Ads not to marry Americans? What do you call US day time TV? It's one big infomercial on why a man should not marry an American. I never would.
I don't know which thread in which to post this. There is an ad going around for bras that features a
male model! The man's name is Andrej Pejic. He is decked out with make-up and women's clothing.
When I first saw it this morning, I thought it was a joke, but it is for real! After the shock wore off, I realized that if that is the direction in which our society is going, then I really can't be a part of it anymore. Will American/Western women seriously respond to such ads and actually
buy bras and lingerie modeled by

If so, such women and the society in which they live are out of bounds for me because I can't fathom that being 'normal'.
Where is becoming of us???