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Author Topic: Would a stronger US dollar benefit the rich and powerful here and abroad?  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline robert angel

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It's a two sided question at best, but by and large, I don't think for those that control US industrial interests and wealth, nor for the politicians those same rich and powerful people help get elected, stand to benefit OVERALL from a stronger US dollar.
Sure you can draw up some short term scenarios looking at currency exchange and the import-export nature of profit taking, but I am asking for an  overall, 'by and large' opinion as to yes or no--if a weaker dollars is in the interests for those who control things like high tech and what's left of industrial manufacturing companies 'based' (on paper anyway) in the USA--making them wealthier, as I surmise is now the case, than a stronger dollar would.
Let's be honest and look at this as concretely as you can at current economics--what's actually happening  (not as easy as it sounds) and not just at hypothetical or isolated scenarios.
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Offline Colgando

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I do not know, that is a complex question and I am no expert in Foreign Exchange. I do know a weak dollar helps our exports, cheaper for foreign countries to buy our goods. I think it hurts the US citizen, more expensive to buy foreign goods. The rich can hedge their money, so whichever way it goes and how it plays, they will be fine, they just get some financial wizards to secure their purchasing power. I am not sure though, I do not spend much time thinking about foreign currency exchange. The politicians say a strong US dollar is in our best interests, so there you go, I can neither confirm nor deny their assertion.
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