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Author Topic: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?  (Read 3246 times)

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Offline Looking4Wife

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Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« on: March 08, 2007, 06:38:10 AM »
There are always variations of this question that people ask us when they find out we are travelling to Latin America, Colombia, etc.

Why don't you just find somebody (a wife) here?
Why would you go all the way over there?

I've even heard the erroneous "Dude, why would you sell yourself short?" as I thought to myself, "Dude, have you SEEN these pictures of these women?"...

For me the bottom line is: 

When I first went to Colombia, I DID NOT have the idea that I would no longer date American women.   As I have said previously, I have always dated gorgeous women from the USA including my ex-wife. 

Finding dates is one thing.  Finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is another thing.

I went to Colombia on a comparison basis, and continued to pursue American women (at least at some level), until I found my Colombian Queen.

So the bottom line is that finding Latina love on foreign soil doesn't have to necessarily be a mutually exclusive alternative to dating gringas.  It just so happens that looking at the two options... Latinas tend to win out HANDS DOWN for many of us.   :)


Offline Fuzzyone

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 07:19:42 AM »
There are always variations of this question that people ask us when they find out we are travelling to Latin America, Colombia, etc.

Why don't you just find somebody (a wife) here?
Why would you go all the way over there?

I've even heard the erroneous "Dude, why would you sell yourself short?" as I thought to myself, "Dude, have you SEEN these pictures of these women?"...

For me the bottom line is: 

When I first went to Colombia, I DID NOT have the idea that I would no longer date American women.   As I have said previously, I have always dated gorgeous women from the USA including my ex-wife. 

Finding dates is one thing.  Finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is another thing.

I went to Colombia on a comparison basis, and continued to pursue American women (at least at some level), until I found my Colombian Queen.

So the bottom line is that finding Latina love on foreign soil doesn't have to necessarily be a mutually exclusive alternative to dating gringas.  It just so happens that looking at the two options... Latinas tend to win out HANDS DOWN for many of us.   :)


    I have heard it most from woman, my responce is the following " please do not feel threatened, you have a husband at home who cooks for you , cleans and will take you out for dinner even if you have a lock on that chasity belt. I really do not think he will go any where he has been doing the same thing this long what will change him now? A woman who will complain if he does not kiss her enough? A woman who gets upset when he starts washing the dishes? A woman that when he comes home from work wants to tell him how much she missed him all day? you don't have to worry just keep complaining that he missed a spot on a cup he just washed, he will wake up one of these days."

Offline bundy_138

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 07:22:47 AM »
I firmly believe that there is such a thing as an Americanized Woman.  The Colombian Woman to me is a work of art.  Their whole belief system is completely different than women in the USA.  The Colombian woman loves her man.  She loves her family and it is the most important thing in her life, everything else comes second.  I can not believe the amount of affection and attention I received from my Novia.  I am guessing it was more affection than I received from my last three girlfriends here.  I do not date "gringas".  I have only dated Latin women, most who have lived in the USA for some time.  They have been Americanized enough to turn me off.

I have never had trouble finding a woman here, just trouble finding the right one for a long term relationship.  I do not want a money hungry, materialistic, dishonest, uncaring gringa for a wife.  (If it isn't that way in the beginning, it will eventually turn that way)  If you can have a relationship with a woman from Colombia and keep her in Colombia, you will have a great relationship.  I plan on retiring in Colombia in the next few years and I hope to keep the next women I marry at my side for the rest of my life.


If you don't take care of your woman, someone else will.  (Bundy)

Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 07:22:47 AM »

Offline blockbuster

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 11:00:28 AM »
 I had a friend who looks like a GQ model blond haired,blue eyed and cut ask me this very question early during the week. The guy dates the hottest women available from 18-30. Most of them foreign girls. He loves Latinas and Brazilians the most and wonders why I'm getting on a plane when they are all over the U.S.

 I pointed out to him, those very same 10's he dates are getting spoiled and picky in the U.S.. He says no they are not. They cook for him. Most of his girls bought him gifts for Christmas and he did'nt get them anything. I told him, first those same girls who he thinks are sweet treat most of us "average guys" like crap in America unless you have the bucks or look like him. Otherwise, they expect a man to kiss their butt.

   I also reminded him most of these girls have boyfriends or husbands so they are not exactly "traditional" as it is so easy for him to cheat with them. He laughed and said that is what he loves about them,the fact they are so passionate and sexual and he needs to make no commitment at all, but still gets what he wants. But he finally understood if you are looking for a "wife",you get a much better "traditional and respectful" wife going straight to the source. The foreign girls he dates here are too busy looking good and competing on who can get the guy with the biggest bucks and have the hottest "boy toys" on the side. I'm not knocking him as I'd love to be in his shoes.

Offline sawyer1370

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 11:23:38 AM »
Some great points being made here.  I’ve been married to my wife for 8 years now.  I was in my late 20’s when I decided to make my first trip.  I wasn’t having any problems getting dates with good looking women.  But most either were just playing games, or were looking for someone to buy them stuff.  Let’s be honest, our society is very, very materialistic.  Even after being here 9 years, my wife is still amazed at all the crap Americans feel they need.  I felt I would have to settle in terms of what I wanted and expected from a woman and from a relationship.  I’m a passion and affection person, and really needed someone like that.  Most American women don’t seem to be like that.

Here are some of the things I had noticed before from the few Latina’s or women that had a Latin background.  Most of the stuff that the agencies promote is true.  They are very loving, caring, and considerate and truly value a good man.  Where as if you just try to be a nice and considerate guy in an average relationship here in the U.S. most women will walk all over you.  They want guys who have some type of that bad boy mystique or something.

Having been married for a while now, here are some things I know.  My wife loves me as much as I love her, which I never felt in any previous relationship.  She is willing to do the little things to make me happy and just be nice.  Here are a few examples.  At night and in the morning, if she gets to the bathroom before me, my toothbrush will have toothpaste on it for me.  I get dinner made most nights, as well as a nice home cooked meal for lunch every day to take to work.  My wife truly values money, and the effort it takes to make it.  She would never needlessly spend money on herself for stuff she doesn’t need like shoes, clothes, jewelry, etc.  She is almost as affectionate as me.  She always looks great when ever we go anywhere.  She works hard to keep in shape and making sure my eyes never have a need to stray.

My wife still makes comments at some of the crap that most other American women do, and how their view of a relationship is very different than hers.  She actually respects me and supports me, and I do the same for her.  I have made it a point to be very observant of other marriages, and I don’t see many that have the type of balance between the things that are important to me that my marriage to a Latina has.  For me it was more wanting something that our culture has seemed to kind of do away with.  Too bad, because it has eroded our country in other areas as well, but that is a different topic, for a different day, on a different forum.

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2007, 11:35:50 AM »
Finding dates is one thing.  Finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with is another thing.

Can I get an AMEN out there, brothers?

It's not just Colombia - It's everywhere outside the US and Western Europe IMO. There are plenty of sweet Asian, Latin, Eastern European, and African cuties out there who'll put the average AW to shame when it comes the kind of womenly qualities the average man is looking for.

When spending time around modern American women, I'm often reminded of the late '60s movie "Getting Straight," when Elliot Gould screams at Candice Bergan: "You're not a woman. You're a man .... with a hole in the middle!"

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2007, 11:51:21 AM »

Would you like the short answer?


            Here                                          There

Offline blockbuster

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 11:57:03 AM »
OLO!!! Ok Ray,

 I don't know what part of the u.S. you live. But in my area I rarely see fat girls. The thinner is much more prominent.

 But I have to say I took a trip to the midwest last year. I saw a few ladies who looked like that and hardly a  guy under a 40inch waist. How can people let themselves go like that? Fat is rarely attractive to either sex. America as a whole men and women are getting on the obese epedemic. Even when I travel to other countries many of the American's are fat too.

Offline blockbuster

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2007, 12:28:14 PM »
 I was walking into a supermarket a couple weeks back when a hot women said "nice jacket". So I said "thank you" and started a conversation. She was 27 Costa Rican(I've spent over 6 months there total in last 10+ years) and about a solid 8.5. I thought to ask for her phone number since I figured she seemed interested.

   Anyway, I wait a few days to call. She is on the phone for about 1 minute with me and says there is another call coming in on her line. She'll call me right back. Guess what? She never did. People here are getting to be such flakes. It's not that there are no hot girls here. They are all over. Like larry said, the hot ones say they want a relationship with a good guy. But given the oppurtunity, they would rather chase money or the bad boy who has about 5 other hot girls around for them to compete with and cause "drama". I don't need this BS!!!

Offline Jamie

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Re: Why don't you just date girls in the USA?
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2007, 10:10:23 PM »
Ray it sickens me that today of all days the day of the woman a day where the world celebrates the unity and joy of women that you would make mockery. Smart man it happens to be the day of the women “Here” and “There”. You should be ashamed of yourself, do you find nothing sacrosanct? Do you feel the day of the woman is the proper occasion for your little fun and games?
By the way is the woman to the very left wearing a bottom bathing suit? If not I am going to push the moderator button. And the one in green she should have found a bigger picnic table cloth to wear I’m going to have to press the moderator button for that too. And why is the skinny redhead allowed to be part of this fat foursome the more I look at her in comparison to the other three the better looking she gets. Yes, she’s ok I can see a semblance of womanhood in her. Not bad at all. It almost looks like she has human legs. I can dig that.
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