Hi Mike,
Yes, the new fillable forms are often very restrictive on the number of characters you can enter in each field.
If you need more space, you can certainly attach a continuation sheet. Like William said, identify each additional sheet with form number, petitioner name, beneficiary name, etc. List continued items by item number or title (e.g. “Applicant’s Residence Last Five Years:â€).
If you run out of space for listing addresses or employers, etc., type (continued) or (cont’d) on the form or use (see attached)
Also, be sure to
sign and date each continuation page. Attach it immediately following the applicable form. I would just type it up and print it using your word processor. Try not to use staples. Paper clips are fine.
Be careful with addresses, especially current residence address, because that’s what goes into the computer to be used for future mailings. I know on the old forms, their database addresses were limited to 4 lines of 32 characters each, which is what I would limit your addresses to on any continuation pages. You don’t have much choice but to abbreviate some addresses. Just make sure that her address you use as entered will allow the local post office to deliver mail to her.
I recommend using a cover sheet that lists all of the contents of your mailing package, including the number of continuation sheets for each form if applicable. Here are some more tips on assembling your forms for mailing: