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Author Topic: just stopping by  (Read 1724 times)

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Offline joemc58

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just stopping by
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:52:15 PM »
Hey Folks,
              long time no post, things are doing good for myself and wife. We will be going on 25 years
              this July.  A few weeks back I made a trip down to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. went to visit the folks
              And got to meet with Dave Hamilton over dinner at a local resturant.  He's doing good and seems
              happy in his life. 

Offline catz

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2007, 10:00:32 PM »

 A huge and hearty congratulations! 25 years! Wow! In 23 years I hope to be able to say the same!


Offline Bear

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 05:34:07 AM »
Hey Joe!

I divorced my 1st wife after 25 years and 4 months exactly of being married to her.  Paroled for good behavior on a life sentence. ;)  Gosh the wasted life ???. Making up for it now.

Glad to hear you did it right the 1st time.

The Bear Family

Re: just stopping by
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2007, 05:34:07 AM »

Offline Ray

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2007, 10:17:47 AM »
Hi Joe,

I'm glad to hear that all is well with you.

Dave H hasn't posted here for a while either. It's great that you guys got to meet up. I hope he didn't drop trou in the restaurant and show you that stupid G-string of his...  ;D


Offline Jeff S

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2007, 11:01:26 AM »
Hey Joe:
Good to see your post and glad to hear you and May are still doing well. Hang around a while. Haven't seen the other Uncle Fester around for a while either.

- Jeff

Offline Bear

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2007, 07:09:09 AM »

Where abouts are you now days?  Haven't heard you post much about family life?  Hows is your family doing?

I bought my wife a new Sony DSLR camera last weekend.  Honey is so happy.  I remember my old Army days stationed in Fuerth Germany when I purchased a Minolta 7S and took literally thousands pictures, even managed to catch shells coming out of our self-propelled 8" artillery pieces.  But I lost interest in photography when I dropped the camera from a cliff while mountain climbing.  Next camera I bough I dropped in the water while wading out about .5 mi from our resort on Northern Cebu Island while on our honeymoon.  Both just signaled to me that God doesn't want me to own a camera (that or I'm just a careless bum).

Honey takes an average of about 30-40 pics a day and makes digi-scraps.  She has done so well that the people I work with have been practically begging her to make some from them - for some reason she refuses?  Maybe she just doesn't have any confidence of how well she is doing with it.

The Bear Family

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2007, 02:25:49 PM »

We're still here in San Diego (North Tijuana). Here we have two main groups: (A) ILLEGAL aliens and (B) those who are completely fed up with ILLEGAL aliens  ;D

I don't post much personal stuff on line simply because there are some real A-holes out there in cyberspace.

The wife's been here for six years this month and got her U.S. passport two years ago. Now she has 3 cousins and 2 nieces living in the area and all married to American citizens, so she gets lots of opportunities to practice her Surigaonon language.

We just enjoy hanging out together every chance we get. Believe it or not, I even enjoy going shopping with her!    :o

That reminds me. We were at the mall the other day and I was sitting outside on a bench having a cup of joe while the wife was shopping in Victoria's Secret. A Muslim woman in full burka went inside Victoria's Secret and I almost choked on my coffee. The more I thought about it, the funnier it became. I always wondered what goes on under those burkas  ???


Offline joemc58

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2007, 03:15:31 PM »
Hey Ray and Jeff,
                     Old Dave is doing good, to meet him in person
              is like you have know him along time. A open, humorous
              person.  He has been busy lately with family and all.
              He has plans to leave Fort Lauderdale by the end of
              the year.  He's awaiting for his younger son, to graduate
              high school this year.  I don't blame him, it's worst than
              L.A.  down there,nobody speaks English.  I was walking
              the boardwalk in Hollywood beach,and the place is full
              of Canucks and Latins.

Offline Bear

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Re: just stopping by
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2007, 08:13:49 PM »

Honey refuses to learn to drive?! Makes me so mad cause its just a matter of time before it causes a real major problem.  So things like going shopping I have to do.  Takes all the fun out of it (is there any fun in shopping?)

Being here in Houston is like living in downtown Mexico City.  Half of everything you see or do is in spanish.  I just tell the advertisers, "You advertise for illegals and I stop shopping here".  Our governor ran on a hardline anti-illegal campaign and has already reneged on every word!  RINO!  That piece on Bush insisting Congress pass legislation allowing Mexican truckers full access to our roads has really started tempers flaring. We are one of the worlds largest ports.  Hard enough o deal with the illegals taking the jobs at salaries we can survive on but what if they move shipments south so cheaper truckers/shippers can use our roads (free of charge) to bring in imports?.  I'm just in shock that none of the jerks in office understand how PO we are.  I think I'd make the worst congressman ever but I'm actually thinking on running on an Anti-Illegal platform.  I might not be able to get anything passed but I know I can block more gimmes.  Like your own sweet Pelosi's new "give a $500 savings bond to all new borns - especially illegals" Bill.  Thats right! Don't go home illegals - more come in and have babies here we pay you for it!  One of our good congressmen in the state legislature killed a bill to teach everyone both english and spanish in our schools because of the high dropout rate?  What?  So illegals dropout and my child is going to be forced to learn Spanish and it will only cost me $48 million so I can teach illegals in their own language so they won't dropout of our schools where they shouldn't be in the first place!!!  Gosh!!! How in the world can anyone have to gaul to tell me that!  The whole thing is a redistribution of wealth from middle America to poor Mexico with the rich businesses raking it in the profits and government entrenching themselves by buying votes with our money. 

Man does this topic cause my eyes to bleed!

BTW, A few years back my wife attended a meeting at church where some moslem women agreed to join them and discuss their differences.  One of them clearly explained that although they were not allowed to expose themselves in public they still had the same  desires as western women, which includes looking attractive for their men at home.  My son's wife is quite attractive but I am not allowed to let anyone other than the immediate family see her face.

The Bear Family


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