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Author Topic: Woody, here's a question for you  (Read 5704 times)

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Offline Woody

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Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2011, 10:51:02 AM »
I have a question specific to Woody and his experiences.  Hopefully he sees this and posts a response.

Yeah, sorry for the late response. I have been a bit busy and not been following the forum for a week or so.

My question is in regard to drinking alcohol and the cultures of Colombia and the Philippines.  I noticed a pattern in Woody's posts that he spent time in Colombia and eventually couldn't deal with the party culture because he doesn't drink alcohol.  Then he had a similar experience with the Philippine culture.

Don't take this wrong, because I am not at all upset, but I have no idea what you are talking about with me calling the Philippines a party/alcohol culture. Colombia, absolutely and I still strongly back that opinion. The Philippines? Doesn't really seem like it to me, maybe the occasional party, but nothing on the scale of Colombia. I would say the Philippines is more analogous to the US as far as party cultures. You have a while spectrum, but your average, post-college chick isnt hitting the clubs 50+ times a year.

My question to Woody is, was the party culture a "deal killer" for you?  You haven't posted any trips or stories about novias in a while.  Have you decided against South America and the Philippines for women or even possibly living there? I'm not sure if you were thinking of moving to either of those places.

Colombia takes party culture to a whole new level, it can be like a University campus on Friday night, 2-3 times a week.

The main reason for my lapse in posting was a lapse in travel at all. I went to college for a few months after the Army and took my current job just as I finished my final exams for the semester. So, there was a 13 month break between trips for me. During which I did some of that self-reevaluation (I sooo wanted to use two hyphens....) and decided the Philippines would not only be a good place to take a vacation, but a good place to possibly encounter the kind of woman that I am looking for.

As for living in either one. Colombia? Sure, if I was married to a good Colombiana and could occupy my time with things other than Chica-watching(That is very easy to do in Medellin). Realize though that as much as I enjoyed Colombia, it IS a third world country. One of the most frustration things for me about Colombia is the general education level of Colombians. I don't know, maybe I am being harsh and not polling a good sample on either side

Philippines, really depends on where you are talking about. Living in a place like Manila isn't super cheap, but it isnt all that expensive either. Living in the province could become....boring.

At this point, I am not really sure with way. I may just keep working and traveling for a long time (Think more of a Two months on, One month off kind of thing in the distant future).

I know that Dennis says he doesn't drink alcohol, and he seems to love it down there.

Dennis is almost sixty and dates women in their forties and fifties. That is an entirely different demographic from the 18-30 crowd.

My life plans involve moving to either South America, or the Phils, or maybe having a house in both places to go back and forth.  I hate drinking, and wonder if my plans are just fantasies because I will end up bored and alone because I'm not a big drinker.  I have a pretty social personality, but as I'm getting older, I find that most nights I stay home and watch TV, and on "crazy" nights, maybe dinner and a movie.

Well, good luck with Colombia there! Possible, sure! Likely?......
In the end, you're just going to have to live in each one and see if it is for you.

Of course, I'm also interested in other poster's opinions as well.  What are your thoughts on living in these "party cultures" as a non-drinker?

You should be interested in other opinions! The more I learn about these different countries, the more I see that I don't know a damn thing.

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Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #26 on: November 01, 2011, 11:09:22 AM »
Living in the province could become....boring.
I feel the same way.

Yeah, sorry for the late response. I have been a bit busy and not been following the forum for a week or so.
No need to be sorry. Enjoy your vacation and post when you get the chance/at your convenience.
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Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2011, 03:04:17 PM »
Thanks for the response Woody.  I'm not sure how I got the idea that you thought the Phils had a party culture, but anyway, I'm glad to hear that it is not the case.

I'm really liking all the stuff I've read and heard about the Phils so far.  I guess, just like anyplace else, I've got to get on a plane and figure it out for myself.


Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2011, 03:04:17 PM »

Offline Woody

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Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2011, 06:49:18 PM »
I'm really liking all the stuff I've read and heard about the Phils so far.  I guess, just like anyplace else, I've got to get on a plane and figure it out for myself.

If you are anything like me in that you would much rather spend the weekend with friends/family and all actually talk, joke, converse, play games like charades, sing some karaoke, etc over going to a club and getting crunk. Well, the RP is a much better fit overall for you than Colombia.

I am not sure if my girl is just different or what, but since we are from the same generation (She is about 18 months younger than me) and pinays follow US music and movies, I can make all the movie and music references I want, and she gets almost every music reference except country music. Movies are more miss than hit, but that is to be expected. She will have a tendency towards chick flics because...she is a chick!

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Re: Woody, here's a question for you
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2011, 08:59:16 PM »
I think Colombians are borderline alcoholics although you can find some who have past that point in their lives, it’s difficult the culture demands it, and it’s their way of life for old and young alike.
As for the education levels, or quality of education it is THIRD WORLD. What were you expecting? Even with that being said many Americans are poorly educated……………………….


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