I believe you can have the Ministerio De Relaciiones Exteriores transfer your visa to a new Passport. I don´t remember clearly now but I think I had to have them do that for me once in the past. In Cali there are several Tramitadoras de Visas with in a block of Migración Colombia. I imagine there are in Medellín as well. They might be able to take care of it for you.
Way it worked for me with the one year TP-7 Vias is you just show the old pasport and visa and the new pasaporte tgether going through immigration.
I dont see why they would change the rules for 3 or 5 year visas.
Real bummer and stupid they dont just add pages. Hope Canada doesnt do the same. They play tve same game as the US and put less pages in the new 10.year passports than they días in the old 5 year passports.