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Author Topic: Patric and Fuzzy..  (Read 1145 times)

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Patric and Fuzzy..
« on: June 26, 2006, 05:53:17 AM »
Fuzzy and Patrick(thanks for the answer Pat),

I did go back in 2002 with a friend of mine. He joined an agency and I was just there for the ride. I did meet one girl that I thought was marriage material. But, she was very sly to say the least. She was a player to be honest and I faced up to that when I started seeing the red flags. It really discouraged me and I just dropped the whole international dating thing alltogether and said to myself, "myself, maybe you should just stick to american women so all women are the same anyway".

Fuzzy, the funny thing was that I let 4 years pass by and the american women seen is alot worst now than it was 4 years ago! Back then, after that incident in Cali, I was so heartbroken(I'm a very emotional person for some unknown godly reason...) until I swore not to go back to cali. Four years have passed and now, I'm ready to go back with new amunition. I just got a course in yesterday from and will be also be doing the verbal tutorial with them. I will take 12 months to learn conversational spanish fluently(90% or more) during this time period. I will then proceed to go back to cali to perservere once again. This time, I will stay for 3 months in an apartment. I will date at least 30 women before I even think about which one to think more about(laughing).

I'll fail once, but I won't make the same mistake twice. Money is not the issue becausee I trade the currency market and that can be done from anywhere. I have the financial means to do what I please. Now, I just want the right woman to share it with.

So, that's were I'm at right now in my 'love life'. Before I forget, Being that I'm 34 years old and will be 35 in Novemeber, I will date women who are no younger than 28. Actually, if I can date 30 year olds, that l would be even better. I have found, from my first experience that there is something about being 30 years old(women) that tends to make them more settled and ready for a life of marriage. Don't know what it is, but whatever it is, I will go with the flow.


P.S..I emailed Hoda, but he must be a very busy brotha(lol)!


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