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Author Topic: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????  (Read 6639 times)

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Offline Spartacus

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« on: June 13, 2007, 05:57:22 AM »
Hi everyone

I'm new here but not to meeting foreign women
Was in a common law relationship with a lady from China but she left 4 months ago to go back to China and stayed(she kindly sent me an email from China saying she was going to stay as she was homesick) to take care of her mom who was sick my big surprise I am now single again but looking for an asian lady to spend my life with.

I'm resigned to the fact that if you are not a doctor and don't have 1.5 million dollars in the bank that Canadian women want nothing to with you(Guess you could substitute american,england or any other western country with Canada) so I am looking for another asian lady to spend my life with.

I've tried to find asian women in closest big metropolitan city to me but they are more canadianized and think almost like a born Canadian.

I've been talking to a few Filipinas and some chinese and vietnemese women online but they all seem to be too unreal to me....they are usually between 18-25 looking for older men(which boggles my mind that they would want me at 40 :) when they have there whole life ahead of them)and that they seem to be so sincere in finding a husband

I Just wanted to know if I can be taken for a ride by some of these women or am I incredibly lucky and would have a wife if I wanted any of the ones I am currently talking to?
Or is it better to ask people such as yourselves who allready have foreign brides to pass on relatives still waiting back in china,phillipines....sort of like sharing :)

I imagine the process for bringing back a foreign bride is the same as the United States as it is in Canada
Just wondering if it was a big hassle dealing with Immigration and stuff?

Any help appreciated as I am still in the baby making age and would like to get started :)

Thanks in advance

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2007, 07:34:33 AM »
Hi, welcome to the forum.

You mentioned three different countries of interest. That’s great but you will need to narrow it down to one. Pick a country and start educating yourself in the culture. Learn all you can about the people, history, and language.

If you don’t already have one, get yourself a passport and start saving up some money and vacation time. If you want to get to know some of these women then you will have to travel over there to meet them. Soon after you think you have found one or two who you feel are worth investing more time in, start planning a trip to meet them in person. Figure on making several trips at least. The more time you can spend over there the better.

When contacting these foreign ladies, especially in Internet chat rooms, be aware that you really don’t know who is on the other end or what their true motives are. To answer your question, YES you can get taken for a ride.

My advice is to leave the topic of money completely out of the equation. Don’t even mention the subject when corresponding with the ladies. If they even hint of financial troubles or ask you for anything of value, ignore them. If they bring it up a second time, drop them like a hot potato.

It is a fact that many of these Asian ladies actually prefer an older man. Forty to them is not that old, even if they are only in their early twenties. But keep in mind that young girls are normally immature no matter which country they come from. If you are forty, I would advise sticking to women at least 27 or older.

Your idea of meeting some ladies through introductions from other men like yourself is a good one. Most of the foreign wives married to Western guys have lots of relatives back home who would love to meet you. Get to know some Asian-Western couples and other Asians and you can expect some introductions to follow.

The immigration paperwork can be a nightmare sometimes. The process for bringing a wife or fiancée over is similar for Canada and the U.S. but it isn’t the same by any means. Study up on Canadian immigration stuff now so you’ll have a good idea what you are getting yourself into. The Canadian embassy web sites for your country of interest is a good place to start your research.

Yes, most of the ladies are sincere about marriage. They aren’t looking for a “common law” relationship, but I’m assuming that you want to marry and have a family this time. You will be at the “baby making age” for some time yet, so don’t rush anything. This process takes a lot of time, money, and patience, but the rewards can be great if you both choose wisely.

Good luck in your search…


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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2007, 10:30:27 AM »
Well Spartacus its interesting watching someone take the same plunge I did many years back.  Quite an exciting concept with an awesome and hopefully rewarding adventure and family life ahead.

1st I'd say stick to one culture.  Chinese tend to be smaller and "feminine" in looks but thats when they want to which isn't very often.  Malaysians seem a bit more "voluptuous as do the Indian/Pakistanis but the chances of getting scammed are quite a bit higher because of the prostitution industry there. 

I stayed with Filipinas for several very good reasons.
1) most all speak English very well (3rd largest English speaking country in the world) and even speaking English with the culture differences there will still be numerous misunderstandings.  But the English makes it tremendously simpler.
2) Filipinos in general have great appreciation for Americans; the country has overwhelmingly voted to be come part of America several times but the politics there would never allow it. Thank MacArthur.
3) Most Filipinos are Catholic which means they were bought up with strong religious principles - in my opinion this gives marriage and family a better chance of success. 
4) their politics, even though pretty socialist, is more like ours that any other Asian country. 
5)  chances of meeting and marrying a virgin is much better than you would think - I once met a Filipina here in the USA I thought put Miss America to shame, she was 36 and still a virgin! The guy she married was a "maintenance man", $25-30K/per yr earner at best and she was ecstaticly happy marriage with 4 kids now.

Age.  Different cultures put different weightings on different aspects of life.  This means much of what you have learned about age, weight, looks, wealth, submissiveness, divorce, working spouses, etc, etc etc. is junk info.  It means almost nothing.  When the Filipina I finally married told me how old she was I nearly freaked because she was 19 and I was 45 (her BD was 3 weeks after we met and she turned 20).  I even remember saying to her I was afraid they'd put me in jail here for getting involved with someone so young.  Man did I get my ass chewed.  She, respectfully, pointed out why she was mature enough to make the choice of mate in marriage.  I considered much of what I heard.  Many Filipinas have dealt with poverty, violence, death, extreme hardships that you and I might never deal with in our life but never to the extent they do so I mistakenly thought they were more mature than Americans.  I later found out that being able to deal with choices in life doesn't mean they know a thing about one-on-one relationships because they don't.  Filipinas are a major project once married - they do not know how to deal with marriage other than observing their parents.  You will find most haven't a clue about sex other than it makes babies.

The two number one things to a Filipina are "marriage" and "getting to America" and not necessarily in that order.  I have seen a Filipina have 3 guys courting her, all three propose marriage and know she really loves one, but married the first one who showed up on her doorstep and is still very happily married even though you would have thought she'd hold out for the one she cared the most about.  Marrying a good man and getting to America means much more than the infatuation of "love".  She'll come to love the man she marries.  As for your age, looks, job.  She looks at you as more secure, mature and stable, less likely to do something radical (like quit your job when you get mad), more likely to be financially capable to meet her needs and much less likely to cheat on her - honestly - can you find anyone younger and prettier than her to meet your needs?  Weight - oddly enough an overweight person in her country is a sign of wealth - who else can afford to overeat (meaning it’s not seen as a big negative to be overweight).  Your concept of "good looking" isn't on the same planet as theirs.  They don't know what "Tall dark and handsome" means, or "blonde and blue eyed".  What they know is the look in your eye when you look at them and how you treat them.  Yeah they have their own "gwapo" (Filipino for handsome) standards but they'd never allow such a thing to interfere with marriage - it’s mostly applied to children.  Maybe this joke will help...

a gwapo guy and a maganda (Filipino for pretty) girl - match made in heaven
a gwapo guy and a pangit (Filipino for ugly) girl - true love
a pangit guy and a maganda girl - good technique.
a pangit guy an girl - no choice.

Just before I married my Honey, we went to a beachside resort with a bunch of her friends for a party.  I listened to her and several of her Filipinas in a discussion and I was just aghast when I heard one say "When I get raped I hope he doesn't smell bad".  To this day the word "when" sends a shiver up my spine.  These are mostly very good people who deal with things you and I can't comprehend.  Will they use you?  Absolutely and without any regret for the hardship it will cause you. Because in their culture if you allow it its your fault.  A good Filipina who never except money from you, much less ask for it.  If anyone asks, "BIG RED FLAG"!  You are being used.  Chances are you have been setup but there is a chance that the girl cares about you but is being manipulated by family our friends.  Deal with this BEFORE marriage or it will haunt you for a long time. 

In order to save money on calls to the Philippines I offered to buy Honey a cell phone and pay her last year of college - she was on a very controlling scholarship and wanted to get out of it.  You would have thought I shot the President.  She was almost insulted because it demeaned her - and she tried to explain how only a bad girl would accept.  I finally offered to "pay her" for work she performed for me and had her stitch a family tapestry to hang in our living room.  The idea worked so well 2 other friends of mine hired their girlfriends to do similar transactions. 

Filipinas asking for money or family trying to control their daughters for financial gain are two of the biggest problems in finding a good mate.  Who's important in this relationship?  You are the "target" but make no mistake - her family is what's important early on in the relationship and any Filipina whose goal it is to come to America to work for her family (note that this puts you and your family second) is a major project to fix.  Sending a few dollars home every month is respectful.  By a few I mean $50-100 for most of the provinces, maybe as much as $200-300 for Manila or Cebu But note the average Filipino makes $80-90/ month. The day I asked my FIL to be allowed to marry Honey I told him I'd send her 10,000p/mo ($200) to provide for her until she came to America.  He quit his job the next day.  He was now rich.  He was only making $75/mo.  Helping is one thing, anymore is harmful.  I've seen poor ladies practically in slavery here because of family there.  I've seen guys send literally tens thousands for investment and to help family and lose every single penny.  MOF, I've yet to know of a single Kano who sent "thousands" to have a happy ending.

You think Americanized women are something, watch a Filipina go past it at such a speed as to blind   You'll be sitting there one day going, "What happened?".  Filipinas are not "free" to make most choices we do at very early ages.  Giving them money and not watching who they associate with is major stupidity.  More than once I've seen sluts talk a new to America Filipina into leaving their Kano and help her take him for every penny she could.  Best way, without a doubt, is to find a Filipina here and ask her for introductions, or ask the guys on these boards (after getting to know them).  Filipinas are easily controlled by family and friends.  Ask question and try to trip them up.  Then later answer the question for her so she can see what and why.  Don't be surprised if you ask a question and she doesn’t answer. Press her on this because she sees the question as un-important to her and won't answer it.  Explain to her why its important.  A good Filipina will actually appreciate your efforts at trying assuring your compatibility - they want security too - maybe way more than you do.

All of this assumes that you know what you want.  Don't be afraid to let her know what you expect in a marriage, she calls that "the simple life".  Be a good guy and find out what she expects also.  When you see a Filipina post she wants a "simple life" she is literally saying she wants a man who will provide for all her needs and direct her through harms way, making all the decisions, mostly in her favor.  If you’re a good man why would you do anything else?  If you allow her many of these decisions herself and not watch the influence of others on her you will have a nightmare in the making.

Just a clue but stop "tampo" before she gets to America.  When a Filipina gets mad she stops talking.  They think that they'll just ignore the issue because it would cause more problems to discuss it with you.  You have to let them know that might be true in the Philippines but is quite the opposite here.

Just a clue but my wife and I chatted 3-6 hours a day for 2 years.  Including pictures and letter I saved 900 pages of chat logs, e-mails and letters.  She thought it was so romantic when I made a book of it.

Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2007, 10:30:27 AM »

Offline gcman1

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2007, 11:58:46 AM »
Bear  where in the world did you get the idea that chinese are small????WRONG  HK  area yes but that is very small part of the country    by the way  YAO is in your town  have you send his 6ft 4 mother??   there are more 7 footers in china than usa
your feminine comment is your opinion   my 5ft 7 chinese feminine wife  is also very very very shapely

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2007, 01:17:33 PM »
I agree with gc

I haven't been to the mainland but I found the Chinese ladies, especially in Taiwan, to be very tall for Asians. And yes, Chinese women are very feminine!

Bear, why not take a trip to China some day and check it out for yourself. Or just go down to the nearest Chinese buffet...  ;D

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2007, 03:42:03 PM »
I'll admit I've not been to China in a long time but other than Yao and his mother (yes I've met them and I've eaten at their restaurant) I've not met many "big" Chinese.  Most are of the ones I know here are shorter than me and I'm 5'9".  I am just not aware of many Chinese girls who are much more than 5'0 to 5'2".  And all the ones I know personally are very, very feminine, not one over 5'2" (except Yao's mother).

I heard many years ago (but I thought it more of gossip and heresay than fact) that increased amount of beef added over the years to Japanese diets had helped increase there heights but I didn't apply that to the Chinese.

Sorry but from what little I guess I've experienced they are mostly small.

A real good friend of mine just went through a mightmare getting his wife here - 3 yrs 8 months after they were married.  When I met her I didn't think he could hold her down in a strong wind.  4'11" at best. 

The Bear Family

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2007, 06:24:45 AM »
I've heard it was peanut butter in the Japanese diet - in any case, you're right - it's an increase in protein has caused a major increase in height in Asians. It has also rounded out the women quite a bit. Not many flat butts or chests over there, that used to be the case a couple generations back. The young people in Japan and China nowadays are nearly as big as Americans. I was in Japan last year and was getting off the shinkansen (bullet train) with the Fuji film corporate volleyball team. I'm 6' 4" and was looking up at most of them. A couple were my size or so but none under 6'. Second generation Vietnamese-Americans, and Filipino-Americans seem to be a lot bigger than their cousins back home, too - so I'm sure it is diet related.

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2007, 10:40:26 PM »

Second generation Vietnamese-Americans, and Filipino-Americans seem to be a lot bigger than their cousins back home, too - so I'm sure it is diet related.

Jeff, you don't even have to compare them to their cousins back home.

Just look at any Filipino family here in the U.S. where the parents are immigrants. The children who were born and raised here are MUCH larger than mom and dad by the time they'r around 16. Even the girls are much taller than their fathers in most all cases that I've seen.

It's obviously due to better diet here in the U.S., but my theory is that it's the hormones in all those McDonald's hamburgers that they feed their kids.  :o

Offline Spartacus

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2007, 10:52:35 AM »
Hey Ray and Bear Familly,thanks for all the info,very much appreciated

I've actually been talking to a few Pinay's and a few Chinese women but in my opinion they haven't held my interest as they either:
a)said they needed money cause they were so poor(I understand there position but I don't want to just give my hard earned income to someone I haven't even met yet)so I ignored them

b)I didn't think they would have the energy or stamina for a long email/chat/webcam/immigrant process until the whole would be settled

c)Started conversations with me after 1-2 weeks saying that they Mahal Kita(I love you)which in my opinion raises red flags right away

My resources for finding women of asian decent are pretty slim but I have tried out some dating sites and I even went to China town in Toronto to meet women.But as most of you know asian women are pretty docile and shy to make contact with.
I was wondering if there are places to meet these women?

When I was with my ex chinese common law partner I actually cooked dinner,cleaned house and I worked full time but her brother told me that she was a rich person in China and expected to be treated like that wherever she went,so yeah,If you don't know all the local customs then you are in for one big surprise I guess with any women from any nationality :)

I really got a lot of insight into what you were talking about Bear and thanks for the help...I'll now know what to expect a little more if I do decide in metting a Pinay lady :)

Thanks for all the help guys and Congrats on finding your life time partners

**Looking around the Forums**
Now who wants to be my Friend and has single familly to marry off? :)
As long as they know I don't do windows :)

If you want to chit chat my MSN is or Yahoo messenger is

Thanks !!

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2007, 02:18:56 PM »
I read some posts by Chinese girls on an international Chinese forum, about how they felt about western guys. One of the comments was that western guys were very slow to say "I love you" and placed a lot of meaning on it. It seemed like it was pretty funny to them that western guys put so much meaning into those words.

I have no clue about Filipinas, but does anyone have an opinion on that? If a girl said "I love you" after 2 weeks, I would feel she was either immature, a gold digger, visa shark, something along those lines. But maybe it's just a cultural thing and they just don't take the words as seriously as we do?

In an article I read, a guy who was fluent in Thai complained that although Thai girls would easily say "I love you" in English, or in one Thai form (I can't remember the language, but it wasn't a serious way to say it), they were loathe to say it in the more serious Thai form (that seemed about equivelant to our "I love you").

Just curious as to whether "I love you" early on should be taken as a serious red flag, or if it's just a cultural or language issue. Also, if a foreign girl thought it was appropriate to say "I love you" early on, and you held off because you placed a lot of meaning on it, you might make her feel unwanted.

If anyone has experience or comments with this, it'd be nice.

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2007, 03:59:14 PM »
What kind of Thai women is this person hanging around?

Real Thai women are tough to get the I love you out of, tough to get in the sack, and tough to take you to meet the family.

Bar girls, on the other hand, will tell you what you want to hear, accept your early I love you and act like it it real. The early I love yous from farang are deemed to be insincere.

Thai women look at long courtships (over one year or two) and minimal sexual contact until marriage.

The rules are different for divorcees/widows but, since the general opinion of Thais in general still leans to the view that the women with farang are prostitutes, it is pretty tough to reconcile early I love yous.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2007, 07:49:28 PM »
What kind of Thai women is this person hanging around?

He seemed more than a little bitter, and a quite a bit of an arrogant jackass. My impression was that he wanted to meet an ideal western woman, but, strangely, Thai girls didn't fit that ideal. Most of the article I ignored, but I thought his point on language, along with a couple others, might bear enough merit to investigate. Here's what he says (I read this in a forum, but this is the original):

This is also the first gal that surprised me not long after we became a couple by stating her love for me, using English. Please note that this is not what it may seem on the surface. Thais ‘love’ to use ideas (concepts) in English that they are uncomfortable with or unable to say in Thai, curse words for example, or anything that sounds sophisticated or ‘modern’.
My view is that if your girlfriend expresses her love for you in Thai, in the inappropriate way noted above [using "[nickname] rak khun" instead of "chan rak ther"], forget her. She may say, “I love you” in English, but this is easy to say in a foreign language that doesn’t begin to provide the same connotation and meaning to her as when expressed in her native tongue and in the proper way.
In short, if your gal really loves you and knows that your Thai is pretty good, then she should be willing to espouse her love for you in Thai, the proper Thai way. A Thai’s unwillingness to do this for me is a giveaway that she doesn’t respect me, AT ALL. (I shouldn’t need to discuss the issues related to referring to her older ‘faen’ [boyfriend] - either to your face or especially her friends or anyone else - as lun, [Uncle]...dump her you fools!!!). Also, keep in mind that Thais will VERY seldom express their intimate feelings for another. When your Thai gal expresses her love for you, you may learn more about her feelings for you than you expect, especially if she says this in public, as a Thai (male or female) would NEVER state this love in public, as it is too embarrassing. ONLY WHORES/GOLDDIGGERS DO THIS!

Hopefully I'm not hijacking the thread too much.

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2007, 07:55:54 PM »
Ohhhh- Stickman!!!! Good reading for ex-pat views. A definite primer for venturing into the fleshpots of Bangkok.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2007, 07:55:54 PM »

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2007, 09:14:12 PM »

I think one of the many incredible things I noticed when I made my 1st trip to the Philippines was how easy it was to start a conversation with a Filipina.  I mean the airplane I was on was nearly all Filipinas and I was obviously the odd one there.  Everyone was interested in me and many were trying so hard to get noticed.  I got looks to this day I can't describe much less figure out.

I've seen and had so many friends scammed by Filipinas.  I am madder at the guys than the girls.  It just seems so stupid to be that stupid.  How could anyone say "Mahal Kitna" in such a short time, and how could anyone send thousands to someone he's never met, doesn't know, and has no chance at checking up on just flattens me like a steamroller.  The ladies are being encouraged to find these dumb Kanos who want to be separated from their money and have them send it to them by family and friends - its a big industry there.

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of ladies who are seriously looking at any given second who'll never ask for anything and be far too embarrassed to say "I love you" so easily over the internet.  Myself, after having a few odd incidents and listening to some of the guys chat on the old "" bulletin board I decided that I would look for someone who wasn't looking for me.  Someone I had I had to court and prove I was a good choice for her while hopefully she'd be doing the same.  Within in weeks of starting I was writing 13 ladies.  They were everywhere.  And anyone who too easily agreed with me raised all kinds of flags, temporarily at least.  I was as honest as I could be, sent them my picture and a letter by mail so they'd have my real address and tried to write a few letters by hand instead of typing them. 

You want a conjugal visit and she agrees then you just found yourself a slut and might want to consider what that would mean for a family of 24 kids.  Either that or you found someone who is desperate to the extreme and/or being controlled by someone (family?). AM's give it away like candy but nothing will make you prouder than to have a lady that gives it to no one but you "starting" on your wedding night.  Will there be problems?  I think that's the bailiwick of marriage but when you care you work it out.

I've met so many "wholesome" people since I started on this road.  I've been to parties where people did some of the "funniest", stupidest things" and we all just had a blast. Americans would have had some sort of demeaning remark - many did when I repeated the events to others at work.  Most Americans are too busy trying to be cool and score to enjoy themselves at parties.  I've even been to parties in the Philippines that had no boys in attendance (except me)?  I was allowed for two reasons.  Honey and I were getting married in a few days and I was paying.  I've seen literally hundreds of Filipinas (all at one time) here in Houston get on the floor and dance; without a guy.  And smile at you all the way through the song.  I've seen these same ladies treat my mother with willful, intention honor and respect that most Americans here don't show their own mothers.  I do not worry about my wife and the home and children or how she feels about me - I see it in most everything she does.  It near fells me when I say it’s gonna be "XYZ" and know she disagrees and the watch her do "XYZ" because she trust me and believes I truly want to take care of her.  I see dudes that we should take out behind the barn and give a good talking to get treated with such honor and respect that is totally undeserved for no reason other than they are the husband.  I have little experience with other Asian ladies but if they are anything like Filipinas I say lets kick all AMs out and import the Asian ladies.  AMs have never wanted to do anything with me but compete. Trust me?  Duh, that’s stupid?  Support and help - not if they got anything else to do.

I also these many years back (8), checked and the divorce rates and thought they were still pretty high for Russian and Hispanic ladies.  The lowest arte was with Asian ladies but oddly enough they were still pretty high.  But when you factored out the non-Filipinas the chances of being married to the same lady when you died went way up.  Filipinas don't seem to believe in divorce.  Must be that Catholic thing?  I've seen some really good dudes bite the dust real hard; I was there for a few of them and unfortunately I knew about two before the guys did so I'm not gonna say Filipinas are perfect.  But my small experiences I gotta say you have a lot to have a going on to not see it coming if its going bad.  And if you can't find a good Filipina I'd say you haven't even tried to look.

Without exception, every Filipina I know has at least one "friends" she wants to get married off here in the states - some 3 and more.  And I've seen bad Filipinas split couples but I've also seen good Filipinas make their friends go home to their men and work it out.  Filipinas are very susceptible to peer pressure.  All I have to do is compliment my wife’s friends to her when I see them do something I like and she dumps the bad ones without any help from me - she wants to associate with good Filipinas.  And God help one of those "good" Filipinas that puts me down when I'm not around because Honey will eat them for lunch.

Oh, I guess I should tell you about what I call the "worst Filipina trait".  Its telling each other who's pretty or not or who’s doing thing right or not (not these are "opinions" It gets pretty ugly when they start telling each other when they think their children are good looking or not.  An example would be telling a Filipina her children looks like her.  Clear insult meaning the child is ugly.  Saying it looks like the husband is a compliment.  Amazingly the last few Mag-anak parties I went too that’s all the ladies did through the whole party was find ways of insulting and belittling each other in polite ways of course.  When I told Honey she needed to be more forceful in her responses and not tolerate such insults she said they were just being helpful?  I think its called utang naloob.  Needless to say I was not well liked after the party and we don’t go to any of them anymore.  Honey has hundreds of friends on the internet in her scrapping and photo chat rooms.  .

The Bear Family

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2007, 09:23:38 PM »
Ohhhh- Stickman!!!! Good reading for ex-pat views. A definite primer for venturing into the fleshpots of Bangkok.
That's been my impression. A couple things here and there seemed like they had a seed of truth though. Like I said, I ignored most of the article, but I was curious about that part. The guy had spent a lot of time in Thailand, had lived with 2 Thai families if I remember right, and spent very little in the bars. Or at least he claims that. Just seemed odd that a girl would be OK saying I love you in English, but not Thai. Seemed like it must be she takes it more lightly.

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2007, 06:11:49 AM »
Bear Family

Well to tell you the truth I've looked everywhere and even put an ad in the cebu paper there about 6 months ago when my ex left me but all I got were about 20 responses asking if I could find them employment here in Canada or how they forgot to pay there rent and needed financial help.
I did get one letter that was promising but after mailing her numerous letters she wrote me back telling me that she had also been writing to a guy in Holland who showed up at her door and whisked her away to Holland....oh well,them's the breaks I guess if you don't go see them fast enough

What would be a good time line from starting to talk to them to visiting them in the Philippines?

I've got an ad up in most dating websites where I can find Pi nays and out of them all Filipino hearts has been the most promising
Out of those ,I've had Filipino women offer me there mothers(out of my age range 50-60 lol),there were those who within like minutes of chatting with them break down in a sob story about money problems at home(I'm no sucker and can spot a con a mile away)and even had one say to me Mahal Kita,Kunin mo ako,ako'y sau at ikaw ay para saakin(Take me I'm yours) and other words just coming on too strong,at the rate I'm going I'll know every way to say I love you in Tagalog :)....I like to get to know the women I'll be with for the rest of my life not just chat with her for a week then go there get married and come back and be divorced within a month lol

I've tried meeting local Filipino women in my town at there gatherings but being a Canadian have gotten some dirty looks from the male Filipino population and didn't think it was in my best interest to stay any longer then I had to.

I guess I'm either very unlucky or you have the biggest horseshoe when it comes down to romancing Filipino women :)
Not sure if I am coming on too nice in conversations with the women but I do respect and admire the ladies,I treat them as I would treat my female family members and have told each and everyone how beautiful they insults that I can think of unless the cultural differences came into play and not verbally lusting after them on my part at the moment...I'll wait for the honeymoon to express that side of myself.

I've seem to run out of options at the moment but I'm a very persistent and patient type of person and hopefully I'll find myself a Ms Bear :)

Thanks for the advice though.....I think without you here there would be no hope :)

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Re: China,Phillipines,Vietnemese????
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2007, 10:09:47 PM »
technology changes fast now-a-days.  When I met my Honey and most of those I was writing it was on a medium called IRC.  I used a program called pIRCh and Honey was using mIRC.  We met on #davao channel of the Dalnet Group.  I don't even know if it exist anymore.  But considering that Fil-am Marriages are up 18% last year I sure they're getting their message out somewhere.

I'm not sure but I bet Yahoo is a good choice but be wise because there are members of this board who literally went to the R.P. and watch girls scamming.  Many times you are chatting with one but a group.  Just let them know your marriage minded and  see what happens.

My very first interest was peaked when I saw a magazine published by Cherry Blossoms which also has an on-line site.  Problem is one of this boards best known users was scammed by a girls mother through Cherry Blossoms, but it still remains a good choice.  I'm sure a search of "similar sites would bring up others.  Maybe Hearts of China (they have a web site also.  (BTW, he later remarried another Filipina and is doing great.)  I'm not actually a good source since I've been married almost years now and the mediums have changed so much.

Leave your e-mail and see if any of the guys here would like to throw some leads your way although I think you might get more on since that board specializes in Filipinas.

Just before I made the decision to leave my ex I met a filipina at a hospital here in Houston.  I was shocked as she immediately gave me two names to write so don't be shy if you know any Filipina and don't worry about the men they aren't jealous or angry.

The Bear Family


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