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Author Topic: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!  (Read 2577 times)

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Offline Neoblk40

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Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« on: June 17, 2017, 04:12:18 PM »
Hey hey hey to the PL forums!!

As many of you are.......I'm sick and tired...... of being sick and tired of the women in the US, not all but most of them. I've been S&T for years, but haven't put together a solution on finding a wife until just last year.  That's all the negative vibes I'm gonna put out about that topic right now cause we not here for that!

I'm looking forward to meeting some of the beautiful women in BQ this year. Prob in the next 3 months. Looking for wifey material this time.  I've been to CR(1x), DR(3x).  Had lots of fun......some of the best vacations that i've ever taken. I'm over 40 now.....still look and feel young cause i got no baby momma drama!!  I wish i knew and made up my mind about marrying outside the borders years ago! I'm black guy (Carribean) that grew up with the dominicans and puerto ricans as a kid, so i know the culture very well, just don't speak spanish much.  Working on that before i go traveling! Also I'm a salsa head, so I know how to get around on the dance floor no matter what's playing.  Use to perform latin music and was a salsa performer at some time or another. If only i could keep up with the language now. So that's where i'm coming from!

I have to say, i'm loving the responses on here. Great comments and advice. Looking forward to meeting everyone!!

Shout out to Fathertime, Pax, and def Jamie!!! Love the Latin Intro website.  I had plans to visit Jamie's last month but had to push those plans back.  Gonnna try to make it happen in the next 3 months and enjoy the summer here.  This way i'll get to travel while it's cold up here.

1. So my first questions are how are things at Jamie's in BQ around October?
2. Should i be thinking/planning on moving outside the US to live with that special lady or bring her here? I live in NY, so i would only bring her here for as short a time as possible due to the fact that the amount of wolves there are prowling around out here, i don't think i would survive very long before having to murder some these wolves.  I live in a fairly nice neighborhood but still......don't trust anything with his tongue hanging out.  I will probably move somewhere down in FL close to where my parents live within a year of here arrival.

Looking forward to a little advice!!


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Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2017, 08:30:43 AM »
Have you looked at the woman profiles on Jamie's website? I would say there are very few woman listed on the site that are good looking.

I have seen the some of the same good looking woman profiles on free websites and when i contacted them there was no reply. Either they were looking for a gringo or they have pretty high standards.

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Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2017, 10:38:59 AM »
Have you looked at the woman profiles on Jamie's website? I would say there are very few woman listed on the site that are good looking.

As I've said on this forum several times I'm not an advocate of Jamie's but I do respect his commitment to service and his business model. With that being said, "good looking" is a relative term. If a guy prefers girls with blue eyes and blonde hair he make say there are very few good looking women in Ethiopia. There are other men who would disagree wholeheartedly. Let him go on the site and make that determination for himself. When I went to Jamie's in 2008 I was pleasantly surprised to discover most of the women that agreed to meet me were much more attractive in person. I was young though (28 years old), so most of the girls were between 20-25. Things get a little trickier when you're dealing with older women. Pictures can make them look much more attractive instead of the opposite. Again, your mileage may vary.

1. So my first questions are how are things at Jamie's in BQ around October?
2. Should i be thinking/planning on moving outside the US to live with that special lady or bring her here? I live in NY, so i would only bring her here for as short a time as possible due to the fact that the amount of wolves there are prowling around out here, i don't think i would survive very long before having to murder some these wolves.  I live in a fairly nice neighborhood but still......don't trust anything with his tongue hanging out.  I will probably move somewhere down in FL close to where my parents live within a year of here arrival.

I've been traveling to and spending time in Barranquilla for years. With my longest stays lasting months at a time. There's no bad time to travel there. However, October is the tail end of the rainy season. Heavy showers for a couple of hours a day and unbearable humidity afterwards aren't unusual. This tends to be the norm in September (like everyday) but in October it's hit or miss. It can be really bad or the season will end in September and October can be one of the most pleasant months. Either way you need to be very cognizant of heavy showers because they will inevitably result in arroyos. I'll let you look that up yourself and have fun watching a few videos.

If you have the ability and flexibility to do so, try you hardest to move to where your future wife is from. There are plenty of guys (even those that brought there's wive's back to the states) that can give you reasons why.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2017, 10:41:32 AM by benjio »

Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2017, 10:38:59 AM »

Offline Neoblk40

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Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2017, 10:40:44 AM »

You're right. I've seen some of the same profiles on other sites as well.  But only a few. If i ever goto Jamie's i will probably split my time between his agency and a AirB&B. Just so i can meet the locals as well.

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Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2017, 07:47:46 PM »
Damn...I need to check the Intro part of the board more often. Some interesting threads.

Welcome to P.L. Neoblk40.

I used Jamie's once a few years back. As Benjio noted, he provides great service. That said, I looked at his website a few months ago and noticed that were not as many attractive ladies on his site as say 4 or 5 years ago. Of course, up to each guy to determine who he finds attractive or not.

Good luck.


Offline Neoblk40

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Re: Looking forward to visiting BQ this year!!
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2017, 01:52:03 PM »
Hey Thanks Mr. Levoe,

Hopefully, i will make the trip over there in a couple of months and be able to report back. Looking forward to it.


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