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Author Topic: San Diego Fire Update  (Read 3571 times)

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San Diego Fire Update
« on: October 25, 2007, 11:08:08 AM »

Despite efforts by our dumb a$$ senator Barbara Boxer and a few other Democrats to score some political cheap shots by blaming the fires on GW and the Iraq war, the evacuations and relief efforts have gone remarkably well so far.

With all the chaos amid the evacuation of over a million people because of the fires, I haven’t heard of any looting cases except for this one. Yep, leave it to the ILLEGAL ALIENS.

And for all you whiny leftist open border whackos out there, remember that these "poor undocumented workers" are only doing the looting Americans won’t do… 

The San Diego Union-Tribune
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Illegal immigrants suspected of stealing supplies

Six illegal immigrants who were suspected of stealing relief supplies from Qualcomm Stadium were arrested by Border Patrol agents after San Diego police stopped them Wednesday morning.

A woman who had been evacuated to the stadium told officers she saw the group load up two pickup trucks and a car with cots and other supplies, leave and then return, said police Sgt. Jesse Cesena.

When officers stopped them, a member of the group said they were being paid to take things of value from the stadium.

"They were stealing a lot of stuff," Cesena said. "We took the stuff back and we escorted them out. They were stealing from the people in need."

Because some members of the group spoke Spanish, officers called Border Patrol agents at the stadium for relief efforts. They determined the people were in the country illegally and arrested them.

The Border Patrol agents are among 100 that the federal agency has been providing for relief efforts, said agency spokesman Matthew Johnson. He said the agents are not looking for illegal immigrants among people seeking refuge at the stadium.

"We're not out there doing immigration stuff in the middle of a disaster," he said. "However, we still enforce the laws."

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2007, 11:56:59 AM »
Typical, but I am surprised they even reported the looting, given the protection Illegal Aliens are normally given. 

  You know if the illegal alien leaders were smarter, they would have used this opportunity to film illegal aliens doing something good and helpful to the victims.  Like volunteering at the stadium or volunteering to dig on the fire lines.  That would have become the headline story, on liberal news networks.  Instead they are going to be considered one of the goats before this fire thing is through... and deserveadly so.

BTW: How is your home Ray? You seem like a survivalist so given that I guess you would be out in one of the potentially affected communities.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2007, 12:01:07 PM by fathertime »
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Offline Bear

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2007, 04:39:32 PM »
It was reported here in Houston as well but they made it clear they were not rounding up illegals because of the stealing of these six?

The Bear Family

Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2007, 04:39:32 PM »

Offline SteveK

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2007, 09:09:44 PM »
San Diego Fire Update???    I think you missed the mark on subject... how about "I hate democrats and undocumented aliens". 

Second, why are you posting this in the Asian forum?

Third, there are reports in the San Diego Union Tribune (page 1 of section B) and on the TV of looting throughout the evacuated areas.  Lets be realistic, most of these scums were not undocumented aliens.   Undocumented aliens are generally good, hard working people, just trying to earn enough money to feed and house their families.   They are not terrorist, rapist, or thieves.

Everyone in this city has banded together fight this fire, with no regard to political affiliation or ethnic background.  Shame on you to use this tragedy to push your racist beliefs.

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2007, 09:33:05 PM »
Hey!  Don't tell me to stop "pushing my agenda" while you push yours.  An don't act as if I'm some uncaring jerk because when I feed their family it makes it harder to feed mine!

Illegals are illegal.  Yeah they'll do work for $2/hr because we can't afford to do it for less than $10 and feed our family.  But that doesn't stop our government from taxing us to give them free services and hospitalization while the businesses rack up billions in profits.  Which BTW came out of my kids mouth and increased the debt for my grandchildren.

Plus they are rude, inconsiderate, ungrateful and striff-necked in assimilating in to the American culture (like we owe it to them since they won't make their own do as we did?). They hate were they come from but want to change us to meet their expectations?

I am thrilled to hear 6 were detained (but then were probably released after being given a good meal and stuff to take home to their families. Things meant for tax payers who lost all).

Send them all home and start the North American Union and its Amero$ by first stating the intent and that the constitution of this county will not be in any way lessened for that union.  In stead they bring them here and try to give them the vote so that our will can be subverted to that intent.

We stopped that Dream Act (read nightmare) for the 3rd time yesterday!!

The Bear Family

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2007, 10:44:47 PM »
  Shame on you to use this tragedy to push your racist beliefs.

What about the illegals looting makes Ray a racist exactly? Are all illegals one nationality?

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More Leftist Propaganda?
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2007, 11:51:32 PM »
Well there Steve, I think you should pull your head out of your arse and smell the coffee.

It’s whiny apologists like yourself who make excuses for criminal aliens who make me want to puke. ILLEGAL aliens are criminals, thieves, and have no respect for our laws or our culture. They spit on our flag, laugh at our laws, and then DEMAND their “rights” as if they own this country. BS!

You can pull out those tired old leftist platitudes extolling the virtues of ILLEGAL aliens all you want, but I ain’t buying your propaganda. I and most of my neighbors have had our homes burglarized by ILLEGAL aliens, we have had our cars stolen by ILLEGAL aliens, and we have had our flag ripped down by ILLEGAL aliens. ILLEGAL aliens steal Americans’ identities and traffic in forged documents. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want.

A typical tactic of the leftist open-border whackos is to attempt to label anyone opposed to ILLEGAL immigration a racist. Well Steve, you can take your silly racist label and stick it in your ear. ILLEGAL alien isn’t a race you bozo!

…there are reports in the San Diego Union Tribune (page 1 of section B) and on the TV of looting throughout the evacuated areas. Lets be realistic, most of these scums were not undocumented aliens.

No, that article in the Tribune did NOT contain reports of “looting throughout the evacuated areas”. Perhaps you should learn to read. The article used terms like “smattering of cases” and “not widespread”. The article said deputies had received about 25 calls of “suspicious activity” since Monday, with half of those being unfounded. It only mentioned one or two cases of burglary in an evacuated area. There were reports of two vehicles being broken into and one car theft, but NOT in an evacuated area. The article also quoted a San Diego Police spokeswoman as saying that the department had NO (zero, zip) official reports of fire-related burglaries. Sounds like a pretty quiet week in San Diego crime-wise.

So where are all of these reports in the article you referenced of  “looting throughout the evacuated areas”??  And the article does report that most of those arrested (the six at Qualcomm) were ILLEGAL aliens, so why don’t YOU be realistic? Perhaps you were hallucinating when you read that article? Or maybe you only read the hyped-up headline? Can’t liberals EVER tell the truth?

You sir should be ashamed of using this tragedy in an attempt to spew your leftist propaganda.

Here’s the article you attempted to get away with mis-quoting:
Criminals use fires to their advantage

Looting a major concern for those who evacuated

By Chet Barfield
October 25, 2007

Burglaries of evacuated homes. Cars belonging to residents who are fleeing the fires being broken into. Thieves stealing supplies sent to relief centers. Scams targeting victims trying to rebuild.

Police and residents throughout the region are reporting a smattering of cases that, while not widespread, evoke head-shaking disgust.

“There's always people who are going to take advantage of the situation,” sheriff's Lt. Phil Brust said.

Deputies patrolling evacuation zones have received about 25 calls of suspicious activity since Monday, Brust said. As many as half those calls may have been unfounded, he said, but at least two burglary suspects were arrested in deserted areas of Ramona.

Looting has been a concern for some residents along Lyons Valley Road near Jamul. Caroline Ramsden ignored an evacuation order and stayed in her home with her husband and daughter. She said strangers pulled into her driveway nine times Monday night, then drove away when they saw the home occupied.

“Losing your house to a fire is one thing,” Ramsden said. “Losing it to looting is another.”

Residents of Scripps Ranch and Del Mar e-mailed The San Diego Union-Tribune with anecdotes of at least two evacuees' vehicles being broken into and plundered by thieves.

Also victimized was Gayle Falkenthal, a spokeswoman for the San Diego Red Cross. She fled her home in Scripps Ranch in a 1991 Toyota crammed with precious personal items. Staying with a friend in San Diego, she awoke yesterday to find the car and her belongings stolen.

“That was the culmination of a couple of pretty rough days,” Falkenthal said.

In Rancho Peñasquitos, Union-Tribune reporter Blanca Gonzalez, her husband and 16-year-old daughter, who were evacuated earlier this week, returned late Tuesday to find their home burglarized. Gonzalez said her husband tried to report the crime Tuesday night and again yesterday, but each time was advised to call back the next day because no detectives were available.

Police in San Diego, Chula Vista and Escondido say officers have been working long shifts and are being pulled from specialized duties to cover neighborhood patrols. About 1,600 California National Guard troops have been sent in to help, filling gaps from unloading supplies at Qualcomm Stadium to operating checkpoints in Escondido.

San Diego police spokeswoman Mónica Muñoz said the department had no official reports of fire-related burglaries, although five arrests had been made since Sunday for minor violations such as interfering with an officer or being in a restricted area.

However, six people were caught stealing relief supplies yesterday from Qualcomm Stadium. An evacuee reported seeing them load two pickups and a car with cots and other items, leave and then return.

One in the group said they were being paid to take items of value, police Sgt. Jesse Ceseña said. The six, suspected of being illegal immigrants, were turned over to U.S. Border Patrol agents who were at the stadium to assist with relief efforts.

Meanwhile, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis issued an advisory yesterday warning of various frauds fire victims can expect, such as con artists who promise to clear debris but instead abscond with deposits without doing any work.

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2007, 12:52:39 AM »
Shame on you to use this tragedy to push your racist beliefs.

 ;D ;D ;D

Another card dealer.

On a similar note, one of my Latina coworkers believes these fires are part of some grand conspiracy to exploit cheap labor during the inevitable rebuilding phase.

She's young and naive.

And so, probably, is Mr. K.

"I can get a great look at a t-bone steak by shoving my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it."--Chris Farley

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2007, 03:22:08 AM »
Speaking of agendas and Barbra Boxer, although I believe credit for this faux pax goes to Nancy Polosi(sp?). (paraphrase, I'm not going to bother to look up the exact quote) 'Our National Guard could have helped us, except all their equipment is in Iraq'....only problem with that statement is that it isn't true. I read where the Guard had 15 or 20 fire fighting helicopters crewed and serviced, ready to fly missions within 5 or 6 hours, but it was almost 24 hours before the California fire officials (which under California laws are required to accompany them on such missions) were ready and by that time it was too little, too late. Nice try, though, Nancy.

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2007, 05:41:00 AM »
Right on Bear, but don't forget all the free and reduced lunches we give kids everyday at school.  I just keep saying, Why do I have to pay for all of these kids Lunches?  I have several kids in school who are taking up my time and classroom space,  I don't believe their parents are legal. 

The business people want the illegals here so they can make more profit and the hell with everyone else.


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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2007, 10:06:12 AM »

BTW: How is your home Ray? You seem like a survivalist so given that I guess you would be out in one of the potentially affected communities.

LOL! Yeah, an urban survivalist maybe.

We're fine here. We are a mile from the nearest evacuation zone but never in any real danger from the fire.

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2007, 10:21:52 AM »

We stopped that Dream Act (read nightmare) for the 3rd time yesterday!!

Yes Bear, it’s really refreshing to see the 'Wet Dream Act' go down in flames again, even though it did get a majority vote. Just another feeble amnesty attempt to reward ILLEGAL aliens by giving them legal status and citizenship.

The bleeding heart whackos just never seem learn. However, I think GW may finally be coming around to reason because he supposedly opposed this nonsense this time.

What gets me is the whiny argument that 'these poor innocent children only came here with their parents and shouldn't be punished'. Yeah, right, so we'll make them all citizens so they can petition their illegal alien parents and other relatives once they turn 21.

Instead of blaming us for "punishing" their children, how about placing the blame where it belongs, on their ILLEGAL alien parents who brought them here and their corrupt governments back home that encouraged them to come here.

I'm getting very tired of being called a racist by the leftist open-border whackos because I want my country's laws enforced. Screw them all!

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2007, 11:03:01 AM »
Hey- dont forget the scumbag criminal employers who hire the scumbag illegal aliens. Cut off the food sources and the animals will migrate back to where the food is.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2007, 11:03:01 AM »

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2007, 03:38:27 PM »
Hey Ray,

I'm happy to hear you are doing good out there in North Tijuana!

I'm not going to waste my time discussing my "racist"  views with liberals. What do I know...I have only spent the past 39 years totally immersed in the crime and pendejo culture of South Florida created by both too much "legal" and illegal immigration. "Me no peakie ingles!" "Pise gaye pa kimen"

Dave H.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 03:43:14 PM by Dave H »
The developmentally disabled madman!

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2007, 04:41:16 PM »


Hey Dave, how's everything down there in North Havana? Are you growing rice in your backyard??

When you are a man, sometimes you wear a purple thong in your rice paddy. It's for fun!


I don’t know why, but when I saw the news story about the panty raids on Victoria’s Secret stores I though of you. Guilty or not guilty Dave?   ;D

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2007, 01:03:00 PM »
Sorry Ray,

I will have to "plead the Fifth" in regards to the Victoria's Secret issue!

Our rice in the Philippines is starting to be harvested. In our "backyard" here in the US, we have spent the past 2 years waking up at 6 AM to a bunch of Latinos in their dump trucks obsessively banging their tailgates, honking their horns, backing everywhere so their trucks go "BEEP...BEEP...BEEP... with very little progress to show for all the commotion.  By 9 AM the workers all go hide for the rest of the day and all is quiet again. Well, what do I expect in a Democratic liberal sanctuary city on a city owned construction project?  ???

Dave H.
The developmentally disabled madman!

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Re: San Diego Fire Update
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2007, 04:42:19 PM »
You too!  Same here but it starts a 4:30AM and ends with the Catholic Church bells a block away going off!  I don't know how they do it either because they stay up till 2-3Am drinking in their driveway playing that stupid polka music.  How do they get up and go to work at 4:30AM?

Half the neighbors got up with me one morning (cause they heard me banging on the neighbors door). The neighbors music and barking dog kept waking up the baby and Marissa (she breast feeding then and not getting much rest).  I went over there and practically beat their door down - I was ticked at the baby crying all night and Marissa tossing and turning - I hadn't slept well in three weeks at this point.  The neighbors made a few veiled threats so I said, "OK lets see what INS will say."  And I went and called HPD.  In 5 minutes no one was home and no one has bothered me since.  They even chained the dog on the other side of the house.  HPD got mad at me for not calling them first and half the neighborhood chewed HPD out for not taking care of it without us calling them.  Been pretty quiet for almost a year now, except them getting up for work a 4:30 AM.

Wish they'd cut their on grass and trim their trees and quit parking 18 wheelers in the front yard but not much I can do about it.

The Bear Family


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