Hi Tom,
I'm glad you got a "winner" In Jessica.
I'm very lucky to have my wife. She could have done better without me in this country. As it is, she also is a hard worker, a manager and done well despite me.
We don't have BBQ's as C. is not much of a partyer. Actually she's downright unsociable! LOL!
As you probably know, she did left me once for 3 months. After that she said I love you, can't live without you, and sorry, I was "just [snip]ing with you". She sure [snip]ed with me! :shock:
Well she taught me a few lessons. She says she wouldn't have split if I didn't egg her on that day, saying call the kids again, make sure they come get you! (the lived 200 miles away). etc., etc. I was hammered at the time.
That was over 2 years ago. I haven't gotten a lot better as a person, seems I'm always up to my neck in it, but she puts up with me. God bless her. Thank God for me.
We're almost the same age, she's 44 last Nov., and I'm 43 a week from today, April 2, so we don't get [snip] from folks for that.
It's funny, I just started a new job, couple of months ago, and this has happened in other jobs. People at work work with me a while, and when they see C. finally like last week, they look at me differently. I guess they thought I had a fat white lady at home when they saw my ring.
In this case except for management I am the oldest worker by about 20 years, so now the kids react to 'Pop" (thats what they call me, can you imagine? at 43? Must be my grey hair), as If I'm a stud. LMAO!!
Hard to explain. C. still looks good.
Anyway, just saying Hi, glad your well. Keep posting. You always had good posts.
Take Care,