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Author Topic: Where is IV?  (Read 4943 times)

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Offline InnocentVixen

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Re: Where is IV?
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2011, 09:27:31 PM »
Thanks guys, and yup, I am a bit of an analyzer, more like very detail oriented really, I notice things and get a feeling out of them, but I would say its still within a normal range of women's worries, he thinks I am just plain weird but he likes it that way  :D 

He takes it to professional level though without being too obvious or judgmental which I find very interesting, I was amazed of all the things he was checking while I was chatting away at the restaurant, how could he do all that and still carry a normal conversation I will never know, I already asked him to go people watching someday and teach me a few tricks  :)

It was a long day today, I had forgotten about my expired passport! since I don't need it to go to San Diego (my tourist visa is enough for that) it had not crossed my mind but I do need it at the airport so went to renew it today to Tijuana because there is no office for it in my city, have to go back in a few days to pick it up, we don't know when I will be visiting him yet but better be safe than sorry


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