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Author Topic: The Philipino Over Seas Worker  (Read 19829 times)

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Offline piglett

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Re: The Philipino Over Seas Worker
« Reply #75 on: January 16, 2012, 05:17:09 PM »
Anyone who's wife is from a poor third world country like the Philippines should not be bragging about the benelovalent "high wage paying" foreign corporations!! 

When it comes time to engage in a real discussion about real issues you simply slip back into your cold-war, outdated and close minded McCarthism rhetoric about communism.
The fact is, Ray, that the issue of POVERTY in the Philippines is not my argument.  Its the central argument of the Filipino.
The fact is most of the Filipino lawmakers are LANDOWNERS.  Redistribution of the land is the hottest and most significant issue in the Philippines and is the key to solving and reversing the poverty increase in the country.
In the last election, one of the largest land owners in Negros, former president Arroyo was asked to voluntarily give up her families substantial landholdings as a symbolic and real gesture to take the first step in the reduction in Poverty.  She declined.
I am a strong advocate for human, economic, enviromental and civil rights.  The poor cannot fight for themselves and need advocates.
If you choose to marry a pinay you become part of the fabric of the family and its your responsibility to assist and support. 
now hold on there Z
what exactly are you trying to say man?
if a local lands a high paying job with a foreign corporation,
that in your mind is a BAD thing ??? please explain.
he will take that money & put all of his childeren through college & probably build or buy a better home for his family.
are you saing you don't think there is any communism in the PI. ??? you mite want to do a quick google search on that one bub. you are off the mark for sure. who do you think it was that said " we don't want the americans to rebuild" after the volcano mostly destroyed clark AFB.
before that event the US government was the 2nd largest employer in the PI. the 1st was the PI government. do you really think all of those locals that used to work for uncle sam were happy to be unemployed?? come on man we both know the answer is NO!!!
you know that redistrubting land has been done before.
besides being illegal many times the people who get the land don't end up doing so well & then instead of having thousand of hectors of productive farm land that ends up employing many people you have starving unemployed peasants. on a side note anyone who wishes to take my land away that i paid for & rightly own will in fact face "problems" (feel free to read between the lines)
"the poor can't fight for themselves"
REALLY?? ever hear of the american revolution??
it was faught by mostly POOR farmers. in the end they did ok & i'm sure in the end the people of the Philippines will sort all of this out. it's not my fight, i am only a guest when i go there.
your porkness
PSA 101:7 No one who practices deceit will dwell in my house; no one who
speaks falsely will stand in my presence.

Offline thekfc

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Re: The Philipino Over Seas Worker
« Reply #76 on: January 24, 2012, 11:21:08 AM »
Just re-reading this thread and I notice the below.
In the last election, one of the largest land owners in Negros, former president Arroyo was asked to voluntarily give up her families substantial landholdings as a symbolic and real gesture to take the first step in the reduction in Poverty.  She declined.
That is not 100% correct. You have to dig more into the story to find out what is going on or what went on.

The Arroyo family volunteer a few hundred hectares of their land holdings to the agrarian reform program. 100+ hectares were distributed but there were/are a few remaining 100+ left to be distributed.

There were/are many road blocks & legal obsticles. There were plenty of mudslinging, name calling, back peddling by the parties involve, certain people wanting "a piece of the pie", certain people wanting to get paid,  cases of you give some but want more (aka give a foot but want a mile), people taking advantage of others, obstacle at the Registry of Deeds, problems with titles/transfer of titles, delays in DAR documenting and submitting the titles to the Land Bank for valuation, notice of coverage (NOC) not issues or delayed by the DLR, etc, etc, etc,.

There were also confusion between Stock Distribution Plan (SDP) & The Stock Distribution Option (SDO). Some people wanted a Individual Certificate of Land Acquisition (individual titles) instead of a Collective Certificate of Land Acquisition (one mother title that would include all the names of the beneficiaries).

With that mess of a mess going on - the distribution took/is taking much longer that it was suppose to. Last year (2011), the Hacienda Bacan portions were distributed to the farmers.
If we were all forced to wear a warning label, what would yours say?

Offline robert angel

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Re: The Philipino Over Seas Worker
« Reply #77 on: January 24, 2012, 12:45:59 PM »
By the time it (if) it is settled and land distributed, Arroyo will have been convicted (she's already in custody) served her sentence, been released (if she's not let out early and/or pardoned from her luxurious 'prison') and reelected to some high office!
Politics is very strange in the Philippines. Just for a couple examples, Imelda Marco's and Joseph Estrada both still weild a lot of influence in the Philippines. Come to think of it--Arroyo pardoned former President Estrada, who was under 'arrest' for corruption (on his luxury estate, with women, liquor, parties, etc) so he could run for President again. He had a good chance of winning--coming in 2nd, out of 9 candidates!
And never mind the billions of dollars the Marcos family stole  (most still unrecovered) and her years of exile, Imelda returned and was elected to Congress!
Whether you think you can or think you can't--you're right!

Re: The Philipino Over Seas Worker
« Reply #77 on: January 24, 2012, 12:45:59 PM »


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