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Author Topic: I'm so sorry, but I've been busy with my wife...  (Read 1161 times)

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Offline Looking4Wife

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I'm so sorry, but I've been busy with my wife...
« on: June 01, 2007, 06:10:23 AM »
I just noticed today that I had several unanswered PM's.  I don't usually check for PM's, so I apologize for delayed (on non) responses.

FYI... if you have a question/comment that isn't exactly "private", then you'll typically get a faster response from me on the general board since I am "PM-Challenged".

Since my wife has been here since April 19, I've had my hands full as you can all imagine  :)

Once I get more time I will post some info about her adjustment and our time together in the USA.

Soltero: Did you ever get squared away in Bogota?  Did I ever repsond to you?  If I didn't, and its not too late, then... and/or for anyone else looking for a place to stay in Bogota... my wife and I stayed at La Casa Doña Flor (aka Hotel Doña Flor) which is a Bed and Breakfast 2 blocks from the US Embassy.  The website is and they only speak spanish.  Nice homey place, and I got the feeling that the owner kind of adopted my wife and I as her kids while we were there.

NOTE:  Never in my many trips to Barranquilla, Colombia (and one trip to Bogotá) have I ever been asked to pay for a hotel reservation in advance, or a credit card to hold a reservation.  I was stunned by this at first (not wanting to risk losing my spot, and being used to credit card holds/reservations USA).  I only mention this as cultural enlightenment and so that folks may know that it MAY be a red flag if they are asked for money in advance.

May God bless you all...


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