Assuming you are serious about a foreign bride- will you have an exclusive relationship or a backup(s) just in case your first option does not work out?
- Exclusive- No Backup Plan. If it doesn't work out Great Vacation
16 (69.6%)
- Exclusive- But still maintains female "friends" in the same country just in case
3 (13%)
- Limited Backup Plan- Another "serious" ladyfriend option just in case
2 (8.7%)
- Backup Plan- Hey I'm spending $$$ for this trip, So its all good!!
1 (4.3%)
- Wide Open- Lets hit my chosen Country and throw the dice, there's gotta be a woman there for me!!
1 (4.3%)
Total Members Voted: 22
Voting closed: June 19, 2010, 11:54:21 PM
Topic: Backup Plan (Read 4753 times)
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