It's hard in the beginning until you get a good feel for the language. It took me a while until I felt like I sorta understood what people
(My lady/her family/friends/the people at the airport) were saying. I still am nowhere near conversational, but I am fairly understood and as long as the people talking
to me aren't going 95 miles an hour with whatever they are saying

I can for the most part figure it out. If not, I just say that I am very poor in my Spanish and could
they repeat what they said slower. Even broken Spanish commands respect from the people instead of dragging a translator (person) around with you everywhere.
It shows the people that even though you may not be fluent, you are showing them respect by at least making an effort to learn/speak their native tongue.
Anyway, after awhile having the same woman you get to understand her even better as you guys are talking with each other often and she will slow her
speech/correct you/tell you she didn't understand you if she runs into any problems. I still use this website whenever I want to write a little love note or
something for the apple of my eye: like it because they give you three translations from three different sources, so you can go through each one and see which one got it mostly right.
Good luck!