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Author Topic: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?  (Read 2592 times)

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Offline blockbuster

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Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« on: March 21, 2007, 10:16:32 AM »
William3rd has stated he and his colleagues are realizing the success rate of foreign marriages are much lower than advertised. In other words the agency hype "the divorce rate is low" is just agency BS written to attract customers.

 I understand this. But I am betting the success rate of men marrying Filipinas are the highest.

 Latinas being in the middle.

Russians and Eastern Europeans high failure rate.

What do you think?

Offline william3rd

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2007, 10:59:27 AM »
I think it depends not only on where they are from but also what their socio-economic background is. Garbage is garbage no matter what country they are from.

My cases in order of frequency over the years have gone Russia, Ukraine, Colombia, China, Philippines, Thailand and a scattering of visas from several other countries. The failures have been high in all countries. Surprisingly, the women who picked foreign men seem to stay married except for cases involving the middle east.

You can take the girl out of the bar but you cant take the bar out of the girl. Talk to some of the Navy guys about Filipinas that they brought over. Then talk further about where they met some of their "true loves." Hell, talk to me about where I met my ex-wife. Watch out for those Olongapo girls, sailor!!!!

You find quality, you can expect quality. You get to know the person and your chances of success go way up. There are many quality women from PI and a host of other countries out there. You just have to find your diamond whether it be in LA or Asia or FSU.

The longest history in recent MOB is with the PI. The Russian  "phenomenom" is only a little over ten years old. Since nobody really kept track of the nationalities with any degree of specificity in the past, I think we will be waiting for future studies to draw a conclusion that we can argue over.

I wont bet over what nationality makes the best wives. I stick with Thai because that is what my idea of perfection is. Finding the right one is the goal. And the same for all the other countries where men are looking as we speak.
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline catz

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 11:56:21 AM »
You find quality, you can expect quality. You get to know the person and your chances of success go way up. There are many quality women from PI and a host of other countries out there. You just have to find your diamond whether it be in LA or Asia or FSU.

 - and -

Finding the right one is the goal. And the same for all the other countries where men are looking as we speak.

Those two are right up there at the top of the best statements I've seen in awhile!


Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2007, 11:56:21 AM »

Offline Jeff S

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2007, 03:48:49 PM »
The longest history in recent MOB is with the PI.

I don't know. There were plenty of "war brides" brought home from Japan in the late 40s and early 50s. You see plenty of white haired J/Am couples frequenting the many old time Japanese restaurants in LA.

Other than that, very interesting post William. If more guys would look for compatability of values, goals and temperment, rather than physical attraction, the success rate would be so much higher. What is that old saying about growing too soon old, and too late wise...

No offense guys, but cram 1500 young, horny guys in a ship with minimal recreation for three months and turn them loose with a pocketful of cash in a small town crammed with San Miguel beer and lbfms, and my guess is that the wise decision making isn't one of the expected outcomes.

- Jeff

Offline blockbuster

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2007, 06:41:02 PM »

      there are old men who really haven't learned much about life and get a foreign wife purely on physical reasons. Too many old guys are finding excuses why they marry 20 year olds without considerning women in their 40's or so who would actually be a better match.

Offline flipflop

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2007, 06:53:55 PM »
My brother loved Olongapo and paid many a bar fine. When I showed him a picture from my now wifes profile and let him read a selected e mail he said I'd fly to Manila tomorrow. It took a month, Ah you should have seen the busty little thing leaning against a palm tree

I live in a very rural area, we have get togethers with only Filipinas and their husbands. There are 18 couples of which I'd say a third met in the military, half pen pals/internet and a smattering of other (we have a couple who are both Philppino immigrants). One young girl met her husband after 5 years of trying to make a bad match work in another state. Aside from that everyone of these marriages are solid. I give credit to the women who seem to take the vows of marriage very seriously. I dont know how they stack up against other foreign brides but from my anecdotal experience I have one hell of alot more confidence in the sincerity of a Filipina than your average American Woman. No way you can convince me that the rate of divorce between the two is the same

Offline lapentier

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Re: Filipina/AM marriages higher success rate?
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2007, 12:55:00 AM »
Agreed.  I haven't seen actual numbers for about a decade, but the divorce rate for Philippine-American marriages was much lower at the time.  Of course, I have also met a Visayan lady that has children by five different men, two of them Filipino and three of them American...


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