I took the all-nighter to BAQ, so everybody was fairly miserable and tired even before we took off. A couple hours into the flight, the attendant came by to serve the drinks. I was squished into the window seat and a middle aged lady and man were beside me. The lady was sleeping while I was getting handed my drink, there was a fumble and part of my drink spilled on her lap. She was startled awake and furious at me and the flight attendant. So a couple hours later when the attendant came by to give us our drinks again, the lady pushed my hand down and grabbed my drink to give to me so I wouldn't fumble it...well she ended up fumbling it herself and spilled the entire ice filled drink on her lap. She shrieked and moaned... If she wasn't a lady I would have laughed but I tried to keep a straight face while she groaned & grumbled... As I think back on the event I am laughing to myself now.