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Author Topic: Villages and small towns  (Read 1660 times)

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Offline Nicks

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Villages and small towns
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:32:23 AM »
Greatings people,

i have spent 6 days in the small town of Torti, aprox 10,000 people close to the border to darien province in Panama. I was there setting up a saw mill with a swedish instructor.

The point of this note, is that even though i have been to Torti several times in the passed, i havent spent so many days in a row.

While i was there i took my collge around thd the town, went to some cantinas, and restaurants. What surprised me was the girls that would come up and chat with us, or flirt in the sueprmarket. The town has had its influx of forigners due to the Teak business, and these chicks are used to us white boys being around.

I talk to my operation manager who is a semi local, and he told me that my swedish college should be very carful in dating these girls, since some of them are married but they dont care, also the fathers and brothers and other single mails can get pretty ticked off if forigners date the local women. The reason for this seems to be that the Teal people rode in to town a couple of years ago, flashed money, impressed the girls, and left several of the singel moms, onse they went back to there own countries.

We were also warned about gangs of under aged girls, teasing forigners into bed, and then black mail them for money, or they would go to the police. This happens both to locals and forigners.

has anyone seen or heard something similar happening in colombia or costa rica, where forignes make such an impact that the locals, get up set.

BTW.. some of the girls, were extremly cute and sexi.



Offline papi

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Re: Villages and small towns
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2007, 09:37:06 AM »
Nicks, I have heard of similar problems in Thailand but not LA. I bet the girls are cute...the area of Chiriqui is worth exploration for papi stylin chicas. I'd love a trip report on that area....never been. I just sent you a PM...Lobster sandwich and brew.  Please confirm
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