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Author Topic: Filipino slang  (Read 6206 times)

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Offline lookin for love

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Filipino slang
« on: August 25, 2006, 09:45:15 AM »
I am looking for a Filipina, and I am having a bit of trouble with some of the slang they use in their ads.

Suplada = conceited or vain?

Mataray = naggy, bitchy?

Can't find slang in online dictionaries.

Any other slang words I should know, for good or for ill?

-L F L

Offline Bear

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2006, 11:39:48 AM »
suplada means "a person who gets mean when provoked" or not very friendly (i.e. when you walk up to someone and say Hi and they ignore you and walk away.
mataray is a similar in meaning to suplada.

Offline lookin for love

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 11:42:51 AM »
I thank you. Any other slang I should know, for good or for ill?

-L F L

RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2006, 11:42:51 AM »

Offline Ray

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 09:48:48 PM »
Quote from: lookin for love
I am looking for a Filipina, and I am having a bit of trouble with some of the slang they use in their ads.

Suplada = conceited or vain?

Mataray = naggy, bitchy?

Can't find slang in online dictionaries.

Any other slang words I should know, for good or for ill?

-L F L

Welcome aboard!

Your definitions are good, but those might not be traits you are looking for in a woman... :lol:

Probably the most common translation that you might hear in the Philippines for suplada would be "stuck-up" or "snobbish". Also, suplada is the female version and suplado is for males.

I think there are a few on-line dictionaries around with slang words, but they may not be very comprehensive. Try googling for "Pinoy slang" (?)


Offline lookin for love

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2006, 10:26:45 PM »
Thanks. I tried several online dictionaries - cebuano, tagalog, filipino, pinoy, both regular and the very few of slang but had no luck. I was guessing at the definitions. No, not what I am looking for, but I was unsure of the definitions. Do you know of any other slang filipinas use in their ads which I should know? I already know that when they start talking money or love early to duck and cover.

A few questions for the group. I have been to South America, Australia, Europe and Africa, but never to Asia:

Are retired GIs well accepted?

How about men with mild disabilities (use an ebony walking stick as my trick knee sometimes gives out on me)?

Are they squeamish about scars?

I am 31 and live on about $54,000 after taxes. Is that seen as enough money? Am I considered too young?

A little background. I was fresh-caught after college when I was commissioned. Married six years, now divorced after two years apart. She was an east coast gal, military family history, ivy league, parents married 30 years when we met. Thought I had hit the jackpot. On my second tour  to Afghanistan (I bought my piece of the farm at Shahi Khot) she emptied the accounts, sold everything she could and left. Instead of a Dear John, I got a letter in hospital in Germany telling me how happy she was for me to be coming home, and then she called me and told me she'd be waiting, all that.

Yeah, right.

I sent her half my pay and all my combat pay while I was overseas. The latter to be put into our portfolio. No kids yet and she had a career of her own.

Needless to say, no portfolio, no bank accounts, no furniture, no utilities. She couldn't sell the house as it was in my name, too, but she hadn't made a payment on it in six months so I had to work on that with the mortgage company. Maxed out the credit cards, all that; "used my address and my name, put my credit to shame..." as the song says.

None of it illegal either, guys, so watch yourself.

So I thought maybe I'd try a filipina. Can't do much worse. The guys I know who had Asian wives got an entirely different homecoming than I did.

- L F L
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 10:29:17 PM by lookin for love »

Offline Jeff S

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 12:19:42 AM »
Filipinas and GIs? I don't believe I've ever heard of a marriage like that :D Sorry, just having a little fun with you. There are probably more GIs married to filipinas than any other group. You'll find your trick knee and scars have very little to do with finding a good woman. As far as your income, it should be fine so long as you're not trying to live in West LA or Lower Manhattan. As for your age, it should be an advantage over us old farts.

I'd like to suggest you spend a few fascinating hours reading through the archives. There are all sorts of stories, good and bad. You'll learn a lot about red flags, scammers, and what some of us have gone through getting to where we are now.

Sorry to hear what your POS AW did to you. What a homecoming for a wounded vet.

Also, thank you for your service and sacrifice. It means so much to all free people everywhere.

- Jeff

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 01:02:32 AM »
I agree with Jeff that retired GIs should do fine in the Philippines. I think I speak from a position of authority on the subject since I am also a retired GI married to a Filipina…

I see no problem with the disability or scars. I remember one guy a while back who went over in a wheel chair and married a very nice Filipina.

No problem with the income, but the secret is to keep financial details out of the picture until you have found a good woman and are at least officially engaged. I would avoid the topic of money altogether when getting to know someone in this game. Be very wary of ANY Filipina who brings up the subject of money or starts in with the sad tales of financial woe! That’s the time to walk away and keep searching.

You are definitely one of the younger guys around here, but it can also work to your advantage. The good women are mostly interested in a stable, mature guy who will treat them with dignity and respect. Looks, age, income, etc., are all secondary to your character.

During my 20+ yeas in the Navy, I’ve seen guys get screwed over by their wives like you while they were deployed and some of those wives were Filipinas. But those were the exceptions and overall the Filipina wives were among the most loyal of partners.

I’m not up on the personal ads so I’m not familiar with what you may be reading, but the gals using Tagalog or Pinoy slang in their ads are most likely interested more in other Pinoys I would think.


Offline lookin for love

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 04:25:34 AM »
Thanks, guys. I was just browsing the ads, not communicating with any of them yet, trying to get a feel for the look and style of women in the ads.

I didn't have it as bad as some guys. One of my sergeants came home and had to have an artificial leg fitted. Land mine, you know, like the Doonesbury cartoons. We were in wards in the same wing of the hospital in Germany. Married 10 years and had three kids. He went in for 2 days to the VA hospital to have his stump attended to once, came home and found her gone, and she had even pawned his good artificial leg. She went to Oklahoma (sorry, Sooners), and was living with some sleazy lawyer (but I repeat myself). Sued him for child support and won. When he went to Enid I believe it was to see his kids, they had taken off and moved to Seattle. She sued him for more support and got it with her lawyer boyfriend. So he went to Seattle and they had moved to, get this, Toronto, Canada. He doubts he'll ever see his kids again.

I know, people hear about abusive GI husbands, but what the liberals are careful to keep out of the press is the number of women who abandon GIs when overseas or who become disabled. Child support is becoming a racket as they will throw you in jail for not paying, but if she denies you visitation she can get away with it in most places, or move to one where she can. Sarge and I have kept in contact, sort of sharing misery, you know. What really hurts him the most, and she damn well knows it, is not seeing his kids. He carried pics of his family in his helmet and everything his kids did we all had to listen, or he'd load up his M4 and we'd HAVE to listen.

Women are far more vicious and vindictive than men.

-L F L

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RE: Filipino slang
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 10:17:29 AM »
How in the world did you meet my ex wife!!  (Just kidding)

Dwelling on the past will turn you inside out.  Let it teach you but let it go.  You're not the first, second or even third to have some AW take you – American men, as fathers raise/allow our daughters to be the women they are, so blame our fathers and learn.  The thing to do is be smart and not let another lady (particularly a Filipina) do it to you because if your stupid they will and they'll do it with a vengeance like you've never experienced.

I strongly suggest that you write more than one Filipina.  I was writing 13 when I met my wife.  Tell them truthfully that your writing more than one and that you are "marriage minded".  Pick 2-3 from those and go visit them.  Don't be surprised when you find out they are also writing more than one when possible.  They actually have less chance than you but are out there trying.

If you know a Filipina here in the states (or any where else for that matter) then you know Filipinas who are looking for a man here.  Every guy on this board married to a Filipina knows at least one if not a dozen Filipinas who’d make you a good wife.  So ask for introductions when, particularom guys in/near where you live.  

Decide what’s important to you and start looking. Most will suggest 1/2 + 7 your age but I think that’s totally untrue.  Filipinas are not raised the way we are with the same influences in their lives.  Age, looks, wealth, health mean something but way, way down the list of what’s important to them in picking a guy for marriage.  Security and opportunity to come to America are probably 2 and 1 respectively.  I've seen many drop-dead gorgeous Filipina babes marry an old ugly fat balding jerks and be happy the rest of their lives.  I've also seen several evil Filipinas take those men for everything he ever had and not care less because he was "a stupid wimp" and it was his fault.  And in her logic, she's right.

Tell them you have expectations and what they are.  Ask what theirs are.  Communicate.  Explain. Ask questions and try and trip them up in the questions, then after you have their answer you give them yours so they understand in the same way you do.  Tell them you don’t want to make a mistake – they’ll appreciate that because neither do the honest ones.  If you think your wife should get up in the mornings and make your coffee, breakfast, prepare your lunch and then dutifully clean the house, prepare your dinner and your entertainment for the night when you get home then you had better tell her and then you better get her to tell you that she understands you expect a wife that will honor those minimum needs and expectations.  Do not be upset if they do not answer some questions but do persist.  Many will not answer a question they think is unimportant or that they do not know the answer to it.  Explain why you want to know and persist.  This does not mean give them your answers because it will be come their answers.  Answer only after you know theirs because they will lie if they are dishonest or its unimportant to them.

Never talk money.  One or more of those you will be writing will try every trick in the book to get you to send them money - Don't. Period.  Occasionally if you find one you are very interested in and she can’t afford to chat, etc. then a few $ is okay but note a few $ is $10-20 once a month not $100 and more every week.  She’ll use that money to chat with others and take care of family and boyfriends - not you.  Plus you will have started down the road of becoming a wimp.  A good Filipina will never accept money from you. (I basically had to trick my wife into accepting money for a cell phone to save me money on phone calls.  She was actually thrilled I did it too but she honestly couldn't accept me just buying her a cell phone, but she could buy me one and hold it till I got there. And, if I called it that was okay because it was my phone.)  Many of the biggest discussions on these boards are about money.  I really hurt my wife by telling her father I intended to send her 10,000p/mo.  Since he only earned 4500p/mo he immediately quit his job and expected to be taken care of for the rest of his life.  He had been raising a family of 8 on $80-90/mo and putting 2 thru college on that income.  The $200 I was sending my wife she didn’t need and literally left it in the account I set up for her so that I could pay off bills to make our lives better here!  Her parents beat her for it.  In their opinion it was theirs and she was a “bad daughter” for not giving it to them.

The primary influence in a Filipinas is her family and peers.  If you are a good man one day it’ll be you but expect “others” till you prove yourself.  What this means is BE A BIG PART OF HER LIFE.  Don’t let it be her friends and be interested in everything her family has to say.  Some here might be mad at me for this but I think its safe to say you should screen her friends and tell her who you’ll allow and why.  I’m not saying be a controlling jerk, I’m saying say, “I don’t want you to hang around XXX because I think she is immoral and could hurt MY family.”  Two things will happen from that statement.  One, she’ll see you are not a wimp, and two, she’ll see that her and her children are foremost in your thoughts for protection.

Being a wimp has very different meanings in our two countries.  Providing every need of your woman, giving her total freedom to spend and go where she wishes and not paying attention to whom she befriends is a “wimp”.  Her friends will tell you that your money means nothing to you and to take it and send it home – she will.  Most likely she’ll start looking for someone who is more protective and responsible – meaning she’ll probably cheat on you because you are a wimp and not worthy of her or what you have.

Filipinas are experienced in the ways of life.  They have experienced hardships, rapes, money problems, starvation, beatings and probably violent acts and death at very young ages.  What they are not experienced in is one-on-one relationships.  Here in America it’s just the opposite so do not compare the two.  Just know that “public displays of affection” more commonly known as PDAs are taboo and will get her in trouble if she is a good girl.   She will not know how to respond to your needs (does not mean she is unwilling) so you will probably have to teach her how to hold hands, kiss and have sex, etc.  Yep, that’s what I said – especially if she is a “good girls”.  The first day I was with my wife she sat up with me the whole night talking (sitting on my bed).  It nearly destroyed the wedding because her cousin reported this to the sponsors and they started backing out of the wedding because they assumed something immoral occurred.  I had to travel around to each of them and explain that I was unaware of the custom and that nothing had happened other than a few small kisses.  My wife spent the 2nd and 3rd day after we met crying because of PDAs until I got it resolved.

Oddly enough, try to understand that when you find the right one she may choose someone else even after you thought she chose you.  I’ve seen Filipinas get “engaged” to a guy and then get an e-mail (or not) that she just married someone else.  Remember what’s important to them; security, family/peer influences, coming to America.  If she’s the right one then be telling her exactly when you intend to come because they will literally marry the first one who shows up at their doorstep.
Always keep writing 2-3 others you can go and visit.

The Bear Family

Offline baki_sa_dagat

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2006, 02:53:35 AM »
Hello Bear

that's really a very wonderful reply you made  ;D


I would like to add tsismosa which means nosey.

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2006, 03:43:16 AM »
I would like to add tsismosa which means nosey.

Funny.  This is almost the same as the Spanish word chismosa, which means a gossipy person. 

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2006, 05:36:01 AM »
Funny.  This is almost the same as the Spanish word chismosa, which means a gossipy person. 


Tsismosa in Tagalog comes from the Spanish and means a gossip or gossipy female also.

The root tsismis in Tagalog means gossip, same as chismes in Spanish, and is pronounced almost the same. There is no “C” in the Tagalog alphabet, so “ts” is used to make the “ch” sound.

Some other examples of words that have identical meaning and pronunciation in both Spanish/Tagalog include basura/basura, caballo/kabayo, and cervesa/serbesa

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2006, 05:57:00 AM »
Hi baki_sa_dagat (frog of the sea???), welcome to the forum!

Taga diin ka?

Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2006, 05:57:00 AM »

Offline baki_sa_dagat

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2006, 06:43:32 AM »
Funny.  This is almost the same as the Spanish word chismosa, which means a gossipy person. 

Hi Doom

the explanation of the similarity is that Philippines had been under spanish
colony for 300 years. If only Spain respected the demands of Jose Rizal (our national Hero) in the 1890s
that we should become a province of Spain with representation in Madrid and all native
brown and black Pinoys to speak Spanish then we would be Castillans today in Asia.
Sad that in the Philippines, Spanish is now buried and can never be resurrected.

Hi baki_sa_dagat (frog of the sea???), welcome to the forum!

Taga diin ka?

Hello Ray

hahaha I like the translation of my username in english

I'm from the *hidden village :p * of Davao City.
and may I know where are you from?

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Re: Filipino slang
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2006, 10:20:41 AM »
You should feel at home here Baki. We have several Dabawenos.

I’m from the City of Angels (Los Angeles) and my asawa is from the Gateway to Mindanao (Surigao City).


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