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Author Topic: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?  (Read 4142 times)

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Offline markanthony7

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Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« on: June 17, 2007, 06:10:29 AM »
Do Americans Tourist stereotype Colombians?

Recently a customer contacted me with a serious allegation accusing one of my employees of unethical conduct, I was furious and had intentions on discharging him for his indiscretion but I reserved my judgment and investigated the issue first, after I gather a substantial amount of facts and interviewed witnesses and compared them to the clients account of the story, I found the allegations to be inconsistent and groundless. I ultimately came to the conclusion that this particular client had a prejudices attitude toward Colombians in general because he had some negative experiences in the past.

Question do American tourist have a stereotypical perception that all Colombians are "grifters" and "scam artist", waiting for an opportunity to victimize us with the "Gringo Special"? or are these formulated biases and generalizations valid?

Offline william3rd

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2007, 06:49:02 AM »
That perception is a long-standing one that seems to encompass most countries of the world, not just a stereotype of Colombians. From Russia to Thailand, there are always views that US tourists need to be wary of the locals. Going back to military service, even military "tourists" received warnings on how the locals would be trying to screw us.
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Offline markanthony7

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2007, 08:22:41 AM »
I don't know if I am a softy but sometimes I see the poverty that these locals are subjected to and I feel a sort of compassion, the financial sufferage they are subjected to I would not wish on my worst enemies but they on the other side of my conscience I see the need to up hold a moral standard of ethics, fraud is fraud and stealing is stealing

Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2007, 08:22:41 AM »

Offline EbonyPrince

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2007, 09:15:25 AM »
Yes Americans do stereotype Colombians and many nationalities.  I have seen and heard it first hand.  On my recent visit from Colombia, I was picked out to be searched by a woman in customs.  This was my first time.  She asked me questions about why I was in Colombia.  She said and I quote: "Men go to Colombia for one of two reasons, drugs or the women, and I am trying to figure out why you are going down there".  I looked her in the eye and I stated: "Well I am not involved in drugs..." :).

On the other hand, there are many people in other countries that jump at the opportunity to take advantage of Americans.  I have also seen this first hand.  I love Colombia people and the Colombian culture.  I have typically had nothing but positive experiences in Colombia.  The people are typically inquisitive and want you to enjoy their country.  There are however sometimes American prices and Colombian prices.  Some Colombians will tell you this first hand.  A Colombian can get some items cheaper than Americans can.

With all that said, I don't know if you know the same person that I know.  If you are speaking of the same person, I will say that the American's perceptions were the cause and a little skewed.  This person is a very open-minded and understanding person.  I even spoke highly of your person while trying to calm the drama.  After returnining home and thinking things through, I have to agree with the person making the acquisations.  I got pretty close to all parties.  Everyone that knows me knows that I am a stand-up guy, and I try to be understanding of all situations.  I like you Mark as a person, and I strongly feel that you are being taken advantage of.  Based on the information that I have, which has nothing to do with the other American, I strongly believe that you and ADE would be much better off without this person that you have working for you.  After glorifying your person, I later found out that I was bold-faced lied to.  As I always say: "If walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck".  There are so many more people that you can find in Colombia that will respect you more and do ADE a better service. 

This was the first time that I have ever encountered this, and I am sure that it won't be the last.  People are people all over the world.  There are good and bad in every country and race....period!  As I said, this person can not be trusted. Unfortunately you will eventually find this out in time.

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2007, 10:19:12 AM »
Question do American tourist have a stereotypical perception that all Colombians are "grifters" and "scam artist", waiting for an opportunity to victimize us with the "Gringo Special"? or are these formulated biases and generalizations valid?

Obviously when the word "ALL" is used it is not correct.  I have always been aware that Gringo pricing is sometimes different, but that is not really a big deal, so long as it is still reasonable. 

Sometimes locals are out to scam, sometimes they are not.  I try to look at the individual and the little non-verbal things to decide if I trust them or not. That also pertains to the ladies as well.   I have a heightened awareness of these actions due to a line of work I am in, and I would definately say that there are some locals, that work close with agencies, whose main objective is to strip you of your cash, while providing little service.  I can think of a couple I ran across in Cali... It is up to the individual to figure out who working against you and who truely is looking out for you.  All in all, I think it is prudent to keep your guard up, but do not be afraid to put it back down after you have met a reliable/honest person.

« Last Edit: June 18, 2007, 07:00:01 PM by Dan »
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Offline markanthony7

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2007, 06:10:00 PM »
1. Ebony Prince there definitely is a two tier price in the Colombian economical  tourist system you have the "Colombian local price" and the "Gringo price", actually I don't know if it is scamming or just a price "mark up", which could be legitimate depending on the fair market value of the product, many of us make money by resale and price commission why is it scamming if a Colombian does this but we construe ourselves as legitmate business men or sales reps.

2. On the other thing about my employee I discovered some things that I would like to relate to you, you don't know all the facts regarding the situation, if you want I will explain, I have worked with him for a good season now and I am not glorifying him, the customers have been believe me when I tell you he is a crowd pleaser and a fan favorite, you cannot judge his overall job performance on one or two experience, I am looking at his job and customer service for two years with very little complaint, with that said even Lebron James and M. Jordan has a bad game, nobody's %100 but if negative issues become habitual then you have a problem
« Last Edit: June 17, 2007, 06:11:35 PM by markanthony7 »

Offline EbonyPrince

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2007, 09:38:51 PM »
I have not had any negative experiences with Colombians that I can name.  I am pretty fair-minded and very cautious, but I would be a fool to think that there aren't scammers in Colombia.  I have encountered exceptional people trying to give me a good experience with their country.  As I said there are good and bad all over the world, and I know that some people have been scammed.  On the other hand Americans are notorious for stereotyping and most of us generally have an imperalistic attitude when it comes to other countries.

Mark you can talk to me anytime about anything.  As I said, I wholeheartedly trust you and hope you all the success in the world.  I typically get pretty close to everyone that I meet, or I least attempt to. We can continue our conversation on the subject if you wish, but I would like to stay on topic here.  I will say that the person that you speak of is a good friend, loves Colombia, loves Colombians, is not prejudice, is very open-minded, and would do anything for anyone.  So I will defend him at all cost.  His issue like a lot of people is perception and expectation. 

You have known your people longer than myself.  I was told, and it may be a lie, that they got closer to me than they were with you.  I also gave my word that "What happens in Cartagena stays in Cartagena".  When you have a chance we can maintain dialogue of my suggestions to improve your agency.  As time allows I will continue to update my trip report.

Offline atomik

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2007, 06:39:32 PM »
I believe I am the dissatisfied customer in question.  Mark does not know me beyond the $50 I sent him for a few contacts.  So his characterization of me as prejudiced is unfair.  My problem with his employee was my first dissappointment in Colombia or any other Latin nation for that matter.  Maybe it was all a big misunderstanding and I have spoken directly with Mark about how he can clear it up in my mind.  As to what "facts" are missing from EPs understanding, I have no clue.  Mark, please share them with us here.  I would love to hash it out openly.

Offline markanthony7

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2007, 01:02:05 AM »
Before we continue this discussion I want to clarify the theme of this thread, I do not want to misconstrue "racial prejudice" and stereotyping, like an Archy Bunker bigot and racist attitude toward people of color or National origin but the business ethics and conduct that Colombians are infamous for and routinely accused of implementing when financially or commercially transacting with tourist, are these biases and preconceived notions that are sometimes  held by whites, blacks and even Hispanics legitimate or inappropriate?  "The Gringo special"

Offline atomik

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2007, 07:46:01 PM »
First, any prejudice is bad, no matter where it is directed.  Your original intention for this thread may have been a discussion about cultural prejudice, but for me it is a direct slander of my integrity.  In your thread starter you accuse me of being prejudiced.  You suggested I read what you wrote again to see that I mis-interpreted your message.  Maybe you should take your own advice.

Offline Nicks

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2007, 09:33:14 AM »
Well, here in the neighbouring country of panama, the locals in general dont trust the colombians. They even tried to put up a special VISA to avoid colombians coming to panama. This is mostly due to two reasons:

1.. most of the strip joints hire colombian women. The US has warned panama, of this, since suposedly it helps white slavery.

2. There have been many killings involving locals, being shot by colombians, read drugs. As well as each time there is a major drug bust, guess who some of the involved are.

Now, intrestingly enough, the bars, restaurants and hotels, like to hire colombins, both men and women, since they are alot more service minded than the locals.

In panama, there are no GRINGO prices per se, there are Whitey prices, which covers everyone not panamanian, or latin.


Offline EbonyPrince

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2007, 10:34:21 AM »
IMO every country generalize about people from other countries or races.  Panama has a better economy than Colombia, thus Colombians go there for better opportunity.  Finding Colombianas in strip joints in Panama is not different than finding Eastern Europeans or latinas in strip joints in Florida.  I also would assume that the Colombians causing trouble in Panama are pretty bad people.  They would be bad whether in Colombia or the US.  Since I have been going to Colombia, I have been made more aware of Colombians living here in the US.  Just like the many nice Colombians that I have met in Colombia, I have met many law-abiding and hard-working Colombians here in the states.

Unfortunately I still sometime fight the battles and stereotypes regarding my trips to Colombia here with ignorant and uneducated people regarding Colombia.  Fortunately it is never anyone in my family, which I guess speaks to how I was raised :).  As I always say "People are people all over the world regardless of color or origin".  The only thing that separates us are culture. 

I am not a fan of gringo or whitey prices, because I feel this still takes an unfair advantage of people.  It still boils down to favoratism and preferential treatment.  When I shop in Colombia, I ask myself how much will this cost me at home.  I have told some Colombian vendors why in the hell would I pay more here for something that I can get at home cheaper (Ecomomics 101).

Offline pan de bono

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2007, 04:26:51 AM »
Hey Nick do they have any special prices for beige? Im not exacly white im more of a beige.

Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2007, 04:26:51 AM »

Offline bigstew33

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2007, 05:34:15 AM »
Hey Nick do they have any special prices for beige? Im not exacly white im more of a beige.

I read this then went to the bathroom ( I know TMI) But a thought came to mind.  Are all people from the US considered gringos?  Latins, Asians, African Americans.  Or just the white people? 

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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2007, 07:33:42 AM »
Do Americans Tourist stereotype Colombians?

Recently a customer contacted me with a serious allegation accusing one of my employees of unethical conduct, I was furious and had intentions on discharging him for his indiscretion but I reserved my judgment and investigated the issue first, after I gather a substantial amount of facts and interviewed witnesses and compared them to the clients account of the story, I found the allegations to be inconsistent and groundless. I ultimately came to the conclusion that this particular client had a prejudices attitude toward Colombians in general because he had some negative experiences in the past.

Question do American tourist have a stereotypical perception that all Colombians are "grifters" and "scam artist", waiting for an opportunity to victimize us with the "Gringo Special"? or are these formulated biases and generalizations valid?

After having read the trip reports, I am curious as to what your investigations turned up, and also, what the investigation by the port authorities uncovered. It seems fairly obvious that there was a switch on the boats, and since the Captain of the bogus vessel introduced himself as "Lorenzo", it appears that someone provided him with that name to use. You don't have to wonder very long who that most likely was.
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Re: Do American Tourist stereotype Colombian People?
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2007, 07:38:29 AM »
I read this then went to the bathroom ( I know TMI) But a thought came to mind.  Are all people from the US considered gringos?  Latins, Asians, African Americans.  Or just the white people? 

Gringo is actually a very deragatory term that loosely translates to "horse's ass",  "jackass" or worse. Most foreigners who have never been to America pretty much think all Americans are White.
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