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Author Topic: Hi from a cold North  (Read 2888 times)

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Offline BoatViking

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Hi from a cold North
« on: November 26, 2013, 11:22:07 AM »
Hi everybody,
I guess I start my participation here with a short introduction of myself.
I live in Finland up in the North (with the ice bears;) )
I am not new to international dating and I am perfectly aware of what a PIA it can be. I have however mostly been dating Russian and East European women.

However now I happened to stumble over this really nice and honest girl from the Phills. and this is really new territory to me. So I guess I will hang around here for a while, asking stupid questions and trying to get to grips with a new Culture.

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 03:02:54 PM »
Welcome aboard Boat. Try this book first...

Offline robert angel

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 07:41:58 PM »
Hi everybody,
I guess I start my participation here with a short introduction of myself.
I live in Finland up in the North (with the ice bears;) )
I am not new to international dating and I am perfectly aware of what a PIA it can be. I have however mostly been dating Russian and East European women.

However now I happened to stumble over this really nice and honest girl from the Phills. and this is really new territory to me. So I guess I will hang around here for a while, asking stupid questions and trying to get to grips with a new Culture.

Hey BV,
Welcome. That book "Culture Shock!"  seems a bit dated to my Filipina wife and I. She was raised in a rural area on a farm, so she knows the 'old ways', alternative medicine, manners, superstitions and more, but at age 16 she went to the 'big city' for 5 years at a university, interned first as an engineer at Coca Cola, then worked in the same city w/ Coca Cola, Philippines. No city slicker, but no farm girl in the typical sense either.
Anyway, she moans and groans when I pull that book out and ask her questions. I'd pick it up and read it as some of it really is true, some is entertaining, but don't think it is all relevant or accurate in this day and time.
Women will vary greatly in personality anywhere on earth, but generalizing greatly, I find that compared to Eastern European & former USSR nation ladies, that Filipinas tend to be more relaxed and laid back. Not dumb or dizzy, but often romantic and warm. Pick the right one and once she trusts you, you'll probably have someone who's loyal in good times and bad. They're not as cold and calculating as women from some other places. That said, I almost went for an Asian Russian mix lady from Kazakhstan, who had all the best qualities I could've dreamed of--those I see in many Filipinas, but I came to the proverbial 'fork in the road' and went to the Philippines again.
I'd dare say Filipinos are about the most adaptable people on earth when it comes to moving to new lands. They fit into the hottest and coldest nations alike, often wanting to work and add value to their new home. I've met or spoken with Filipinos in places like Alaska, Filipinos who don't want to move--they're happy. They do need to have someway--on line or whatever, to stay in touch with home to some extent.
You might have to dig out some old ABBA and Ah Ha! and other pop records----a lot of them like that soft sappy music, but hey, some like techno and rock n roll too. I think they all love chocolate and cool looking sports wear from other nations.
I have lived in icy cold climes and I think the thought of traveling around some of the world's most gorgeous beaches, either with a lady you've met and like, or free lancing and meeting women you meet there or from on line, sounds great. Just experiencing a very different culture, where people who have so little still seem so paradoxically happy is amazing.
It really blows my mind to see how much they smile, how they are generous with what they have and somehow manage to see good in the world in situations where many US citizens would be all about complaining. It amazed me with the recent typhoon, hearing people talking about how they were glad they have a chance to start all over and move to a new place. My wife's family lost a large farm in a similar category 5 typhoon last year and after making their home livable again (6 months w/o electricity or water) they were marveling at how they had so much more room to plant crops now and how even the phone reception's better now!
Where many would curse fate, many Filipinos give thanks things weren't worse.
I've said it before ---If there was a total sh!t storm across the Philippines, there'd be farmers out in the thick of it yelling: "Yea!!--fertilizer!!"
A lot of them will tell you they have a great faith in God, but they're rarely the type to hit you over the head or otherwise try and convert you if you're not a fervent Christian and especially not if you're a foreigner.
Things like religion, whether she wants kids, materialism, honesty, dependability and other subjects will hopefully eventually come up in discussions with the women you meet, regardless of location.
We've seen guys on here who went to the Philippines and for different reasons, didn't find the 'one' woman on a given trip, but I don't recall any of them saying they regretted the adventure. I won't sugar coat it too much--the Philippines is dirty and run down compared to where you're from--it's just 'poor' in many places, but there are some lovely spots and the people are wonderful!
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 10:42:33 PM by robert angel »
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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 07:41:58 PM »

Offline Elexpatriado

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2013, 09:01:36 PM »
Date Russian girls?I always thought Finns and Russians were mortal enemies..remember the"winter war" , previous longterm Russian occupation , and seige of Leningrad (which the Finns - to thier credit-held back on and let the Germans do the dirty work...)
You must really piss of your grandmother and a lot of Finnish women...

Offline robert angel

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2013, 09:42:23 PM »
Yea--I hear the Finnish are often deadly accurate with rifles, their wartime snipers were legendary and that they joked when the Russian's invaded their nation:
There are so many Russians, and our country so small, where
will we find room to bury them all
?” —Anonymous
Then again, people  settle differences all the time. Who'd think that in some ways, the US govt treats Vietnam (never mind Japan) better than they do the Philippines?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2013, 10:47:22 PM by robert angel, Reason: I said Germans--Elexpatriado was right--was Russians »
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Offline Ray

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2013, 06:42:37 PM »
Hey Boat,
No need to buy that book I recommended.
Since Robert has no use for the book, and to cut down on all that moaning and groaning at his home, he is going to be kind enough to send you his copy so you don't have to purchase your own.
Robert, I want to see that book in the next international mail flight to Finland...   ;D

Offline robert angel

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2013, 08:42:07 PM »
Ha ha, Ray and a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. It is still an interesting and humorous book (to me) and the look on my wife's face is precious as she rolls her eyes when I inquire further about things in that book. Kind of similar to the look I get when I refer to her family's farm as being in the 'jungle'.
Not the best choice of words I suppose, even if they live so far out in the country that they have to walk towards town to hunt!  ;D
I think overall that one should be cautious and remain aware that compared to many cultures, a lot of Filipinas are very, very  sensitive to sarcasm-- personally, towards their family and towards their nation. Some don't even want to hear outside criticism about the way in with the Philippine govt. handled responding to the recent super typhoon. Good or bad, they're patriots and loyal to their own, while also being respectful to other cultures, by and large.
Sarcasm and pointed criticisms from outsiders about their internal affairs all but invites a wicked case of 'tampo' towards you. Thank goodness Ray and I are NEVER sarcastic--LOL. Add in how they may have difficulty with slang/jargon from other cultures,  can misinterpret what we're saying (and not always tell you) and if you pick up on it, saying "I'm sorry Honey--I didn't mean it that way" that can go a long ways to making things better.
So be careful criticizing their culture and never, ever get in between two or more Filipinas arguing about things more relevant to their culture than yours --they may very well forget what they're arguing about with each other, team up and express their irritation that you have the nerve to fancy yourself as being such an 'expert'.
Like Dave H said (geeze I miss his posts--talk about a nice guy with a great sense of humor and a good guy to look up posts on here)--no matter how long I live--even with me having been married to a Filipina 14 and about 8 years respectively and being close to Filipinos before that, there's still a lot I don't know, a lot I still don't understand and may never ever understand. At least it's interesting!
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 08:54:04 PM by robert angel »
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

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Re: Hi from a cold North
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 03:52:55 PM »

Hey Boat,
No need to buy that book I recommended.
Since Robert has no use for the book, and to cut down on all that moaning and groaning at his home, he is going to be kind enough to send you his copy so you don't have to purchase your own.
Robert, I want to see that book in the next international mail flight to Finland...   ;D

i have that book & i learned a bunch from it
now is everything in it 100% rite on the money....nope
some of those things my wife never heard of (the Philippines is a big place though)
however i still think it provides a bunch of needed info before you get on a plane & fly to the PI
so i would say buy it 

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