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Author Topic: I end up in the Hospital , the love of a Peruana + 5 weeks till I get married.  (Read 3055 times)

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Offline singlefather no more

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I end up in the Hospital , the love of a Peruana + 5 weeks till I get married.

Well to start off I was doing my good deed for the day and helping a old lady by raking her backyard and doing a few things around her house for her.

So it starts raining off and on and I go back out onto her porch and walk down the steps and my feet fly from under me and down the steps I go. The worst part for me is that the old lady was in front of me and I knocked her down falling down the stairs. She is perfectly fine and I insisted she go to the hospital also and get herself checked out.

So I am in a partial 3/4 cast now with a tensor bandage wrapped around the front of the whole cast now for the next 6 weeks half way up to my knee. I did not break my ankle but severely sprained it and I have to go get a MRI and see if anything was torn. I could not stay in hospital to get the MRI done because I have to take care of my kids and they were already going nuts after spending 5 hours in the waiting area and the emergency hospital room with me.

I am sore all over and bruised up but I will be okay.

If any of my post does not make sense I blame it on the painkillers.. lol.. I don't like taking meds but I will follow doctors orders..

Thank you to our PL Paramedic Dave H for his advice and a kick in the pants. I had just got home after my fall and had talked to a Nurse who told me I should go get checked out right away when low and behold who calls me on the phone , it is Dave H.. I told him what happened and where it hurt and he told me what I might have hurt and to get my ass down to the hospital.. Thanks Doctor Dave..

The old lady who I was helping is sweetie pie and is one of the only people at my church supporting my decision to get married to my Novia. I understand now what Bear went through now.

I am seriously thinking of leaving my church and finding another church.

I actually have women from my church trying anything to sabotage my getting married and to do anything to give me a hard time. As I was telling raycjs I had 2 women sit in my living room and tell me that my fiancee was just after getting legal status in Canada and that I was endangering my children by taking them to Peru for our Wedding.

You guys will love this.. My 12 year old daughter kicked them out of the house and told them never to come back .. She said I love my New Mom to be and she is fantastic to my Dad and me and my brother. Don't you ever ever say anything bad about her.. She said a bad word to them as well. I told her that was not right to say that word to the women that start with a B**** ..

Get this after my daughter kicked them out they called Children's Aid and said I was endangering my children and myself by going to a dangerous country like Peru. I got a call from CAS since they have to follow up on any call and at the end of our conversation the CAS worker said some people are unhappy in there own lives and don't like to see someone doing something different. I was quite surprised by her support of me and told her that.. She said I met and brought my husband to Canada from Romania and your fiancee sounds very nice and good luck.

After those 2 Canadian women left my daughter cried and asked me why are some people so hateful and say bad things about Roxi and don't want us to be happy with her.

I told my Daughter that some women and men are jealous I am marrying a younger beautiful woman and maybe don't want other men to get the same idea as me..

I also told my daughter that after her Mom died I got a lot of interest from women in me because I was Vice President of Marketing for a Canadian company and my customers were CEO'S , Presidents and GM's of USA Casinos. As soon as some women found out I was a single father they went " ohhhhhhhhhhhhh" and did not like the fact I had kids.. My sweetie pie I told her I would not have Marry any woman unless I knew she was very interested in you and your brother and wanted to love you both not just put up with you. I know Roxi is crazy about you two and can't wait to meet you.

My daughter told me I still don't know how you found and chose such a great lady like Roxi out of all the women on the Internet. She makes me feel so good and happy.. She really cares about us and she is so sweet..My daughter likes the fact that my Novia really respects and wants to know more about my late wife. Last week my girl put some family pics of when my kids were very young on facebook. My Novia looked at the pics well she was webcamming with my girl and started crying when she was looking at pics of my late wife with us. She said your mother looks so nice and I really respect her and I am so sorry that she had to die. My daughter said that is ok , I am know my Mom in heaven really likes and loves you and is happy you are going to be my Mom also.

My Novia and her family are so upset that I got hurt and it is so touching to hear and see there concern for me. My Novia , her sister and her Mother were all crying on the webcam last night after they saw me with my crutches and my cast on my foot.

My Novia acts like a Mother Tiger sometimes  and after talking to me and texting me in the hospital ( yes no cell phone ban in our hospital ) she was not happy that I was not getting faster treatment and was worried because she could hear the pain in my voice and I had not been given pain killers yet..

So bless her soul my Novia found the number of our hospital emergency dept from the Internet and called up and spoke to one of the ER nurses. She told the nurse from what I remember , I am calling from Peru and my future husband J***  ******** is in a lot of pain. You sound like a wonderful nurse and I respect you as a Nurse and I would be very honored and happy if you could get the doctor to give him something for his pain.

The nurse says she told one of the doctor about the call and they both thought nobody talks like that anymore. Nobody uses the word respect and honor in the same sentence hardly anymore. I got the pain killers that I did not really want shortly after that. ;D

Thank goodness for spell check or you guys would be seeing lots of spelling mistakes in this post..  ;D ;D ;D ;D

If you want to find a great woman for a wife come down to Peru.. Like Chris F , Brainiac and Jimmy Ste Louis , I feel very protective in a way for Peruanas because a lot of them are so sweet , sincere , so darn innocent and naive..

My Novia 29 yr old sister is a beautiful sweetheart also but I will and am very protective of her and will check out carefully any guy that might be interested in her.

Te amo Roxi my Novia and Chiclayo Peru..



Offline bcc_1_2

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I'm just glad you're ok and I enjoyed your post. My thoughts on single dads were that women really were into them. Maybe its a say one thing... do another?

Considering 13 years ago I was a 12 year old I can say this. Financial matters, adult matters, etc have no place being talked about in front of a 12 year old. So when anyone starts trashing a child's future step mother (who they don't even know) really bothers me.

I am not a religious person, but growing up my parents did drag me to church. I guess it is a little different to me to hear about folks from your church getting their nose in your personal affairs.

I'll admit in my college days I was not thinking about anything serious but after some researching and traveling it became pretty clear that looking outside one's hometown is a pretty good idea. I also figured out honesty is not always the best policy. What I will say is that older generations of women tend to be more supportive towards me meeting women outside the midwest...and outside the USA. But then again these women in their 40s and 50s aren't trying to date me. But when I tell a 22-25 year old american chick I went down to costa rica (or plan to travel to other places) they intially are interested. But as soon as they hear any interest about the females their tone instantly changes. The idea pops in their head all of the sudden that guys can in fact travel anywhere and meet ladies. I'm sure some women are not bothered by that at all. But I've noticed a great many are extremely bothered by these possibilities.
Retiring in Tela, Honduras is 14,600 days (haha)

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                 Sorry to hear about your accident.Get well soon.

Every man has his own courage, and is betrayed because he seeks in himself the courage of other persons. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Offline Chris F

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Hey Singlefather!!

Glad you are ok and I know you will be close to 100% before making the trip to Peru!!!!

The best to you on your speedy recovery!!!!

Chris F

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I've noticed that many non-Christians behave in a much more "Christian" manner than regular church goers. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Offline Dan Las Vegas

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hey SF,

Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you did not tear anything. Years ago I fell while skiiing and tore some ligiments in my ankle, took forever to heal. Anyway, hope you recover quickly. Your wife to be sounds like an amazing woman, you have definitely found the diamond in the midst of all the coal.  good luck

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I've noticed that many non-Christians behave in a much more "Christian" manner than regular church goers. Here's to a speedy recovery!

Those are the ones we refer to as 'good Christians', as in "I've always considered myself to be a good Christian, but xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" where no matter what the actual words, the x's translate to "but I can't keep my nose out of others' business."

SF, you'll recover in time for the wedding, I got faith in you, boy.

Offline sean126

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Hope you make a speedy recovery SF.

I think I'd leave and find another church.

That kind of stuff infuriates me to no end!  Personally...I'd go to the Pastor and tell him that you hold him responsible since he's the "leader" of the church and then inform him that your leaving. 

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Wow.  I guess its true.  No good deed goes unpunished!  Sorry to hear about your troubles and will really pray you can get that cast off in time.  Don't want to ruin your wedding pictures or leave your wife in charge of the wedding night!  Hmmm?

I so strongly believe in my faith and the things I've learned there but like many now days I am so disillusioned about the "opinions" many members think they have the right to force on you.  What ever happened to "judge not least ye shall be judged"?  When I was part of the church leadership I had to make many decisions that show me that God talks to us all and if we listen and are intent on accepting his will, we know what's right for us and our families.  I pretty much let the members talk to be about their prayers and what their answers were and then I supported them.  Yet I move to a different part of town and the church leadership there insist I obey him while he criticizes my marriage to a girl 26 years younger than me?  At the same time all the things I learned that we as church leaders were supposed to do and I practised for 25+ years he is ignoring!  I really think that God sent me here to help repair what he done but he blocked me immediately (but I guess thats getting pretty personal).  We often talk about how we should not judge God and his churches by the actions of its members but that is very hard to do.  Still we have to remember our church leaders have stewardship over us and they will be held accountable for their actions on our behalf.  As for the members who criticize our choices and feel motivated to force their thoughts on us we can only pray for them because they have not learned what they preach.

I can say one thing though SF,  once the members of my old church met Honey, they too fell in love with her.  And me, they already knew and accepted.  They were just afraid for me after seeing the pain my "ex" put me through.  I think you'll find the same where you go to church.  To move might be worse as it has been for me and mine.

The Bear Family

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Get away from that church ASAP, they are not your friends!!  There are plenty of other churches out there. Find the one that is right for you.

Get the MRI soon. Tendon ruptures can be repaired if done quickly and you can regain about 90% of your function. If you leave it for 3 months the tendons atrophy which makes surgery if needed to try to reconnect two shrivelled ends useless.

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Ever since the first rock was placed on a stick and those primitives started bowing down to it and gave it a name, there has been more trouble in the world than not. To each his own, but I won't ever have to worry about a bunch of strangers thinking they have any right to direct the way I live my life, because I choose to live it without hocus pocus. People's actions are always more honest than what they force out of their pie holes, so I would make an effort to judge everyone more by what they do than where they go to gather.

I hope that you are feeling up to snuff by the time of your wedding and that you have a very special day for you and yours! Take plenty of pics so that you can share that day with those of us who won't be able to make it!
Live as if you will die tomorrow, Plan as if you will live forever...

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Get well soon S/F, and don't let a bunch of naysayers ruin your day. You're sure bringing up one fireball 12 year old! Great job! You deserve all the best for your speedy recovery and upcoming marriage.

- Jeff

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Hey SF,

I am glad  that you did as I said...not as I do!  ;D You should be doing pretty good by the time you get to Peru. See if your ortho will fit you for a walking cast/splint so you can walk down the aisle and do a one legged dance. Unfortunately your shoes won't exactly match...but you can't have your wedding cake and eat it  too...on second thought, maybe you can! ;D Good Luck!


« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 07:12:10 PM by Dave H »
The developmentally disabled madman!

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Hope you make a speedy recovery SF.

I think I'd leave and find another church.

That kind of stuff infuriates me to no end!  Personally...I'd go to the Pastor and tell him that you hold him responsible since he's the "leader" of the church and then inform him that your leaving. 

I agree with Sean on this.   Only 1 person in your church supports you.  I would do exactly as Sean suggests.  I have left a church before, and the problems did start at the Pastor.  I bet you $1,000,000 that there is a lot of gossip going around the church about you.  Part of the purpose of the church it to lift you up, and not tear you down.  Big problem in the world today is that Christians don't practice what they are taught.  The church doesn't hold these people accountable.  I believe a lot has to do with money.  They are afraid to lose members, and their money.

Get well soon

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I thought that Canadians were the best at navigating slippery surfaces, like hockey ice or whatever.  I guess some guys will do anything to avoid dancing.  I hope Dominick is reading this. 
Seriously, get well soon.

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No comment,

I am copying my fellow Canadian Montrealer down in BQ who did the same thing.. jajajajajajaja



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Thank you bcc_1_2 , Researcher , Chris F , UTC , Dan Las Vegas , michaelb , sean126 , Bear , Santanger , soltero , Jeff S , Dave H and bigstew33 for your support , opinions and good wishes.



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Wow. Hope you are on your way to a speedy recovery.

Good luck.

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I hope you feel better and i hope all is well with you and your family.

As i have told you in the past please do not listen to any of the women or men from your church.

I wish you the bst of luck

See you soon

Ray from OHIO

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Good luck SingleFather, who did all the paper for your Peru marriage?

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I believe S.F. is doing all his own paperwork and he has been at this for over 3 plus years and he has a great women in Peru. I wish i could make it to the wedding but i am so busy now with my own life and my new family that i can only be there in spirit. If you want to know anything about Peru and the process you would want to reach out to my very good friend SF he know what he is talking about along with many of the guys on this site.

Ray from OHIO


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