I was driving to my mothers house the other day and decided to go by way of the Houston Ship Channel over the Loop 610 bridge. Normally when I go this way I like to look off to the left from the left (Fast) lane at the Car terminal where there are literally thousands of cars that have been imported that will be shipped around the country. The bridge is so wide you can't see both sides from that lane. This time I was in the right lane and noticed on the north side of the bridge some imported metal structures. This peek my curiosity so I stayed in that lane till I could get a better look. What I say was blades to a fan? about 250-300 feet long bound in groups of 4. There were three groups. I looked several times and had my wife confirm what I was seeing. Put together these fans would be as big as a city block already nearly as big as a football field without assembly.
Does anyone have an idea what such a huge fan would be for?
The Bear Family