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Author Topic: Twenty-Four "Banderas Rojas" (Red Flags) with Colombianas  (Read 9469 times)

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Offline benjio

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Re: Twenty-Four "Banderas Rojas" (Red Flags) with Colombianas
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2014, 10:03:59 AM »
I wouldn't recommend my strategy for most guys. Since moving to Colombia was not an option for me, I strongly considered using an agency to meet multiple women or using Cupid to line up dates with multiple women, but ultimately decided on a different path. Let's be real on this, a lot of guys bring a lot of baggage to this process and it doesn't matter how many women they date, they probably won't achieve greater clarity and have success with one woman over the long term. Most guys will fail whether they use an agency, visit just one, or move there...Which is why the majority end up just going to Colombia to play. It's so much easier and the options are so much better for gringos over there that it just becomes a lifestyle whereby they move to Colombia and/or travel there frequently. And because they haven't had success with a long term relationship with a Colombiana, they believe that anyone who's making it work must be lucky...I think I'm one of the few married guys on here who provides a balanced view of what these marriages are like. I've said many times that it's more difficult than marrying someone from your own culture. My wife and I work every day to make it work. Right now my wife and baby are in Colombia which absolutely sucks for me but it's yet another challenge I accepted in marrying a Colombiana. I wake up every day with a resolve to make my marriage work so I just don't see how luck has as much to do with it as you do. I doubt whether you're looking for long term relationship success, but if you are,  you're going to have to be more positive with the Colombianas and stop believing so much in luck. You seem to know exactly what you DON'T WANT, but not what you actually WANT.

This is a really good post.

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Re: Twenty-Four "Banderas Rojas" (Red Flags) with Colombianas
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2014, 10:42:16 AM »
I never said you don't work hard to keep your relationship, and that it was easy,and it isnt a lot of work, thats obvious. I just said (or meant to say) you had more luck than you realized finding exactly what you want so quickly.
And yes, maybe I am negative and posting too much on what I or anybody else doesnt want or should avoid. I can guarantee you, I know what I want, I just havent published are making an assumption of what I want, and what my values are based on a few posts here...
Like I said, I wish you and everyone else on here only the best in the future of thier relationship.
I wouldn't recommend my strategy for most guys. Since moving to Colombia was not an option for me, I strongly considered using an agency to meet multiple women or using Cupid to line up dates with multiple women, but ultimately decided on a different path. Let's be real on this, a lot of guys bring a lot of baggage to this process and it doesn't matter how many women they date, they probably won't achieve greater clarity and have success with one woman over the long term. Most guys will fail whether they use an agency, visit just one, or move there...Which is why the majority end up just going to Colombia to play. It's so much easier and the options are so much better for gringos over there that it just becomes a lifestyle whereby they move to Colombia and/or travel there frequently. And because they haven't had success with a long term relationship with a Colombiana, they believe that anyone who's making it work must be lucky...I think I'm one of the few married guys on here who provides a balanced view of what these marriages are like. I've said many times that it's more difficult than marrying someone from your own culture. My wife and I work every day to make it work. Right now my wife and baby are in Colombia which absolutely sucks for me but it's yet another challenge I accepted in marrying a Colombiana. I wake up every day with a resolve to make my marriage work so I just don't see how luck has as much to do with it as you do. I doubt whether you're looking for long term relationship success, but if you are,  you're going to have to be more positive with the Colombianas and stop believing so much in luck. You seem to know exactly what you DON'T WANT, but not what you actually WANT.


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