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Author Topic: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem  (Read 9782 times)

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Offline william3rd

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2008, 09:50:50 PM »

Do you have a source for that statement such as a link on the USCIS website?


Ummmmmmm- 20 years of experience and several cases and a lot of research over the years . Will I go look for you? No. Maybe you could and should start with Webster's.

I almost thought you were joking when you posted it but I see you are actually serious. . .

Good luck. . . If you get it, I will send that info over to people who didnt get it on worse facts over the years so that they can raise hell over the incompetency of the government.

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline DallasSteve

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2008, 10:27:33 PM »
Ummmmmmm- 20 years of experience and several cases and a lot of research over the years . Will I go look for you? No. Maybe you could and should start with Webster's.

I almost thought you were joking when you posted it but I see you are actually serious. . .

Good luck. . . If you get it, I will send that info over to people who didnt get it on worse facts over the years so that they can raise hell over the incompetency of the government.

I knew that it was a long shot before I posted the question.  I didn't need you or Ray to talk down to me as if I'm naive or ignorant.  I was looking for something concrete in the law or the regs, but it looks like I've already found all of the useful information.  Next time I want to hear some discouraging words I'll know who to ask.

Muchas gracias

« Last Edit: July 18, 2008, 10:29:55 PM by DallasSteve »
The Architect

Texas 41, USC 38

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2008, 02:34:33 AM »

I really get a kick out of these guys who come here asking for FREE advice and information, then cry and whine when they don’t get the answer they wanted to hear.

Maybe Steve should hire a lawyer and pay him a couple of grand to see if he can save him that $675...

Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #27 on: July 19, 2008, 02:34:33 AM »

Offline Researcher

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #28 on: July 19, 2008, 11:55:40 PM »
Hey Catz,

You said it! I could deal with the slow pace, it was incompetence that had me at my wit's end! Not having to continue dealing with USCIS was one of the biggest motivators in me encouraging my wife to apply for citizenship ASAP! I'm sure you feel the same way! The problems didnt end until my wife was finally sworn in, which was even rescheduled once, and got her Naturalization Certificate.

When my wife went for her citizenship interview, they said that our daughter (2 years old) could not go into the interview room with her. OK, rules are rules, no problem. We have no family or baby sitters here, so she had gone with us. My daughter began to cry and less than a minute later, 3 third world (Haitian - 2 men and 1 woman) security guards surrounded my daughter and me, screaming and demanding that I leave the building immediately. I said, no problem, please give me a couple of minutes to get moving. Having suffered multiple strokes a few months earlier, I was unable to walk very well. A USCIS supervisor said that we must leave the building immediately and would not give me a chance to consol my daughter in another area. The security guards escorted my daughter and me to the stairs, saying I could not use the elevator. I explained that I could not walk down 3 flights of stairs. Their screaming grew even louder, causing my daughter to cry louder. They opened the stairwell door and almost pushed my daughter and me in. The door was locked, so my only choice was to sit as I could not make it down the stairs. My daughter's crying echoed and was amplified in the stairwell. Two of the security guards returned and demanded that I go down the stairs "NOW!!!" I told them to F-off and try to make me! Altough I was very weak and dizzy, I was willing to take them out with my cane. (I now have a fighting cane for those times.) They changed their tactics seeing it was getting them nowhere. They allowed us to go to the elevator, with my now hysterical daughter. The USCIS supervisor told me to make her stop crying and "HURRY!" I told him "F'CK YOU AZZHOLE!" When we got downstairs, we were "escorted" outside the building like criminals! A Cuban-American security guard that I had a long conversation with when we first arrived upsairs in the waiting area, saw me. He was now outside checking documents of people standing in line. He stopped and came over quickly. He asked me what happened and why I was not back upstairs waiting in the air conditioning. He apologised and then left, returning  with a chair a few minutes later for me to sit in. He placed it in the shade in an "authorized personnel only" location. Next he called for a supervisor and explained what happened. I filed a complaint against the other 3 security guards. While the supervisor seemed genuinely concerned, I doubt that the US government elite would allow any of the 3 Third World neoNazi storm troupers to reprimanded or written up. It is all about hiring quotas, not quality hiring and being PC! While I was telling my story, my wife had finished and came outside looking for me. She turned pale, ran to me and began to cry when she saw me, thinking that I must have suffered another stroke. We thanked the Cuban-American security guard and the supervisor. I stood up and we out of there and Miami ASAP! So F'ck those Dirty Rat Bastards. While there are probably more A'holes working at USCIS, there are still some very good people as well...I keep telling myself.  :)


  WOW Dave, now I have even more contempt for the USCIS that I will need to suppress.
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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #29 on: July 20, 2008, 04:56:25 AM »
I don't know if it is at all USCIS offices but in the 3 different ones that I have been to the "security" folks are not government employees. These jobs have been contracted out to a security company and I have also seen some really good folks and some first class <string of bad words here> in action though nothing to the degree of what Dave endured.

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2008, 09:00:43 AM »
Hey Catz,

You are right. The security guards were not USCIS employees, but a firm contracted by the government. Same with  most other local government offices. South Florida was a first world country, that has been abandoned by most of the Americans and overtaken by third world invaders. Many of the security guards are FOB (fresh off the boat) and are used to doing things the way they have seen the police and military do it back in their third world homelands. When I was on fire-rescue, I worked on a 12 year old who was shot and killed by a security guard. He told the boy to get out of the apartment's swimming pool and shot him when he either didn't comply or move fast enough. I have more stories, but that was the most shocking, because he was only a kid on summer break and not really committing a serious crime. When I was a kid we used to hit all of the swimming pools on Miami Beach, starting with the Castaways Hotel. wife just topped that by telling me of a 5 year old boy recently shot by a security guard in the Philippines, also for tresspassing. He was searching for scrap metal and bottles on private property. That is the reason I always befriend the armed security guards at Mc Donalds, Jollibee, Pizza Hut, and EVERYWHERE else in the Philippines. At least they use a gun big enough to kill you (and some of the people standing around you) outright, not making you suffer. They are also polite when they finally shoot you. "Please sir you must stay in line sir. Please sir will you stay in line sir. Please sir.  Please sir it is the store policy sir. Please sir you must stay in line behind the customer in front of you sir. Please sir, I don't want shoot you sir. Please sir this will be your last warning sir. Please sir...BANG! I am very sorry sir." ;D ;D ;D  Ray can verify this.  ;D

Many of our local guards often can't string a series of English words together to create an intelligible sentence. They usually just start to scream and wave their arms all over the place. French Creole not being even my 3rd language didn't help this situation. I think what really pissed me off is that the US government hired the security firm and they were following instructions of a USICS employee who stood back and directed them. Not to worry Researcher, I have rehabilitated since then, now have a fighting cane. I should be returning with our friend who is scheduled for an interview soon.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 09:46:35 AM by Dave H »
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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #31 on: July 20, 2008, 01:35:23 PM »

Offline Dave H

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2008, 03:55:32 PM »

I really get a kick out of these guys who come here asking for FREE advice and information, then cry and whine when they don’t get the answer they wanted to hear.

Maybe Steve should hire a lawyer and pay him a couple of grand to see if he can save him that $675... 

Hey Ray,

I've paid lawyers $350 per hour and still havn't gotten the answers I wanted to hear!!!  Sometimes you don't hear what you want, even when you pay for it. Next time maybe I will go to a shrink!  ;D


« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 04:02:25 PM by Dave H »
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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2008, 05:05:49 PM »


Next time you go to that  USCIS office take a undercover reporter with you !!

I am sorry that you had to go through that..



Offline Dave H

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Re: US Citizenship Process Time Frame Problem
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2008, 07:16:40 AM »
Hey singlefatherm

Thanks! Unfortunately at the time, I was barely functioning on about 5 brain cells.  ;D My brain function has improved a lot since then.  The brain is an amazing thing! I probably couldn't stand and fight without losing my balance and falling to the floor...but I have always been a grappler, wrestler, street fighter type anyway!  ;D After my strokes, I am more direct and to the point, having less patience. You should have heard what I recently said to the SS Administration office security guard (without foul words) after he refused to let me talk to a SS Administrator. He finally decided to get the supervisor and their error was quickly corrected!  ;D I have taken it upon myself to teach South Florida immigrants proper manors, American customs, and appropriate driving skills!  ;D

The developmentally disabled madman!


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