's going to take". Ok, now this whole thing is sounding flaky to me, and I can see i can't take this girl seriously. i told her, that i want to spend quality time with her, and not to have her having to rush around to be with me, and would prefer another day, and recommended tuesday. She said ok, and said she needed to change, and could she use my bathroom. I said yeah, go ahead. She came out.....and how can I explain this.......Did you ever see those bugs bunny cartoons, where he dresses as a sexy woman to fool the wolf, and  when the wolf sees him, his body stretches, and his jaw hits the floor, and his eyes pop out of his head, and multiplies..well that's what I did when she came out of the bathroom. She had on half a shirt, the pair of the skimpiest shorts I ever saw, and some sexy heels. I told her I need to take a picture of this, because my friends will never in million years believe this. She turned red, and was tentative about me taking her picture, and I don't remember if i did or didn't. She was 5'81/2" and with heels on about 5'10". Also before I go any further, I have to say the ages. Girl no.1 was 32, girl no.2 was 27, girl no. 3 was 29, girl no 4. was 24, girl no. 5 was 26, and girl no. 6. was 26. Now, back to the story. She left and I  ended up calling girl no. 5 again, and she came over, and we went to buena vista to see spider man. I had already seen it, but she didn't. We came back to the agency and talked some more, then she had to go home. I also spoke with Jamie, and he came to me and said that the girls here in colombia like to go out, and to stay inside is not something they like to do. He was referring to the fact that when girl no. 2 came over the first night,  we just talked on the sofa. I said to him," It wasn't my idea, she wanted to stay in, I wanted to go out". He found that very odd, because the girls normally like to go out. He then asked what happened tonight with her, I told him she had a casting appointment at buena vista, and couldn't make it. I also told him about what happened saturday. He didn't like it, and said this isn't right, something's up. I agreed. He said there's 24hrs in a day, if a woman wants to see you, she shouldn't have a problem doing so. I agreed, and really started to think that girl no. 2 was not going to work out......but dam she looks good!!!

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Re: Back from Baq II
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2007, 07:42:01 AM »
I'll pick it up from monday, later.

Offline jediknight

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Re: Back from Baq II
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 08:27:09 AM »
nice age range, not too young for a man your age.
so how are you feeling about no.2? based on what you wrote, it sounds like she's someone who enjoys a lot of attention. is that someone you would feel comfortable with? one of the first girls i met in cartagena a few years ago wanted to go into acting and then i knew this girl is not for me. she loved going out, going on auditions, getting attention, putting a family second behind her career, not the girl i was looking for. anyway, i'm sure you've thought about why she was behaving the way she was. maybe she had a date that night and he cancelled and you were the runner up? she may look good but she's not the only one, there are hundreds of great looking girls in barranquilla. if something doesn't feel right, don't fight it, listen to your instincts and move on to the next one. a trip like this should be stress free of having to deal with schedules. by the way, did these girls know you were flying down? just wondering if they had a heads up to plan ahead to reserve time for you.
it seems to me that someone who is really interested will go out of their way to include you in her schedule.

Re: Back from Baq II
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2007, 08:27:09 AM »

Offline chizz

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Re: Back from Baq II
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2007, 03:11:24 PM »
Yeah Jedi, I just feel that I would like a little more maturity in a woman, that could only come from age and experience. Im not knocking anyone who wants a 18 year old, or even a 21 year old, but for me, that's to young. Yeah, the girls knew i was coming down, it was just a matter of setting up the appointments.

Offline EbonyPrince

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Re: Back from Baq II
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2007, 03:38:54 PM »
I personally have had more success with the younger women between 22 and 25 as far as maturity.  The girls that I have met, not all, have been pretty flaky.  The problem that I have noticed in the young ones is that they are somewhat persistent to the point of getting on your nerves.


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