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Author Topic: MOB (pros and cons)  (Read 7309 times)

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #25 on: March 15, 2007, 09:26:39 AM »
Fellas what does MOB stand for?

The abbreviation for the fictitious, antiquated, demeaning and deragotory   appellation "Mail Order Bride".
« Last Edit: March 15, 2007, 09:31:24 AM by soltero »
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Offline zack

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2007, 07:29:40 AM »

You have a lot of knowlege to offer this forum but I really wish you would keep your "gloom and doom" feelings to yourself. Not everyone has had the bad experiences that you've had. God only knows how many newcomers you've scared away because of your negative comments about this quest.

I'm suprized that despite the numerous responses to your original post, the total number of cons still outnumber the pros. Is everyone falling victim to Papi's negativity?

Here are the Pros to pursuing Latinas:

1. Latinas are arguably the most beautiful women in the world.
2. They are more friendly.
3. Most Latinas are poor and hence will appreciate what a gringo has to offer more than an American woman will.
4. Latinas are thinner.
5. Latinas are more feminine.
6. Latinas simply enjoy being women and are proud of their femininity.
7. Feminazis are almost unheard of in Colombia.
8. Most Latinas are raised Catholic and hence are more likely to have Christian values.
9. Latinas are less particular about a man's age or physical appearance.
10. Latinas are more family-oriented than American women.
11. Latinas are passionate lovers (based on my experience).
12. My fiance is beautiful, has a heart of gold, and is an MD. Good luck finding such a woman in the USA.

I'm not saying that Latinas are perfect. But anyone who decides against this endeavor- you have my condolences.


Offline bundy_138

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2007, 07:44:58 AM »
ZACK, I agree with everything you listed!  My thoughts exactly!

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #27 on: March 20, 2007, 07:44:58 AM »

Offline papi

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #28 on: March 20, 2007, 07:46:57 AM »
Zack, sorry to hear you find my reports all doom and gloom. I have a suggestion for you if you don't like them - don't read my posts. Guys are over 21, they can decide for themselves whether or not they want to run away scared or take the MOB challenge.
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Offline sean126

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #29 on: March 20, 2007, 07:56:52 AM »
I don't know.  I think too many people are enticed by the good things and they should be focusing on what could go wrong...not that it will, but just to be on the safe side.  I'd say Papi's cons are ideas of what could go wrong or even some of the red flags to watch out for.  Let's face, as a group, are easily lead astray by a pretty smile and a nice butt.  I think it never hurts to be cautious and to know what to be cautious about...some men don't know what to watch out for.  

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2007, 08:09:47 AM »
thanks Sean...i try to be positive but also have had my share of mishaps. I know I am not alone on this by a long shot, sometimes things went south on my doing other times it was the chica as in her asking for money or gifts, bailing out on the visa or other things beyond my control. Colombians can do some crazy stuff...a lot boils down to luck. Sure a guy can improve his odds by dressing nice, having some game, speaking spanish and so forth but still things can and do go wrong. Happy hunting!
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline zack

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #31 on: March 20, 2007, 09:32:34 AM »

Perhaps I should have made myself more clear. I didn't say that I don't like ALL of your posts. Like I said, you have a lot to contribute here and I find a lot of your posts helpful. And I welcome negative comments such as the mistakes we've made, what to look out for, and so forth. But comments that say or imply that we are wasting our time in this endeavor shouldn't be made because it isn't true and it paints an inaccurate picture for the new people.


Offline papi

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #32 on: March 20, 2007, 11:05:30 AM »
Zack, no hay problema amigo.
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline pan de bono

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Re: MOB (pros and cons)
« Reply #33 on: June 21, 2007, 04:42:29 AM »
Papi, I dont think i could come up with as many pro's as you did con's. The list of con's you produced do make sense. In fact theres only one pro i can think of but its a big one.
1. She is not an american fat ass, bitchy, rude, nasty, loud, uncaring, snotty, spoiled, no it all, did i already say bitchy, feminazi.


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