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Author Topic: What countries are netural zones, where both of us could stay hassle free  (Read 1363 times)

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Offline BigBlock502

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Are there countries where an american citizen and vietnam citizen could both live, visa and hassle free or should I say more hassle free? thanks for your time.... I'm just curious and want to know all my options. thanks...


Offline william3rd

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you have more hassle free options than she does. . . .  Presence in a country is usually determined by nationality first. She may need a visa to go to most countries that you do not. . . . How long are you planning on staying?
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline drjoker69

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Panama, if you are of retirement age. The Panamanian government gives gringos a free passport to stay there if you'll show proof of a regular pension check (or social security check). There is no age requirement, just $650 a month for you and your wife.

Hong Kong, if you have a million US dollars, they will give you a free passport. You just need to deposit your money in a Hong Kong bank.

Similar offers abound in countries such as Belize, Costa Rica, Honduras, Venezuela, Thailand and Canada. If you get citizenship in Venezuela, you could use that as a stepping stone to gain citizenship in Spain. This will let you travel/live anywhere in the EU.


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