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Author Topic: What the people in Baq. say  (Read 7335 times)

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Offline soltero

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2007, 10:56:32 PM »
cali is the HOOOOOOCAPITAL of colombia, ok, nuff said about it,

Nuff said...not quite...if Cali is the Ho Capitol of Colombia, Why did your binges keep landing you in Cartagena (when you weren't hitting Medellin?)

Like I said, I will drop it, but your hatred of Cali is obvious and needs to be pointed out. Some of us have ladies there and are pretty tired of all of the dissing. Colombia is Colombia, just like any place else. If you want to find a ho, all you have to do is look for one wherever you are. They are there. Believe that. I find it funny that the main people talking about hoes all the time are the BIGGEST mongers! Talk about spitting in the hand that feeds ya!

I am not trying to ride you, KB. I have nothing against you at all, but the hypocrisy is getting a little stifling. What you call ganging up on you is just guys trying to keep you honest.
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Offline Kiltboy1

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2007, 12:13:57 AM »
Look Soltero

i have been all over everywhere and in every woman's(xoxoxoxo) , well you know, i am not a saint nor born again as papi says, all i am is a guy just like everybody else here that has had the ups and downs in the Latin wife , girlfriend  , search thing. I am no expert nor should anyone and i mean ANYONE  come to me for advice, i have none to give. I do listen and i listen good and Cali is full of Whores, that should be no surprise to anyone that knows Cali. I am not bitter towards Cali in any way, i think that calenas have a different way of thinking then other parts of Colombia and that comes from knowing many different parts and the people that live there , and really i do not care because all is subjective. I want every man that comes to this forum to succeed, including papi. i get my jockstrap in a wad when i hear [snip] that is just not true, but hey, WTF. I am a man that only wants to be with a Latin woman and if i can i will try to help any other man that is looking for the same ,And yes, i have had my share of ladies in Colombian that were not legits, keepers or any other, but at least 50% , were gratis ;), and  if they were your WORKING GIRLS. But really who cares ? my search has never left the course, I want what most want, a good woman that i am in love with. so if you feel the need to continue to bust on  me, have fun, i will laugh with you, but if does not change that i do find some of the best women in LA,, i have found one of the best in my novia in ecaudor, but if it does not workout  i will continue to find  until i find the one that i can live my days out with, see , with or without you guys on this forum, i will always be with the best chicas out there, i am in a wonderful relationship now, but if it fails---NEXTTTTTTTTTTT


She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Offline soltero

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2007, 12:46:45 AM »
Look Soltero

i have been all over everywhere and in every woman's(xoxoxoxo) , well you know, i am not a saint nor born again as papi says, all i am is a guy just like everybody else here that has had the ups and downs in the Latin wife , girlfriend  , search thing. I am no expert nor should anyone and i mean ANYONE  come to me for advice, i have none to give. I do listen and i listen good and Cali is full of Whores, that should be no surprise to anyone that knows Cali. I am not bitter towards Cali in any way, i think that calenas have a different way of thinking then other parts of Colombia and that comes from knowing many different parts and the people that live there , and really i do not care because all is subjective. I want every man that comes to this forum to succeed, including papi. i get my jockstrap in a wad when i hear [snip] that is just not true, but hey, WTF. I am a man that only wants to be with a Latin woman and if i can i will try to help any other man that is looking for the same ,And yes, i have had my share of ladies in Colombian that were not legits, keepers or any other, but at least 50% , were gratis ;), and  if they were your WORKING GIRLS. But really who cares ? my search has never left the course, I want what most want, a good woman that i am in love with. so if you feel the need to continue to bust on  me, have fun, i will laugh with you, but if does not change that i do find some of the best women in LA,, i have found one of the best in my novia in ecaudor, but if it does not workout  i will continue to find  until i find the one that i can live my days out with, see , with or without you guys on this forum, i will always be with the best chicas out there, i am in a wonderful relationship now, but if it fails---NEXTTTTTTTTTTT



Look Kiltboy,

My issue is not with you personally, it is with your constantly disparaging remarks such as Cali is "full of whores", like the same can't be said of anywhere else. The point is, you are constantly dumping on Cali, and I want to be sure that your remarks are taken in context. If you go around looking for whores, you can find them ANYWHERE. The reverse can be said for the "good girls". Seek and you shall find. For the mongers, they see whores everywhere because that's what they are usually looking for. Same with guys who are looking for a different type of woman. You dump on Cali for a reason, which you have explained in relation to your experiences need to go into that. I have never seen a guy hold a grudge against an entire city because of one situation, but hey, if it works for you, then so be it. Your opinion is biased, and so are your constant comments in relation to the city. I want that stated for the record so anyone reading your posts will understand why they are always so flamingly bitter whenever Cali is mentioned. Also, I don't care how you do with the ladies, whether you pay for it or get it for free. That is irrelevant. What you do with your equipment and cash is completely your concern and not mine. I only brought it up because you have been railing against something you yourself have enjoyed and bragged about. Turn over as many leaves as you want, your past is your past and that's that. If you don't want to be reminded of it, stop acting like you have forgotten it yourself by acting like you would never go there, because you have...repeatedly. Nothing wrong with that until you get hypocritical about it.

I am happy for you that you are in another relationship, and I hope that this one turns out to be what you have been searching for.
Live as if you will die tomorrow, Plan as if you will live forever...

Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2007, 12:46:45 AM »

Offline P Daddy

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2007, 04:41:09 AM »
KB, you posted that your search has never left the course, but realisticly, if you slept with just one prostitute while in Colombia, your search has left the course.  And 50% of the whores were gratis??  Well woopdy-do...congratulations!!  That's something I certainly would be proud of ???

KB, sure Cali has it's share of whores, whore houses, and love motels...but it is a FACT, that Medellín and Cartagena are the number one mongering destintations for foreign men in Colombia...hands down, bar NONE...

I wish you much success in your relationship...

Offline papi

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2007, 08:45:04 AM »
I only brought it up because you have been railing against something you yourself have enjoyed and bragged about. Turn over as many leaves as you want, your past is your past and that's that. If you don't want to be reminded of it, stop acting like you have forgotten it yourself by acting like you would never go there, because you have...repeatedly. Nothing wrong with that until you get hypocritical about it.

well said! i indeed felt the recent railings were indeed hypocritical. When an ex-doper gets recruited to speak in front of kids against drugs, he normally would first admit to being an ex-addict. If he's given up the crack, that is all well and good and maybe he should start a chapter of HA (ho's anonymous). Heck, I might just join myself if my cyber-novia works much for the recent increased toll revenues across the rio grande. Yet, some will tell you that if it flies, floats or F..., it is better to rent. I am on the fence...I guess I need to see what happens with my amiga....I don't have the energy to say Next and trying to focus on other areas in my life.
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline Kiltboy1

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2007, 09:04:39 AM »
Like i said

I honestly have nothing against Cali. I think they have a different value system then other cities in Colombia , but thats my opinion. I still have several ladies from Cali that contact me from time to time and if i were not involved, i might go visit them. Do i think Cali is kind of a low class city , yes i do, but again, just an opinion after going to Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena , Barranquilla and some other smaller cities. To me Cali is strictly blue collar . As far as Medellin being a monger destination, i could not tell you. I was at Colombian Sweethearts the one time i was there and they were legit girls, well, they liked money, jeje, but were not hookers.Anyway, that is all i got to say on this subject and i also decided i am not posting anymore on any forum because really there are not too many guys   going south these days, just the same reconstituted junk. If i have any big news of a marriage date, i certainly will let you guys know. Just for the last bit of news before i retire to a regular life, it is a 80% chance i will be moving to Quito by the end of the summer. My Novia wants me to move into her house with her and i pretty much had decided to go EX PAT at some point anyway, and since i doubt i could ever find a better woman if i searched for the next 20 years, i am going to take a leap of faith and follow my dream. So good luck to all out there on this journey , YES EVEN YOU PAPI , get your act together and you are not such a bad guy . Took me going through a bitter 2 year period where yes, i did screw everything that walked and talked Latina. But i was in a revengeful mode and needed to banish the demons once and for all. Was lots of fun, met some great guys along the way and got to travel all over Colombia and know the different subcultures  of the people in the different cities, and yes they do have subcultures.
so for the last time i will state for the PL record, I have no ill will towards Cali, just not my favorite city in Colombia  and not because if the women, just really dirty place to me. Barranquilla is dirty, but to be expected on the coast, Cali has no excuse except the people just do not take care of there city.





She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Offline markanthony7

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2007, 10:06:58 AM »
Sean I have to agree with your analogy of Cartagena, I travel there frequently and when people ask me about the cultural/ social aspect or demographics, I always compare Cartagena to the South or southern hospitality, I always tell customers it like similar to the Atlanta of South America, the people are not quiet as educated and sophisticated but for someone like me that wants a woman that is a little more simplistic and down to earth this is ideal

Offline Fuzzyone

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2007, 10:14:57 AM »
well said! i indeed felt the recent railings were indeed hypocritical. When an ex-doper gets recruited to speak in front of kids against drugs, he normally would first admit to being an ex-addict. If he's given up the crack, that is all well and good and maybe he should start a chapter of HA (ho's anonymous). Heck, I might just join myself if my cyber-novia works much for the recent increased toll revenues across the rio grande. Yet, some will tell you that if it flies, floats or F..., it is better to rent. I am on the fence...I guess I need to see what happens with my amiga....I don't have the energy to say Next and trying to focus on other areas in my life.

   Do you not think your recent post are not hypocritical? You act like the injured party when ever anybody comes close to talking about anything you have pulled down in Colombia. So the day you come forward and have decided you want to change the way you live your life I hope the guys here will ride you the same way. I for one doubt you will ever change you are to busy making excuses for your actions.

  I for one hope KB keeps on his present course.

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2007, 11:29:12 AM »
So the day you come forward and have decided you want to change the way you live your life I hope the guys here will ride you the same way.

I don't think anybody is riding KB for changing his ways. How would you feel if Former President Clinton went on a tour lecturing against matrimonial infidelity?
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

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Re: What the people in Baq. say
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2007, 02:17:07 PM »
I don't think anybody is riding KB for changing his ways. How would you feel if Former President Clinton went on a tour lecturing against matrimonial infidelity?

  KB is not lecturing you about nothing he is just putting a hole in that smoke screen you like to blow trying to make yourself look like a angel. You might know alot about hotels and places to eat in Colombia but you are a failure in the matrimonal department. No normal person would bring a ring with him to imply to a young girl that if she puts out you will marry her. NO ONE BUT .......

  By the way please stop dreaming about my behind it makes me wonder what you are really thinking about!


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