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Author Topic: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You  (Read 18447 times)

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Offline Jamie

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #50 on: February 14, 2007, 02:04:06 PM »
"I've already stated mine. You are an agency owner, what are your thoughts?"
I provided my thoughts one has nothing to do with the other. You appear to think differently.

Good to hear you try to satisfy the client. And if you are not a dishonest agency owner, then you have nothing to be concerned about, right?

I have no concern regarding any issue of honesty but honesty without competency would be a concern you need both.

But again, if an agency owner is dishonest, according to your statement above it is the client's fault for that choice. Where does the agency's accountability factor in this equation?
On the other side of the coin.

Quote from: Jamie
I have never said an agency should not be held at fault for bad practices.
Once again, another contradiction. According to our previous discussion, show me where in the excerpt below that you believe a fraudulent agency is accountable.

You are being ridiculous you take a short excerpt and tell me to find something that is not mentioned in that short excerpt but which is mention in the discussion from which you take the excerpt. From the very first post I say, “Everyone still needs to be held accountable for their actions…” and I have repeated this and have never contradicted such.

It's also very disturbing and alarming you believe this statement as an agency owner.

Yes I do are you saying an agency owner can guarantee that you can meet a specific woman?

1) I see ladies on the site
2) I ask the owner if certain women are available
3) the owner check to see if there are available, (i.e, numbers work, are able to be contacted, in town, not dating another American, etc)
4) I pay to meet those ladies.
5) End of agency owner's duties and responsibilities.
Nothing wrong with that but how can he guarantee the woman actually shows up. He can’t can he? He can take some form of action afterwards but I can’t guarantte any woman is going to meet anyone even if the woman says she is going to me them. It is beyond my control to make this happen as well as any other owner or male client to make happen.

Let me give you a real life example. I want to buy a 2004 silver honda. I check a dealership's website, see one and call the dealership and ask if it is still available. The salesman say yes, please wire $10,000 and it will be there when you arrive. I travel to the dealership to pick up my car only to find there is not a 2004 silver honda on the lot as was stated on the dealership website. Plus, the salesman does not want to refund my $ but offers a 2000 VW instead. Sound fair to everyone?

No, but your example does not tie to our discussion.

This sounds very defensive Jaime. If you are not a bad agency then why the concern?

How am I being defensive I am just repeating what you and some others have been saying and the twisted logic behind it.

As for my reasoning, I am finally seeing how futile it is to debate subjects with you.

Then I suggest added readings and mental exercises to get better.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

Offline rpcv

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #51 on: February 14, 2007, 02:58:14 PM »
On the other side of the coin.

I don't see how your response above Jaime answers my question. The question was, "But again, if an agency owner is dishonest, according to your statements it is the client's fault for that choice. Where does the agency's accountability factor in this equation?

You are being ridiculous you take a short excerpt and tell me to find something that is not mentioned in that short excerpt but which is mention in the discussion from which you take the excerpt.

That was my point. You didn't mention anything about an agency's accountability to their clients.   

Yes I do are you saying an agency owner can guarantee that you can meet a specific woman?

Yes, and you seem to think it's possible too as I have referenced this is from your site:
As a side note: I think this is an excellent service that you offer.

Individual Latina Introductions
We can set you up with selected introductions. Our rate for arranging the first introduction is $75. This includes up to one hour of translation time per lady if needed.

Select up to five Latin ladies (ranked by preference) you would like to meet. We will talk to each Latina. If all five decline the introduction you can continue to select alternatives until one Latin lady agrees to meet you. The $75 is for one Latina woman agreeing to meet you because she is interested in you. However, the initial effort requires time on our part and the first $75 is not refundable if no one agrees to meet you. However, this has never happened. Any further introductions with other Latin ladies after the first would be $35 per Colombian lady. You would not have to pay this in advance. You would pay after we tell you the Latina agrees to meet you and prior to us setting an appointment for you to meet her. We will arrange an introduction with the first positive response starting sequentially with your top choice.

Nothing wrong with that but how can he guarantee the woman actually shows up. He can’t can he? He can take some form of action afterwards but I can’t guarantte any woman is going to meet anyone even if the woman says she is going to me them. It is beyond my control to make this happen as well as any other owner or male client to make happen.

I didn't state that at all. I said that the lady/ies actually exist and are available.
No, but your example does not tie to our discussion..

It ties in perfectly.

How am I being defensive I am just repeating what you and some others have been saying and the twisted logic behind it.

Exactly, you are not directly answering the majority of the questions posed to you.

Then I suggest added readings and mental exercises to get better..

Thanks for the suggestion and likewise I would suggest it would be helpful to you to take a refresher course in customer relations.


Offline Jamie

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2007, 04:28:04 PM »
I don't see how your response above Jaime answers my question.The question was, "But again, if an agency owner is dishonest, according to your statements it is the client's fault for that choice. Where does the agency's accountability factor in this equation?

Once again, they should be held accountable for that dishonesty and you should take whatever action you feel is necessary to meet your satisfaction.

That was my point. You didn't mention anything about an agency's accountability to their clients.
  It was not only mentioned but high lighted and put in front of you.

Yes, and you seem to think it's possible too as I have referenced this is from your site
I can’t guarantee he meets a specific woman. If a woman say yes and for whatever reason does not show to meet the man (an emergency had to go out of town) there is nothing I can do but have him try with someone else.

I didn't state that at all. I said that the lady/ies actually exist and are available.
The way you worded your example was the guy picks 12 and the agency delivers those 12. I agree with the rephrasing.
Exactly, you are not directly answering the majority of the questions posed to you.
I have answered every single question and some more than once. I would ask which one I did not answer buy that would be a question which of course would go unanswered.

Thanks for the suggestion and likewise I would suggest it would be helpful to you to take a refresher course in customer relations.
I practice live everyday.
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #52 on: February 14, 2007, 04:28:04 PM »

Offline tjay

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #53 on: February 14, 2007, 04:42:09 PM »
Your libertarian bent isn't flying around here, you do realize that our time is one of wide-spread irresponsbility, rampant self-victimization, endless blame and retribution seeking. the victim mentality is pervasive.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2007, 04:49:22 PM by tjay »

Offline william3rd

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #54 on: February 14, 2007, 05:22:29 PM »
Thanks, Dan-

What is the agency responsibility to the "client?" Well, what is the client PAYING for? If no pay, then no obligation at all. Freebie guys get what they pay for and are not even real clients for that matter.

General, an agency is warranting that a woman pictured on the website is there, is a member of the agency, and to the best of their knowledge is available and willing to meet/correspond with the foreign clients. And, whatever it is that they are saying on their website should have some basis in fact.

In addition, women that are scamming, prostituting, or gold digging should be removed as soon as the incidents are confirmed.

For guys that are paying. . . .

Is it for intros? Easy enough. . .  Guy pays to meet girl, girl comes to meet. End of obligation.

Is it for addresses? Guy pays to contact girl. Agency provides current contact information for girl. Girl decides whether she wants to communicate further. So long as contact information is correct, no further obligations

Where the problems may arise is in ancillary services- Isnt that where the real problem lies? What are the customers getting for their money. What does the website say and what do the communications with the agency state?

Personally, I am glad that I dont operate an agency. What a collossal pain in the derriere. . . . .

Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #55 on: February 14, 2007, 05:57:53 PM »
Personally, I am glad that I dont operate an agency. What a collossal pain in the derriere. . . . .

i think you are correct. there a lot of costs that go into it that gringos don't realize. I suppose with website optimization, agencies can get top placement in the search engines but paid placement on google/yahoo is expensive. The big guys like AFA and maybe TLC do well, for others it is probably not much income by US standards after expenses.
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline Jamie

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #56 on: February 14, 2007, 07:37:52 PM »
you do realize that our time is one of wide-spread irresponsbility, rampant self-victimization, endless blame and retribution seeking. the victim mentality is pervasive.
… and growing
Engage the Exotic - Latin Women

Offline rpcv

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #57 on: February 15, 2007, 06:52:06 AM »

What is the agency responsibility to the "client?" Well, what is the client PAYING for? 
General, an agency is warranting that a woman pictured on the website is there, is a member of the agency, and to the best of their knowledge is available and willing to meet/correspond with the foreign clients. And, whatever it is that they are saying on their website should have some basis in fact.

In addition, women that are scamming, prostituting, or gold digging should be removed as soon as the incidents are confirmed.

Well Said William! :)

Offline rpcv

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2007, 06:59:51 AM »
I have answered every single question and some more than once. I would ask which one I did not answer buy that would be a question which of course would go unanswered.

No, you do not answer every question. That fact is clearly obvious to anyone and should be to you if you read these threads. To sit here and type out again those questions that you did not address is a waste of time because we already know you are not going to answer them based on your M.O.

I practice live everyday.

Yes, in your mind I'm sure you do.

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2007, 07:03:19 AM »
Ray, i will take that gun now and go shoot myself...3 days of jamieathon, no mas no mas
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline flipflop

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #60 on: February 15, 2007, 07:58:05 AM »
I thought I said that the agency owner doing as little as possible was the American way, William misunderstood my point. It would seem obvious that a contract between an American and a Colombian would be problematic.

I think papi hates flipflop... "to funny"

And its nice to see Jamie has changed his attitude to a more customer friendly tone.

LOL! I think Flip did Flop on that one...too funny.

A lot of what Jamie says I have heard from other colombians. A few guys were a tad displeased with me when I pointed out the situation in Central America, even though it is quite common knowledge to anyone that has spent time there. Nothing to get so worked up about

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #61 on: February 15, 2007, 11:37:14 AM »
papi does not hate Flip or Flop....
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2007, 07:32:39 PM »
I'd say it's a person who is upfront about the services his or her agency offers, believes they are responsible for providing those services and understands the concept of GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE.

I guess I'm easy to please.

All I ask of an agency is that they introduce me to the women that I want to meet in a timely manner. Some do it better than others but as long as they do it who really cares about anything else.

I already feel special so it doesn't do much for me if someone bends over and kisses my ass. hehehe !!!

Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2007, 07:32:39 PM »

Offline Malandro

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2007, 11:38:18 PM »
people who are looking for satisfaction from agencies will forever remain disappointed.

declarations such as these are beyond comprehension:  "Is it for intros? Easy enough. . .  Guy pays to meet girl, girl comes to meet. End of obligation"

there is no obligation whatsoever for the girl to come and meet you.  the agency has no ability to enforce attendance.   get that through your minds and join amigos for $10 bucks rather than a $1000 agency fee. 

Offline william3rd

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2007, 04:01:02 AM »
Whether you like it or not, that IS the agency obligation on an introduction. Boy asks to meet girl, girl shows up and agency gets their money. End of obligation.

Does that clarification help you?
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline rpcv

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2007, 10:08:01 AM »
people who are looking for satisfaction from agencies will forever remain disappointed.

Then why have agencies at all? ??? The point was that everyone has his or her responsibilities to uphold.

get that through your minds and join amigos for $10 bucks rather than a $1000 agency fee. 

I'll pass on both of these options.

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2007, 01:01:14 PM »
get that through your minds and join amigos for $10 bucks rather than a $1000 agency fee. 

forget amigos! that dog don't hunt. but there is gold online. RPCV..give it a try...tell them papi sent you. you just might be surprised.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 01:26:44 PM by Dan »
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline Malandro

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2007, 10:31:01 PM »
I rest my case:

"people who are looking for satisfaction from agencies will forever remain disappointed."

to point out the obvious, it is clear that some here are not satisfied with agency services.  what to do????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Offline william3rd

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2007, 10:38:21 PM »
You can "Go Native". . . . .
Wild Bill Livingston, Esq.

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2007, 10:41:30 PM »
agencies/tours serve a purpose:

1. managing citas
2. a place to stay
3. hand holding
4. database of gringo motivated chicas
5. gringo camaraderie
6. concierge type services
7. amenities, laundry, internet, etc.
8. advice
9. translation
10. airport pickup
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport

Offline Malandro

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2007, 10:59:35 PM »
you can go native and live in Colombia or elsewhere in latin america which is an attractive option.

1.  managing citas is an unwanted "purpose".

2. apartment rentals are a more attractive option to stay.

3.   holding hands is not as good as screwing.

4.  gringo motivated chicas I accept.  Although there are multitudes of non-agency chicas interested in gringos.

5. I've met some good people in the scene for sure.  That definitely includes papi.

6.  there is really only one type of service I am truly interested in.

7.  some apartments have the amenities you described.

8.  advice.   ha!!!!

9.  translation, not here but my services are available for a price

10.  airport pickup.  inconsequential

Offline papi

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Re: Responsibility is on the Agency Owner, Woman or You
« Reply #71 on: February 19, 2007, 12:07:21 AM »
1.  managing citas is an unwanted "purpose".  more like a backup plan

2. apartment rentals are a more attractive option to stay. CC has nice digs

3.   holding hands is not as good as screwing. nor is a cheek kiss

4.  gringo motivated chicas I accept.  Although there are multitudes of non-agency chicas interested in gringos. true

5. I've met some good people in the scene for sure.  That definitely includes papi. dont tell that to the enemigos

6.  there is really only one type of service I am truly interested in. we are on the same page on this matter

7.  some apartments have the amenities you described. agreed

8.  advice.   ha!!!! i always ask for it but seldom take it

9.  translation, not here but my services are available for a price  thanks for the offer

10.  airport pickup.  inconsequential  unless you get jacked and end up with only your boxers sin pasaporte
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 12:10:31 AM by papi »
Red Bull may give you wings, but if Flakes could fly - BAQ is in fact an airport


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