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Author Topic: Thematic Approach  (Read 2334 times)

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Offline Cali-vet

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Thematic Approach
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:44:13 PM »
“The Russian Women Discussion / GoodWife / and Planet-Love sites were established and are organized to facilitate the free exchange of information pertaining to the topic and theme of international relationships with women from foreign countries. Posts on the board are expected to be related to this theme, and you agree to restrict your posts to those which are thematic.”  From Terms Of Service

My post about an evangelical Christian movement (to which many latinas subscribe) which is sweaping Colombia has been relegated to the “Off Topic Items” corner of Planet Love.  However posts on the themes of “maps”, “wireless areas”, “airport taxes”, “coffee shops”, dental services”, “stereotyping Colombians”, “trading the US market”, “the First Lady of Cuba”, “Fires in the streets of Caracas”, “the Colombia economy” etc. etc. etc. all remain in the General Discussion area of the forum. Was my post about  the Reverend José Luis De Jesús Miranda of the Growing in Grace Church and it´s influence in Colombia not thematic compared with the above topics or was moving it just an honest mistake? If the answer is the former then I think it´s time to very carefully clarify right here for all Planet-Love posters what themes may be posted in General Discussion and what may not since the examples evidenced above leave those of us hoping to comply with the Terms Of Service in a state of utter confusion. Further, in the name of fairness I respectfully request that my post be reinstated in the General Discussion area where it was originally posted.       


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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 06:53:48 PM »
Cali-Vet, not only was your post on that topic interesting, it brought to mind other aspects of Latin culture.  I posted a reply to your original posting and noted some of my own experiences that generally related. 

I thorougly agree that your post fit within the rather wide parameters of the sub-forum you placed it in.  Why it is shunted aside and the other topics you cited left alone is something that somebody should clear up. 

Thanks for the interesting post, Cali-Vet.


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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 07:05:17 PM »

edited for learing of the crash.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 07:07:31 PM by Parlay Rey »

Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 07:05:17 PM »

Offline sean126

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2007, 07:11:04 PM »
I can understand your argument.  I get the feeling you thought it was some sort of jab.  I can assure you it wasn't.  So, since you brought up a good point and you think your treated unfairly...because you think no one is able to see your post as much as you'd like, I will move all the other wireless, airport fee's, the off topic part as well so no one is feeling unspecial or mistreated in anyway, shape or form. :)  Your absolutely right...if yours is there (which I think it should be) then the rest need to be there also.

I also found something odd... as to why you'd post a reglious piece after reading about how I would look closely at anything to do with religion.  I'm not accusing anyone of trying to test the boundries...but found the timing to be perhaps...odd.

No, you didn't break any rules and I will accomodate you on the fairness issue.  The rest of off topic items that I was lazy about moving or missed will be moved tonight.  It will take a few hours because in all fairness I will even go back as far as when I started to be a moderator.  

Thanks for bringing this to my attention and please accept my apology if you thought I singled you out.  I found your post interesting as well.  I even read the link.  

If anyone has any difficulty at all finding the "off topic" area...feel free to ask me and I will try my best to make sure you find it.

Again...I apologize for negecting my duties and for inadvertantly being unfair to you.  It was not intentional.      
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 07:41:53 PM by sean126 »

Offline utopiacowboy

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2007, 07:18:39 PM »
Cali-vet brings up an interesting issue. One of my sisters-in-law is a member of one of these Pentecostal groups along with her husband. The rest of the family are all devout Catholics so needless to say this doesn't play well with the rest of her family.

Offline sean126

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 07:21:59 PM »
I missed the part about you wanting clarification on what I would put in the off topic area.  My bad, I didn't catch it the first time.

Now this is only my opinion and I even checked with Dan many months back....Any thing to do with dating, courting, marriage, agencies, girlfriends, wives, husbands, interaction problems or worries with your spouse,  getting to a latin country, what to do IN a latin country, on and on...basically anything to do with relationships, men, women...should go into the general section.

off topic items may or may not include some sort of latin "thing" in it..but really not pertaining to getting and keeping a woman/man, dating, agencies, get the idea..I think belong in the off topic area.

Keep in mind...sometimes it's a judgement call as to where it should go.  If it's borderline...then I will probably keep it where you posted it.  But any moved posts are not made out of spite, anger or any other negative emotion you may think it was moved with.  If it was....those who know me should know that I have no problem letting them know about it either private pm or out in the open.

I hope this clarifies a little better.  
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 07:38:24 PM by sean126 »


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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 07:48:19 PM »
Cali-vet brings up an interesting issue. One of my sisters-in-law is a member of one of these Pentecostal groups along with her husband. The rest of the family are all devout Catholics so needless to say this doesn't play well with the rest of her family.

UtopiaCowboy -- I do not in any way think you are lumping Pentecostals in with the CEGers, but given the special scrutiny these posts receive, and how a statement may be read to have more than one meaning, let me offer some information.  The "Growing in Grace" Church, according to the full article and CEG's own website, is not fond of Jews, Christians, etc.  The CEGers' belief system borders on the funny, if it were not so ugly.  I encourage you to read the full article and visit the CEG's website.  I know no other denomination, Pentecostal or otherwise, which believes anything remotely similar to the misanthropy you will find there. 

After reading the article and viewing the CEG website I am left with the impression that the leader offers a hope of a way out of poverty, not reasoned answers to life's fundamental questions.  (Note what the "leader's" son says in the article that his father wants to run all the businesses in the world and that following him will lead to wealth.)

This is a measure of desparation -- not religious belief.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 07:57:13 PM by watson »

Offline Cali-vet

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 07:58:36 PM »
 getting to a latin country, what to do IN a latin country 

Sorry but I´m still not clear. Help me here: so according to the above if I wanted to share with other posters that an entertaining activity with your date ("what to do IN...") in Colombia would be to attend a protest demonstration held by members of the Growing In Grace this would qualify for placement in General Discussion? And then if I chose to elaborate a little on what the Growing In Grace Church is about as sort of supporting information that would be ok? So it´s really just a question of proper wording, you just need to include one of those themes you mentioned when discussing a larger issue. Is that correct?
 Baiting and creating rancor.

Offline sean126

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2007, 08:16:39 PM »
I was referring to: where to go in a certain city...what clubs to go to, malls, things of that nature.  If your doing these are doing something IN a city.  

Like I said...sometimes it's a judgement call.  If your trying to pin me down to a fine line....I don't know what to tell you.

But just talking about an evanglist...yes, I'd consider that Off topic material.  I'd have to actually read the post, but as just a guide mind you, anything religious other than: marriage type stuff, talking about your wife's religion and how it affects your relationship, why are most latin women catholic, why my wife wants me to get circumsized when I'm not a jewish person, ect...would probably get moved to the off topic area.

Again...I'd have to read the post first and it would be an unbiased, unprovoking, or whatever move if it gets moved.   We can go on and on about "what-if's" here...just use your best judgement and if it gets's definitely nothing personal.  If you'd like to know why it was moved in the future...instead of drawing out a big long thread it will probably be best to send the person who moved it a pm.  Unless you have other motives instead of just wanting a reason as to why something did or didn't happen.

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Re: Thematic Approach
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2007, 08:30:56 PM »
Sorry but I´m still not clear. Help me here: so according to the above if I wanted to share with other posters that an entertaining activity with your date ("what to do IN...") in Colombia would be to attend a protest demonstration held by members of the Growing In Grace this would qualify for placement in General Discussion? And then if I chose to elaborate a little on what the Growing In Grace Church is about as sort of supporting information that would be ok? So it´s really just a question of proper wording, you just need to include one of those themes you mentioned when discussing a larger issue. Is that correct?


Sean answered your questions.

There are TONS of issues which require judgment calls - some are significant, some are not. Sean made the decision to move it elsewhere. So what? It is still on the board. People can still respond to it.

If you feel it should be moved back - a PM to me or Catz or Sean might have been effective.

Instead, you choose (again) to make an open issue of something that should not amount to a hill of beans.

I am tired of it - hence, MY choice is to place you in Moderated status effective immediately.

Any future posts will require approval before they see the light of the open forum.

- Dan


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