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Author Topic: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?  (Read 7404 times)

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2011, 03:00:17 PM »

Sophia Loren,
Sonia Braga
Meryl Streep.


How about Mira Sorvino ?

Offline opusone

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2011, 04:20:14 PM »
Omg, So I think I've figured out how to type in "English" for the purpose of this post. Apparently I was typing in  Aramaic and the post was hijacked by such things as who is morally deficient, and butt ugly girls who have individual sexuality.  ??????????????

Anyone remember that cartoon character "Dennis the Menace"? The lovable kid who was always into mischief? Me thinks he is reincarnated as Levy, because every time I read a post , it seems that everything in the post gets ransacked as if  a kid was looking for a lost toy. Certainly, I am not calling you a "kid" , Dennis, but the point of the post was merely to ask if money buys looks the same way as they do in the U.S.  Whether or not your beauty "scale " is different from another man's perspective of what beauty is, I think we can all look at (10) ten women right now and pick out the most beautiful out of the bunch based on physical characteristics known to the western world as beautiful. Whether she is morally bankrupt, a prostitute, or a mango dealing street vendor, you kinda know it when you see it, unless you have never been exposed to it. I think women who are gorgeous , but not exposed to a high class society, may think differently about what she expects from a man, and for her it may just be physical . Conversely, I think that women who are gorgeous , but are used to the high life, won't generally date a man simply because he's good looking and has sexual prowess. These women want whatever it is they are used to , and that generally is related to cash. If the sex is good, it's a bonus.

Of course , we all know Hollywood/western media creates this axiom and has also established what we define as " drop dead gorgeous" but in reality, would you call a woman missing a few teeth " drop dead gorgeous"? How about if she is 3'2?  300 lbs. maybe? Maybe no hair? They are things we know that classify "gorgeous women" as gorgeous, and though it may be general , it is up to the buyer to decide what it is , or isn't. I can certainly tell  you ,that when you see a lamborghini, or a Mclauren  F-1, you don't say things like " It's really a honda if you look at it from a different angle/perspective.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2011, 05:39:33 PM »
Omg, So I think I've figured out how to type in "English" for the purpose of this post. Apparently I was typing in  Aramaic and the post was hijacked by such things as who is morally deficient, and butt ugly girls who have individual sexuality.  ??? ??? ??? ??? ??

Hijacked?  We're making the replies we want to make - not all of them will be 100% on YOUR narrow topic, and are also intended for a wider audience than just you.

Of course , we all know Hollywood/western media creates this axiom and has also established what we define as " drop dead gorgeous" but in reality, would you call a woman missing a few teeth " drop dead gorgeous"? How about if she is 3'2?  300 lbs. maybe? Maybe no hair? They are things we know that classify "gorgeous women" as gorgeous, and though it may be general , it is up to the buyer to decide what it is , or isn't. I can certainly tell  you ,that when you see a lamborghini, or a Mclauren  F-1, you don't say things like " It's really a honda if you look at it from a different angle/perspective.

The point some us are trying to make, is a "lamborghini" may be very beautiful, it is not suited to normal city driving, is not practical, is high maintenance and costly to repair, etc, etc.

Hablo espanolo mucho bieno!

Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2011, 05:39:33 PM »

Offline opusone

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2011, 06:31:22 PM »
Hijacked?  We're making the replies we want to make - not all of them will be 100% on YOUR narrow topic, and are also intended for a wider audience than just you.

Of course it was narrow. It wasn't intended to be "Wide".

The point some us are trying to make, is a "lamborghini" may be very beautiful, it is not suited to normal city driving, is not practical, is high maintenance and costly to repair, etc, etc.

Continuing with the point of the post being, "narrow" ,the end  post wasn't talking about whether or not a Lamborghini " may" be beautiful, because we know it was designed for people who love exotic luxury  cars, and "know" the car is beautiful. Who cares about normal city driving when you are buying a lam?lol

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2011, 06:35:56 PM »
wtih respect. opus, you re being pretty narrow.

Call me Dennis the Menace, its pretty lame.....but if you want to scrap on the board....fine, lets just keep it civil and I m good to go..

Lets see what you ve got......

if you want to answer, I d like to know a couple of things. I am not saying I m better, I may just be different.....

How old are you?
I am 58---

Have you ever been outside of the US?..
I ve traveled to and visited to 43 different countires
Hve you dated women from other countries or from very dfferent cultures?----

In my life I ve marrried two American women,   In my youth, in addition to Jewish American girls and American Italian Catholic gilrs I dated and had intimate realtionships with an Irish born woman in the US.....a young israeli woman    a young Greek woman, a young Polish born woman and a young Vietnamese born woman   

After my  marriages and in  my 50s, a Russian woman in Russia, a Brazlian woman but in the US , and a ton of Colombian women in Colombia, and one Venezuelan woman who lives in Colombia..

Read Mickey s post, read Whitey s last comment, thats where I am. I am just making the same points in another way to maybe to get some guys to think.

One of the reasons I ve been successful in least how I define success..... was that I expanded my definiition of beauty.....

Years ago in San Francisco i had a very close friend originally from Tonga, he spoke pĂ©rfect ccolloquial  English had a decent job,,,owned a small home in Daly City, CA, drove to work every day, had two kids......part and parcel of American society.....  He was a big guy,,,,,about 6 2 and 320, his wfe was 5 7 and she had to be a good 225 pounds ...And if he would tell me...,.and he was serious...Dennis, she is pretty......but she needs to put some meat on her bones....she s too skinny for me

And I realized that Jonah Tuioti thought about beauty much differently then I did....

Frankly, if you showed a picture of Reese Witherspoon or even Gisele Bucnhen Brady...I don t  think ALL 10 men liivng in Western societies anbd exposed to Western media  wold pick  Reese or Gislele out  from the other 9, assiming that there was some reasonalbe looking women amoing the other 9..... 

I wouldn t date a woman with too many misisng teeth... possibly one or two....... a lot of women can t afford high end dentlal care in SA, ....or a woman that was 3 feet 2 and 300 pounds. No that I woukldn t do.....but I dated a Amercan girl in New York briefly many years ago who shaved her skull. 

Before I came to South America, I wouldn t have thought of dating or making love to a very black woman... now I don t  even think twice abut it..if Im attracted to a black woman or any shade of color.....between vanilla white and cvoal black.

The problem with a lot of guys is that they are bound by their own physical tastes...and maybe their prejudices they dont think

dare I say it...

outside the box!!!!!


As for the argument that a woman from a a less developed culture is priarily looking for someone who appeals to her physcially....give me an example of what culture or cultures you re talking about ...

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 07:59:05 PM by dennislevy »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2011, 07:24:50 PM »

Since someone complained that my first effort was gobbledygook...I ve cleaned  it up and re posted it.

Thank you sir.
Esposa y mosa vida hermosa

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2011, 08:36:32 PM »
Hot women do not necessarily have a heightened sexuality, although obviously they are more likely to have experienced very good sex, and more likely to demand it as a result.  What I meant is that all the women in general have a heightened sexuality if they are not forced to repress it, and sexual satisfaction for them is of paramount importance, and all other factors being equal, is the most important factor in causing and maintaining a strong attraction to a specific guy. 
If a man cannot for whatever reason satisfy a woman as well and as often as other males competing for her can, he will generally have to resort to try to hold on to the woman by manipulation, most often by financial incentives, or by being excessively nice.  Or he will have to settle on less desirable women and try to come up with excuses as to why he doesn't pursue the more desirable ones.
I do have my "type", and find it peculiar when a guy goes for any woman willing to go to bed with him.  I mean, I can't imagine someone looking for a car to buy who will be looking for a Ford Expedition and a Mini Cooper at the same time.
As to Researcher's point that the more desirable women are more likely to have less than desirable personality traits, well, dah!  They often don't have to make any effort to get whatever they desire, at least until they hit 30.  Don't blame those women though, but blame those looser guys who cause this behavior in the first place.

Offline opusone

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2011, 07:42:10 AM »
Hot women do not necessarily have a heightened sexuality, although obviously they are more likely to have experienced very good sex, and more likely to demand it as a result.  What I meant is that all the women in general have a heightened sexuality if they are not forced to repress it, and sexual satisfaction for them is of paramount importance, and all other factors being equal, is the most important factor in causing and maintaining a strong attraction to a specific guy. 
If a man cannot for whatever reason satisfy a woman as well and as often as other males competing for her can, he will generally have to resort to try to hold on to the woman by manipulation, most often by financial incentives, or by being excessively nice.  Or he will have to settle on less desirable women and try to come up with excuses as to why he doesn't pursue the more desirable ones.
I do have my "type", and find it peculiar when a guy goes for any woman willing to go to bed with him.  I mean, I can't imagine someone looking for a car to buy who will be looking for a Ford Expedition and a Mini Cooper at the same time.
As to Researcher's point that the more desirable women are more likely to have less than desirable personality traits, well, dah!  They often don't have to make any effort to get whatever they desire, at least until they hit 30.  Don't blame those women though, but blame those looser guys who cause this behavior in the first place.

As to your last sentence , "Don't blame those women though, but blame the looser guys who cause this behavior in the first place", it is possible that the behavior may have been started from the home or her immediate environment ,way before she met that "looser" guy. Highly desirable women, and  even women who are deemed "average", or below average by those in society, can sometimes be spoiled by overbearing Mothers, Fathers who insert the "daddy's girl" mentality deep in her psyche , or other family members who were just not willing to tell her anything that ran contrary to what she wanted to hear/do. Unless one had the historical background of said "desirable" it would be difficult to say that a "looser"guy caused her to be a spoiled brat. I've personally witnessed this with many different types , and one trip to their home would quickly put to bed the assumption/theory that "loosers" are to blame.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2011, 07:59:40 AM »

As to Researcher's point that the more desirable women are more likely to have less than desirable personality traits, well, dah!  They often don't have to make any effort to get whatever they desire, at least until they hit 30.  Don't blame those women though, but blame those looser guys who cause this behavior in the first place.

      I'm not blaming anyone for the situation.It is what it is.But how about this idea: Why not forget about all this rating a woman's looks nonsense and focus on finding a woman you connect with.You describe what a guy "has to do to hang on to woman" and it all sounds exhausting to me.The way I went about it was to meet and get to know many women.I learned that out of a group of women there would always be one that I had a strong connection with who felt the same  for me. This trumps looks,money and pretty much everything else so I didn't have to work hard to "keep her".Because of that I have had some really hot women in my life, much hotter than I deserved by these standards people like to toss out. I was also able to stay with them without much effort.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2011, 08:22:33 AM »
There is truth in what both of you guys have said.  My point was however that there is no valid and logical reason to discard the most attractive women.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2011, 08:31:00 AM »

    I agree Traveler.I don't think I advised discarding the most attractive women, that wasn't the point of my generalizations.Generalizing only gives someone an idea of what they might run into.In reality I think a guy should take in this information and carve out a path of his own.If this path includes pursuing hot women then go for it.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2011, 09:15:35 AM »

First  tof all. everyone who is partiicpating in thtis thread...if you would like....please ante up your defition of what is a HOT woman.....What does HOT mean? ??? ?

With respect, from where do you get this stuff? ???  if I understand correctly,  you are asserting that a desirable attractive woman is more likely to have received  and demand (I assume according to her definition) good sex...................this is what youre saying?

Says who? have you  got some data, or is this jUST TGATT (the gospel according to Traveler?

The ony thing I MIGHT venture as a rule of thumb is that desirable, attractive womnen (accordiing  to the standards of femine beauty propagated by the media) receive MORE attention from men who want to have sex with them.

That s it.

I dont think there is ANY correlationbeween perceived feminine beauty and heightened sexuality
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 05:48:04 PM by dennislevy »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2011, 09:37:05 AM »
I think there could be three, identical triplets. All women, and one of which  I'd classify as a "a beauty--very pretty", the next "hot" and the third, "a 'hottie".
The difference in my book, is the first woman doesn't wear much, if any makeup--she's modestly dressed, but no doubt beautiful.
The second woman 'dresses up' a little more--she's 'styling'--might have her hair styled, probably wears some make up--lipstick and maybe some modest heels, but no one would remotely say ---ooooh--she dresses like a slut'.
The third is 'dressed for speed'--she's got, it, spends 30+ minutes on her hair each day, she's flaunting it, is dressed to entice, has the moves and mannerisms to match and knows how to use them. She might be in jeans that look like they're sprayed on, a colorful top that's a similar fit, showing a lot of pushed up cleavage, with fire engine red lipstick, nails and stilletto heels,that the guys might call "come f___ me pumps".
Look at Marilyn Monroe, for example--her early pictures, when she was still Norma Jean Doherty and then her later pictures, as  Marilyn Monroe...
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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2011, 09:37:05 AM »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2011, 10:10:43 AM »
Thanks for your definition of hot.....Any other volunteers?

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2011, 10:15:27 AM »
Once again, there is no correlation between beauty and heightened sexuality.  I do think that the most attractive women can afford to be choosy as far as who they sleep with, but that does not mean their sexuality is "heightened".  I never stated that, so I am not sure where you are pulling this from.
And as far as an attractive woman more likely to expect and demand what she would consider as "great sex"...  Well, this is not a gospel according to me, that's just how it is.  In fact all women want that, just the more attractive and desirable she is, the more likely she will be able to get it.  (The same dynamic applies to men as well actually.) 
Or are you trying to say that sexual satisfaction for a woman is not the primary factor that determines her level of attraction for a man she sleeps with?  Well, with all due respect, the demographic you are dating generally is not in high demand, so their demands and expectations are probably not very high, but I would not extrapolate them to the rest of the female population.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2011, 11:10:00 AM »

OK, we did settle the no correlation between feminine beauty and heightened sexuality question.

What I meant  to write in my last sentence...was there is  no correlaiton between perceived feminine beauty and sexual expections with a man...Why cant an average woman have her own expectations?

if you are talking about younger women in their 20 and mid 30s....they expect greater sexual performance form a man.....and you answered......thats just how it is...........what kind of answer is that?= wheres your logic...

As for the women I ve dated and slept with....from 30 to 55, but Ill grant the majority were in their 40s.....

are you saying that they are noit as sexually demanding as a younger woman? 

If anything....most mature woman in their  40s  are hitting their sexual (both physcial and emotional) peaks (thats a proven fact based on many studies)  if anything she may demandi more and have higher expectations  then when she was YOUNGER  because of the sexual expereinces that she has had IN HER PAST  with ex boy friends or a husband...some were good, maybe more that were bad....

And that s my opinion.....but its based on considerable in the field research.....and lots of pillow talk.....jejejeje

Many Colombian men do chase younger women...its par tof the culture.....but as for the contention that theres not much demand for older women.....thats not necessarily true...a beautiful mature Colombian woman always has admirers.....whether she wants to have realtionships thats another thing.

To make love with a mature Colombiania is about chatter...laughing, the efforts that a sophisitcated lover makes to please a woman.....before his climax.....the combination of ardiente y tenura

C I have to draw pcitures?


« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 05:50:14 PM by dennislevy »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2011, 11:17:49 AM »
Well, no doubt that a woman in her 40s has more experience than a woman who is 20.  At least I'd hope that would be the case  :D .  The issue is not the experience, but the potential dating pool, and frankly for women over 30, especially in Colombia, usually it's not as great as for an attractive 23 year old.  Or you will argue with me on that as well?
The oldest woman I have ever had sex with was 30, so I don't have personal experience with a 55 y.o. lady, and hopefully it will be years before I have to have that experience.  My observations were based more on the attractive women in their 20's to say early 30's, since that's the age when most women are physically in their prime and can afford to be picky as far as who they date and sleep with.  Sure, there are women who are desirable past that age, but they are exceptions.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2011, 12:19:37 PM »
Well you have a lot to learn about women if you think that their 20s is their sexual peak. My prediction is that one day when you will have no choice to settle with mid 30s and older women you'll call yourself an idiot for not finding out sooner.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2011, 12:46:34 PM »
Oh, I am sure I will be there.  But I am quite happy with the dating pool available to me right now  :) .
Speaking of which, I met a woman yesterday who I thought was around mid-20s.  She turned out to be 38.  VERY attractive.  But these cases are an exception.

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #44 on: September 27, 2011, 12:55:53 PM »
Oh, I am sure I will be there.  But I am quite happy with the dating pool available to me right now  :) .
Speaking of which, I met a woman yesterday who I thought was around mid-20s.  She turned out to be 38.  VERY attractive.  But these cases are an exception.

One good reason that I would see dating someone 20-25 years younger than myself, is that when I'm around 80 or so, and can't hear anything because of the amount of hairs coming out of my ears,  I would be able to tolerate unpredictable  changes brought on by menopause, since I wont be able to hear anything

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #45 on: September 27, 2011, 02:13:02 PM »

Before I came to Colombia, the last time that slept wth a 30 year old woman, I was 29.....and she was my wife....and that was 1982!!!!!!

With respect, i think you re confusing physcial appearance with sexual awareness......YOU used the phrase a young women in her 20s is in her prime.....I think you meant that she might look more attractive to men of  your age...not that she was in her sexual prime......for most women, that generally comes later in life.

Your example of a 23 year old Colombian woman vs a 30 year old Colombian doesnt have any depth....It depends on how the women appraoaches  the ubjects of dating and men.... What are their social classes and their family structures? Where do they come from in Colombia?  And what if any........... are their goals?.....

Certainly in some regions of Colombia the 30 year old might be considered a bit oldish by certain classes  of men but thats not a hard and fast rule.

And IN many places, regardless of their age.....  Colombian women  DON T have many choices.....girls who are  poor, girls who live in small towns, girls without education, girls who have had a child or children at early ages and the father(s) has declined responsiiblity.......

need I go on?


« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 05:54:03 PM by dennislevy »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #46 on: September 30, 2011, 04:53:17 PM »
Come on guys.... you act like you are soooo above the notion of dating a perfect 10 based on all your philosophical debates.

So, Opusone, the closest thing you've gotten to a straight answer is something to the effect of..... "duh".  I think that is greek for "of course you can".

I think I can agree with that answer, and the "duh" applies to me too since I was also curious about the responses to the original post.


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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2011, 08:08:37 PM »
Come on guys.... you act like you are soooo above the notion of dating a perfect 10 based on all your philosophical debates.

So, Opusone, the closest thing you've gotten to a straight answer is something to the effect of..... "duh".  I think that is greek for "of course you can".

I think I can agree with that answer, and the "duh" applies to me too since I was also curious about the responses to the original post.


I guess I struck a nerve, I don't know what the big deal was. I do believe that some women will only date men who are in a certain income bracket, and those women are not gold-diggers per say, but they have different standards. Just as some men will not date fat women , or women who are short.

Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2011, 08:08:37 PM »

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Re: Does money correlate to a woman's beauty/age?
« Reply #48 on: October 01, 2011, 08:38:36 PM »
yes...of course..if youre 40 and under and got the'll take any chick you want from any gringo or any colombiano that you want...for as long as you want...use them up and then drop the fish back in the pond...  its all about the cash in the usa or colombia... and a full head of hair (ie no hair transplants that look like antenna)


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