Hi Jim
I'm not looking for any of the 'old days', and more moderate and pleasant suits me just fine. In fact it's the way I like it. Moderate, inteligent conversation, without the argueing and name calling.
I came back to help a friend looking in Colombia, he is actually already communicating with her. And my only desire is to "try" to help him avoid some of the pot holes & even sink holes along the way.
As to the other, over the years I've heard enough negative comments like his to fill several wharehouses. And unless they have logical reasons to support a comment why bother? If he's so mild mannered where did that comment come from? Especially from a guy that's spent maybe 48 hrs there. I was even told in a PM he doesn't even post here anymore. I don't think there is any love lost between him and I, and I didn't come back to fight with anyone.
As far as Cartagena goes I think it's a beautiful place that anyone visting Colombia should put on their Itenerary.  And I'd rather discuss the city with people that have been there or are thinking of going there. or even people that have been there and don't like it, and can explain why. And I've been to Cali, although it's been a few years and I don't work or shill for any agencies so I can discuss my immpresions of there also. So I'd rather keep these conversations on a mature level and let old differences lie, but that doesn't mean I plan on being a doormat either.
Thanks for the welcome !!!!! and I look forward to talking to you more about Cartagena.