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Author Topic: Chavez actively working to overthrow Uribe : WASHINGTON POST is the source!  (Read 1881 times)

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Offline daytrader

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Chavez trying to overthrow Uribe.....



First reports of the documents recovered from laptops at the FARC camp spoke of promises by Chávez to deliver up to $300 million to a group renowned for kidnapping, drug trafficking and massacres of civilians; they also showed that Ecuadoran President Rafael Correa was prepared to remove from his own army officers who objected to the FARC's Ecuadoran bases.

But in their totality, the hundreds of pages of documents so far made public by Colombia paint an even more chilling picture. The raid appears to have preempted a breathtakingly ambitious "strategic plan" agreed on by Chávez and the FARC with the initial goal of gaining international recognition for a movement designated a terrorist organization by both the United States and Europe. Chávez then intended to force Colombian President Álvaro Uribe to negotiate a political settlement with the FARC, and to promote a candidate allied with Chávez and the FARC to take power from Uribe.

All this is laid out in a series of three e-mails sent in February to the FARC's top leaders by Iván Márquez and Rodrigo Granda, envoys who held a series of secret meetings with Chávez. Judging from the memos, Chávez did most of the talking: He outlined a five-stage plan for undermining Uribe's government, beginning with the release of several of the scores of hostages the FARC is holding.

The first e-mail, dated Feb. 8, discusses the money: It says that Chávez, whom they call "angel," "has the first 50 [million] available and has a plan to get us the remaining 200 in the course of the year." Chávez proposed sending the first "packet" of money "through the black market in order to avoid problems." He said more could be arranged by giving the FARC a quota of petroleum to sell abroad or gasoline to retail in Colombia or Venezuela

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Offline Bear

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Wow!  (Not really)

Kinda expect this sort of thing from Chavez.  What surprises me is all those who don't.

The Bear Family

Offline xcited

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Chavez is a dirtbag.  From what I understand, even though oil prices are very high; poverty and related types of problems are exploding.  They have a 13% unemployment rate and almost 50% of the workers are working only part time.  The crime rate has increased by 80%.  He has also tried to politicize the education system which has caused tens of thousands to move money and families out of the country.  This causes a brain drain and loss of investment money.  Meanwhile he's promising terrorist organizations $250 million.  He has done a great job hurting his own people in order to cause political strife elsewhere.  Like I said, a total dirtbag.


Offline utopiacowboy

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Somebody needs to give Chavez a sudden case of lead poisoning.

Offline daytrader

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Somebody needs to give Chavez a sudden case of lead poisoning.

Yeah baby!  Chavez may get some "lead poisoning" from these hot Israeli upgrades to the Mirage 3/Mirage 5 Fighter Bombers that should blunt anything that  VZ throws up in the air (with their poorly trained pilots)...combined with U.S. AWAC's jamming of useless Russian radar  and Israeli advanced radar (the current Russian radar was skunked when Israel bombed a nuke bomb site in Syria recently) ...Colombia's 24 F-21's should be able to make a decent show of it! 

Uribe ordered upgrades to existing fleet of 11 fighters in February plus 13 more with the new avionics, so Colombia will be 'up to speed' with Chavez later this year.  Mainly a ground attack platform (those wide delta wings can carry a bunch of ordinance)...

note: Ecuador has the same fighter, minus some of the recent upgrades

May 'The Force' be with you Colombia....Come on Chavez...get some lead!!



Here's a recent article highlighting the poor state of readiness of Chavez's military...many of their tanks don't even have working gun sights because Chavez is too poor to hire the outside technicians to maintain them! 

« Last Edit: March 16, 2008, 09:18:22 AM by daytrader »
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee (Tom Cruise): I think I'm entitled to them.
Jessep: You want answers?
Kaffee: I want the truth!
Jessep: You can't handle the truth!

Offline pan de bono

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looks like Colombia is being surrounded  by Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador, is that the plan of Emperor Chavez?


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