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Author Topic: WHOA i read soltero's post and it floored me... am i understanding this right..  (Read 1647 times)

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Offline Caballero2009

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Wow i need clarification here....

Here is the response to ACE in some thread here

Soltero posted:
Quote from: craig1974 on October 10, 2008, 04:38:36 AM
It apperas to me that colombian ladies are the the best liars anywhere, and know how to tell a lie or 2.

They lie worse than small children. You live in a first world country where lying is probably an art form. Maybe it's a US thing, but Colombianas could NEVER compete with even the lamest lies told here. The best rule of thumb if you are skittish is to cut them loose if you even think something isn't right. What do you have to lose, really? There are too many of them to worry about any one you just met. Let her go immediately and if she starts blowing up your cell trying to get back in your good graces, then let her if you want to. You are going to have to seriously reach down and grab 'em before you go to Colombia or you are going to be eaten alive. These women respect CONFIDENCE MORE THAN ANYTHING, and will lose interest if you portray anything less.


while you are there, you need to try and lose the nice guy completely for awhile and go native. Go to the other end of town if you have to, but you need to live like a Colombiano for a minute and treat the women as if you were a Colombiano for awhile and then you will be able to go back to your normal self hopefully with a new understanding. To answer your question about why many of the beautiful ones don't have boyfriends is because the guys they probably want to be with don't want them for anything more than an evening of their time. Also, they may have guy friends that they get intimate with, but again, most guys in paradise are not going to lock themselves down with just one no matter how she looks. The ones that have cash usually marry who their families want them to marry when it is time to settle down and the ones that don't usually marry (or live with) whoever they end up getting pregnant first..."

WOW is this really true? This isnt exaggerating? whats funny i get so many nice posts and positive then....

read this stuff and it just floors me.... what in heck is going on?

So what are we guys gonna get when we go down there?

AM i to expect a good experience like so many say or lying cheating backstabbing girls?

I get confused sometimes reading stuff on here...

Please someone hopefully soltero .. explain a bit more i mean are the girls really like this for the most part?

Offline utopiacowboy

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Soltero tells it like it is. Whatever he's saying, there's a reason for it.

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While I may add on for dramatic effect  :D, I don't lie or exaggerate. Maybe someone else has had different experiences, but that is what I have seen as far as mine. Understand this...there is no place where the women are all patiently waiting for some guy to drop out of the sky and save them. That place doesn't exist outside of an old episode of the twilight zone.

What specifically floored you? The fact that they lie? That's hard to believe as I am sure that you have lived long enough to realize that many people do. What I was pointing out in the quote above was that their lies are simple. They are a non-confrontational people, and usually, no one is going to argue if you lie. They just act like they accept it whether they really do or not, so they don't get that much practice in perfecting their deceit to the level that, say, someone from here would have to have done as we will have no problems grilling someone if we think something is off. That is all I was saying. I know you are new, but if you want to be successful, then don't go for the agency hype and keep your wits about you. There are many wonderful women in Colombia, but just like anywhere else, there are also many cutthroats who will filet you if they think you are slipping. It is called "paying papaya", which means that if you find a sucker, then anything you can take him for is justified by the fact that he allows it to happen. Remember that well.

Now as far as the other point, the  main reason I decided to search in South America is because I believe the Latina is the epitome of womanhood. She is passionate, sensual, faithful, and strong...the thing is this, she is like that without fail to her MAN. Just being a guy won't make you a man in her eyes. While they despise the treatment they receive, they still live in a male dominated society. Thinking that because they wish to be treated better knocks out their entire culture is foolish. There are some aspects of "machismo" that they also respect and look for, and if you don't have them, then you aren't really a man in their eyes. If you are going to woo a Latina, then you need to strap on your brass pair and handle your business.

Take it for what it's worth....
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 11:19:23 PM by soltero »
Live as if you will die tomorrow, Plan as if you will live forever...

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Sol Is 100% correct in his post. Tape that to your wall by your computer and read every time some chica starts giving you mixed signals.

She Loves What's Under The Kilt !

Viva Ecuador !

Offline Caballero2009

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Yea good response. I didnt think you were lying but it was hard to tell if you just came off a trip that was bad and kinda exxagerating. Well the good news is never been a sucker i inform myself before making decisions. See i have seen some people say "JUST GO DOWN THERE". well i think if you just go down there and dont know about all aspects from experience of others then you set yourself up to be put in the position of a sucker... thus why i am here asking questions.

I am not just getting off the boat so to speak, but if the majority of women were close to that then id have second thoughts. I dont think all are.

But man i really hope i meet more sweet ones than non.

Lots of guys complain of girls not showing... i defiantely wouldnt like that im not used to that for sure.

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See i have seen some people say "JUST GO DOWN THERE". well i think if you just go down there and dont know about all aspects from experience of others then you set yourself up to be put in the position of a sucker... thus why i am here asking questions.

 Some people say "JUST GO DOWN THERE" because that is about the only way to answer some questions you have about this process. You'll be ok as long as you don't marry someone as soon as you get off the plane, which is what some guys do.I travelled many times before I made my first commitment and I have to say that talking to people and asking questions helped but sooner or later you have to stop "riding the pine" and get in the game.

 This board is a great resource but it is mostly a collection of opinions and that's it.Nothing beats actual experience.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


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