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Author Topic: Obserations on the costeña front.  (Read 3455 times)

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Re: Obserations on the costeña front.
« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2011, 05:46:18 AM »
It has been my experience that a colombiana in her twenties or thirties without children will not be very serious or loyal during an online relationship, as most who use the internet are not only on Cupid but on several or most agencies and having guys contact them all the time, especially if she is childless. Now a woman in her fourties, not very attractive or with children is less popular and somewhat desperate and might wait for months on end to finally meet someone she has never seen in person. Those are harsh words but it's the reality in most cases. I agree with other posters to not put all your eggs in one basket, because the women sure don't, they too light the candle on both ends and if anyone else who writes to them or phones shows up in town before you do, he usually get's to bed her and you will never know because she is the last one to tell you, if she shooses you after all. There is just to much uncertainty in drawn out online relationships. Make friends with half a dozen prospects, then go to Colombia and meet them, allow about three days for each one. They say if a colombiana refuses to get intimate with you at the third date she isn't into you. It is important to create an online friendship with a posibility of a serious relationship, not a loving online relationship because then it would be dishonest to write to several women and it doesn't go over well.
Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.


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