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Author Topic: So I have this friend  (Read 1313 times)

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Offline Christopher

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So I have this friend
« on: April 03, 2007, 09:59:44 PM »
Please feel free to move this if it is not in the right section.

This friend of mine moves to another country and legally immigrates.  Meets this woman who wants him.  He isn't a jerk, he was in a band and has a degree in computer science.  So he hunkers down, gets a decent job and they get married.

She doesn't want to work.  Does nothing.  Never wants to go anywhere or do anything with him.  She's emotionally distant.  He ends up driving an old car and paying for all of her stuff.

After 5 years of this, he's had enough and he throws her out.

Here's the kicker.  My friend is Mexican, emigrated to the US, and married an AW.

If you think it's just us that AW screw over, it isn't, peeps.

Offline valleydude

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Re: So I have this friend
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2007, 10:20:02 PM »
I always like these little stories. I wasn't sure of which direction it was going until the end.

I have many Mexican friends here and they all seem to know what the gringas are about. I like the newly divorced gringas that are about 40 and go on these partying binges. The kill me.

On the other hand though... how many of these stories are because the guy is actually a puss? I'm not attacking or defending anyone, what made me think of this was the other night I was up late and watching that Carson Daly show. It caught my eye becasue Sofia Vergara was on there. Anyway, it was obvious that Carson was a total puss. I could see where she could walk all over him if she wanted. After seeing this and a couple of other recent examples it made me realise how much it is the guys fault as well. Not always, but I can see where it plays a big part.


Offline Christopher

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Re: So I have this friend
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 10:57:26 PM »
I always like these little stories. I wasn't sure of which direction it was going until the end.

I have many Mexican friends here and they all seem to know what the gringas are about. I like the newly divorced gringas that are about 40 and go on these partying binges. The kill me.

On the other hand though... how many of these stories are because the guy is actually a puss? I'm not attacking or defending anyone, what made me think of this was the other night I was up late and watching that Carson Daly show. It caught my eye becasue Sofia Vergara was on there. Anyway, it was obvious that Carson was a total puss. I could see where she could walk all over him if she wanted. After seeing this and a couple of other recent examples it made me realise how much it is the guys fault as well. Not always, but I can see where it plays a big part.


Women over 45 on partying binges.  Yeah.  Seen it.  Seen it.  Don't want to see it.


As for guys being wusses, or whatever, it takes two.  If a woman treats a man like crap, why is it the GUY'S fault?  This mentality I believe has contributed to the current crop of AW who feel that guys never will measure up and want the world on a silver platter.  It's always about them.

Re: So I have this friend
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2007, 10:57:26 PM »


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