Great trip report Hector,
Just some general thoughts here.
At around age 50 or so, I suppose you will need to factor in if this is going to be worth it at all. If you were to find the right woman for yourself, by the time the entire process is over (Courting, trips back and forth, paperwork) you could easily be in your mid 50's. It may be easier to just move to Colombia (Or wherever) a few years later and live there and have so much more freedom. I may not say this if you were 10-20 years younger, but it is certainly getting close to a tipping point, in my opinion.
Best post you have ever written Fathertime.
Thats how it worked for me, I finally saw the light when I was about 50, doing a "Wildstubby" with a Peruvian gal and she began playing games...finally got "Red Pilled" the first level anyway..still ended up thinking too much with my "little Head· (Heart actually) for years after.
You get "Red Pilled" so manytimes and it finally sinks in.
Definitely forget about bringing a Chica to the US or any developed country if you are over 50