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Author Topic: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?  (Read 4865 times)

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Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2009, 09:34:57 AM »

  Sabound and all others thinking about jumping in the pool:

Before I found the lady of my life, I would read, re-read and re-re-read the posts yet again. Went through the trip reports to the point I thought I was really there. I also observed all the food fights between the know-it-alls that never have gone anywhere, but still had an "expert" opinion. Then I went to Jamie's site and at one point, probrably knew every word on his site word-for-word.

Everyone here is going to have an opinion. Some found a woman from writing. Some found her through using the tour option. Some even have found her just walking around the streets. Some people love Jamie's agency since he is the reason for their new found happiness (I am one) while others, including some that have never have even used his services, would burn him at the stake.

The guys here can only give opinions. The guys that are thinking about going or writing first in the end really just need to stop wringing your hands and catch a flight and go down to experience this thing for themselves. No one's story is going to mirror anyone else's experience. My story is different than Montrealer's story. Singlefather's is different than Kiltboy's. Sean126 has a different story than Soltero's...

I had to just stop reading all of the stories and book a flight. Those experiences I was reading belonged to those guys that went. Some came back from the war with a medal, while others only came back with scars. But they went and I could never know which I would come back with if I sat and wondered about it every day. I realized that all of these opinions and stories and how much it's going to cost me really don't matter in the end. I wanted love in my life and whatever happened to all of these other guys may or may not happen to me. But I can't live someone else's successes or failures. I had to do this for myself.

Yes, $1500.00 is alot of money. I didn't have it at the time, and sure don't anymore. I ate alot of peanut butter sandwiches to be able to get down there, but my question still stands: What value do you put on your future happiness? You may find your lady while there. You may not. There are no promises made to you. So even if you write first, you still have to go down there and pay for a room somewhere. And pay for a translator if your Spanish isn't passable. And dinners, lunches, taxis, movies not to mention the actual airline ticket itself...It's still going to add up. So Jamie lowering his prices should not be the issue here. You don't even need to use his agency as there are others there as well. It's like a Rolls-Royce or a Ferrari: You know those are the top brands and they have a pedigree and a huge following. Would you ask them to lower their price just so you can get one?

I am for the most part, cheap. Some things I understand cutting costs on, especially now the way things are. But I asked myself is this something I really wanted or am I just going to keep thinking about it and asking a million questions here and reading to death everyone else's experiences and trip reports...

Love is not cheap, but there are so many women down there that are looking for real love and just don't want to deal with the Colombian idiots that are, for the most part their only other option. So if you truly want a woman in your life, get some decent clothes, get a haircut, get your Spanish passable and get down there already. Then you can come back and add to all of the experiences and trip reports you were reading before you went. :)

"Take care of your lady or somebody else will."

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Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2009, 01:52:47 PM »
i would just bite the bullet and make the trip to Jamie's you will not regret it.

Best of Luck

Ray from OHIO

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Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2009, 08:25:07 PM »
Howdy again

Well first i want to say thanks for all your guys' posts and i do want to say a few things.

Your posts are so informative i like toi get overones experiences and opinions... you have to keep in mind many guys like myself came here because we havent had a lot of experience with this sort of dating. Also we wanted to INFORM our selves about various aspects which i feel everyones nice posts are doing so they are TRULY appreciated. Did i read a few archives yes i did but one thing i learned from reading just a few is things have changed on the boards... and to some degree with the online dating thing.

But keep in mind also :D its not about just hopping on a plane and doing it for some of us. I myself have to prepare, have to have vacation time saved up, and of course make sure i have enough funds to never worry about what i want or need to do while there. I am looking at september or october realistically. So i plan to use my time to ask questions when they pop up and im unsure... thats why i came here in the first place.

And of course pivery your posts are an example of the awesome responses that keep me coming back here. I learn as much from WHATS between the lines, your experiences that you writer about, etc than i do from whats on the vanilla screen. i mean if all i got was "Yea theres women there fly down seeya"  Id probably not come back here.

But i dont get that i usually get some very nice well thought out answer/stories/responses and it is really nice.

I am leaning toward going to Jaimes tho. 4-5 months is a long way off but we shall see.

Im sure ill have some more questions been busy lately tho cant spend alot of time online.

Thanks again.

Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2009, 08:25:07 PM »

Offline Pivery

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Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2009, 09:39:09 PM »

  It's nice that my war stories appreciated, but all any of us can do here is just tell you what happened to us individually. This whole thing is what I call "A Private Journey". This is not something anyone can do for you except you. There was nothing anybody on this board was going to tell me to sway my decision one way or another. It's for me to decide how and when. To find out if as I said before, do I come back from the war with a medal or scars...
  Some guys here have never gotten the prize. Others have gotten lucky such as myself and some have gotten lucky and no one hears from them anymore as their time is now dedicated to their lady. But everyone is going to be on their own street corner shouting out something different to you. I really don't think it matters how you go about finding your lady so this isn't like a Rubik's cube to ponder non-stop. Email ladies, buy a package, Jamie's, some other place. Bogota, Barranquilla... Either way you're going to have to go down there and see all of this for yourself.

So don't put too much stock into any of the responses. Take a little from each response that you feel is an honest one, save your nickels and do it! :)

"Take care of your lady or somebody else will."

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Re: Should I purchase addresses from Jaime to start with?
« Reply #29 on: January 29, 2009, 05:04:56 AM »

       These guys are correct, while it doesn't hurt to do some "research" before you go, there is a point that you just need to do it. The reason there are different viewpoints here is because everyone has followed their own path to be where they are now. While some have used Jamie's and say that it was worth every penny, there are just as many who didn't use his agency and are just as successful.

      I will suggest that you go to and get familiar with the visa process.Take a look at the timeframe and expense involved.Also, learn some Spanish.It's a big advantage IMO.I learned alot of Spanish before I started so I never needed a translator.If you have until the Fall of this year you should be able to learn some.

            Good Luck,
Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


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