I don't know if it was because I was there and every family member within a days travel was there to see who and what I was or if they eat like this all the time, but 6 meals a day was the norm. Breakfast, a snack, midday meal, a snack, evening meal, and a snack and the snacks weren't chips and dips either, they were a full meal. Rice was on the table at all times. Any that was left from the previous sitting was warmed and served again while a fresh batch was steaming. The joke was "I want brand new rice."
Again, I don't know if it was the season or if it's the norm, but there was always fresh fruit of some kind there too. Mango, star apple, or pineapple; something was served with every meal and all of it was as fresh and ripe and delicious as I've ever had. I think I miss the fresh fruit as much as anything.
Another thing that I noticed was all of the made on the spot dips and sauces. A little vinegar, some fresh lime juice and a few slivers of fresh chili and everyone was happy and dipping and drizzling. Fresh fresh fresh. Almost nothing was preserved or frozen. They went to the market at least every other day and the variety of fresh fish, both fresh and salt water is amazing.
Filipino food is some of the best and only being there 2 weeks there is a lot that I haven't tried. There wasn't anything that I didn't care for, not one thing. Even the salt fish was good. They deep fry it and its almost like eating a thick potato chip. I brought a bag of it back with me and shared it with Robert and Joy. I would have hoarded it all for myself, but its way too salty for me to eat all of it.
I can hardly wait to be able to go back and not just for the food.
Recipes... There are recipes all over the internet for Filipino foods. There are even how to Youtube videos for almost everything that I've looked for. I don't think I've ever done a search that didn't turn up at least a written recipe.