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Author Topic: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?  (Read 8228 times)

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Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2008, 08:30:14 AM »
I think so many people wait too long to start living their dreams.  I am not a very political guy, but when George Bush got elected for the second term I predicted all these bad things were going to happen in the world: stock market crash, housing market crash, bank closures, auto industry crash, that we would be impotent to do anything against other countries such as Iran or whoever since most of the world hates us now, all of these bad things.

When Bush won the presidency again, I decided "f--- it.....I am going to start living nowwww!"  And I am so glad that I did.

So I do not know how much longer the world is going to be the way it is when we can travel freely and things like that.  So I want to enjoy it while I can.  Did you see what happened with the airline tickets during the last year?  Even though they are coming down now....they were through the roof for most of us during the past year compared to previous years.  Who knows what will happen with the prices in the future with oil prices, less people traveling, fewer flights available, etc.

And for is difficult to just sit on the sidelines watching life pass by.  I want to travel there, have parties, cook outs, everything as much as possible.  Especially when I am still relatively young.....41.

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2008, 08:54:04 AM »

There is no real rule of thumb....

Our pre nup is very personal and it also has a lot to do with your net worth.
but here are some examples

0-5 years married $ 20,000.00 and nothing else. this will help you if she is only after you for a visa i truly believe 20k is not going to change your life. you make it one lump sum or payable over 2 years 10k each year....

5-10 years married $ 60,000.00 payable in payments 10k per year for 6 years.....

10-20 years married $ 120,000.00 payable in payment 10k per year for 12 years

20 plus years $ 175,000.00 payable in payments 10k per year for 17.5 years

again it all depends on your net worth and you want all of this to be around 20 to 25 % not the normal 50%

all of the above numbers are based on what you feel her time is worth for helping you as a wife over the period of years.... You also can put in clause that state if she is caught having an affair or some other wording that will hold up in a court of law that she gets less ???????

if there is anything else i can help you with just ask

i wish you the best of luck and i want you to know that i believe in marrage and this is all only by opinion but i can tell you i have spent a lot of money making sure my past and present assets are all covered.

Ray from OHIO

Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2008, 10:18:51 AM »
Thanks for the info Ray!

Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2008, 10:18:51 AM »

Offline Bob_S

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2008, 10:02:47 AM »
how do you determine what is the correct amount to give her if the divorce ends in a particular year.  Is there a rule of thumb to use?  A formula of some sort?  Do you calculate it from your gross or net income?
I got some friends here in CA that recently got a divorce, and they said the lawyers said that the general formula is: the gainfully employed spouse provides support to the under-employed spouse sufficient to maintain at least the poverty line for 1 year for every 2 years they were married.  That way, the under-employed spouse has time to train to get the skills to up their employment level and can still have a roof over their head and something to eat.  Mind you, they did not have kids which would have changed things considerably.
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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2008, 04:39:43 PM »
I got some friends here in CA that recently got a divorce, and they said the lawyers said that the general formula is: the gainfully employed spouse provides support to the under-employed spouse sufficient to maintain at least the poverty line for 1 year for every 2 years they were married.  That way, the under-employed spouse has time to train to get the skills to up their employment level and can still have a roof over their head and something to eat.  Mind you, they did not have kids which would have changed things considerably.


Your formula sounds about right.

But unless you have property in Colombia, get married in Colombia and think you might want to remarry there again then a Colombia Pre-Nup is pointless.

Personally I think a Pre-Nup should reflect what you are comfortable giving a woman that wants to divorce you or who has made you so sick of her that you would like to get away from her.

In Colombia you can write up a Pre-Nup that will make sure she gets zero in case of a divorce.

Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2008, 05:32:54 PM »
These women have a good scam matter where they are from.....if they marry a gringo, and marry in the US, they have just hit the jackpot.

No matter what happens.  If it turns out good, then good...they will have a wonderful life.  If it turns out bad, they still win.  Incredible.

And for is just the opposite.  Even the guys I know that have beautiful women that seem to be incredibly nice and sweet seem to get tired of them within 5-10 years and would love to be single again. So they either suffer in a relationship they are tired of....or they get divorced thinking "the grass is greener"...but it does not turn out to be true many times.

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2008, 05:50:07 PM »
In Colombia you can write up a Pre-Nup that will make sure she gets zero in case of a divorce.

what a great country! I'd be willing to write in that she gets a pair of new sneakers.
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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2008, 09:21:50 PM »
It's really very simple...just do like Guy Ritchie and marry a woman who has more money and/or earning potential than you do! There are plenty of professionals available...but not in the 18-20 year old bracket.

The developmentally disabled madman!

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2008, 09:32:03 PM »
These women have a good scam matter where they are from.....if they marry a gringo, and marry in the US, they have just hit the jackpot.

No matter what happens.  If it turns out good, then good...they will have a wonderful life.  If it turns out bad, they still win.  Incredible.

And for is just the opposite.  Even the guys I know that have beautiful women that seem to be incredibly nice and sweet seem to get tired of them within 5-10 years and would love to be single again. So they either suffer in a relationship they are tired of....or they get divorced thinking "the grass is greener"...but it does not turn out to be true many times.

Personally I just can't see complaining about banging a hot chick for 5 or more years even if it ends in a divorce. The trick is setting yourself up so you don't get burned financially.

I can't see how a woman (in her twenties) can really think that spending 4 or 5 of the best years of her life in a dead end relationship is a good deal even if they end up staying in the states. Unless she ends up with a lot of cash in the end.

Just like a guy in his forties can't complain about spending 5 years with a hot chick unless he gets raked over the coals in a divorce.

Just remember you are the one in controll and you can end the game any time you like.

Offline Alabamaboy!

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #34 on: October 23, 2008, 08:29:14 AM »

I am in control only to a certain degree.  Look at my ex wife...she started out fine....but after four years...after discovering Macy's and Ebay, things were on their way to disaster.  I was working. I could not control her every second of the day.   I could not put a gun to her head to make her cook and take care of my son the way she should have.

So in the end, I was sick of it.  Sick of watching that kind of thing when I was working about 60-70 hours a week.  So I finally divorced her.

But how was she rewarded for her behavior???  A giant divorce settlement that she did not deserve.  I have been divorced more than 2 years, separated another year on top of that.  And she still does not work or do anything. Because the money continues to flow into her household from me. And since I have young children with her...with joint custody, it will be that way for more than 10 more years.

Offline Dave H

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #35 on: October 23, 2008, 01:09:51 PM »

But how was she rewarded for her behavior???  A giant divorce settlement that she did not deserve.  I have been divorced more than 2 years, separated another year on top of that.  And she still does not work or do anything. Because the money continues to flow into her household from me. And since I have young children with her...with joint custody, it will be that way for more than 10 more years.

He machin,

That really sucks!!! I will save up my strength for the party when the 10 years is up! You should have partied with my brother and me when his youngest turned 18! His ex tried, but failed to get child support until the youngest turned 21.


The developmentally disabled madman!

Offline Calipro

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Re: Pre- Nup agreement.........what are the essential elements?
« Reply #36 on: October 23, 2008, 06:41:53 PM »

I am in control only to a certain degree.  Look at my ex wife...she started out fine....but after four years...after discovering Macy's and Ebay, things were on their way to disaster.  I was working. I could not control her every second of the day.   I could not put a gun to her head to make her cook and take care of my son the way she should have.

So in the end, I was sick of it.  Sick of watching that kind of thing when I was working about 60-70 hours a week.  So I finally divorced her.

But how was she rewarded for her behavior???  A giant divorce settlement that she did not deserve.  I have been divorced more than 2 years, separated another year on top of that.  And she still does not work or do anything. Because the money continues to flow into her household from me. And since I have young children with her...with joint custody, it will be that way for more than 10 more years.


I'm sorry to hear that you got hosed. But it is up to you and you alone to make sure it doesn't happen again and I pray to God that you are not thinking that it's all you have to do is just find the right woman this time. You need to take concrete steps to make sure that it can't happen again.


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