I ve lived in Colombia permanently since Septerber 9, 2008. I lived in Bogota near the Americvan Embassy from September 2008 until June 2010 and then in Medellin from June 2010 until December 2010.
I gave up my furnished studio apartment in Medellin and since then I ve been traveling aroound Colombia trying to decide where to live next.
With thbe exception of the day after Christmas and the 27th in Medellin I ven spent the last 4 months on the Coast between Baranquilla and Monteriia, west of Baranquilla in the cities of Riohacha and Maiacao in La Guajira, also in Valle de Cauca, in Cali and in cities near Cali....Popayan, Tulua , Cartago, Buga, Palmira.
Im retired but in Colombia I ve taught private Englsh lessons and also brielfy worked for a dating and mariage ageny in Bogota.